Tag: politics



      True Story: the first time I visited Brooklyn, it disgusted me.   I have a sharp, distinct memory of walking past industrial spaces hemmed in with barbed-wire fences, topped with stringy… wet… flapping… dirty… plastic bags. Tattered and tangled inextricably around the foreboding spiked fences. I don’t remember the neighborhood — Williamsburg? DUMBO? Park Slope? —…

  • Get Me Outta This Dystopia…Take Me Back To Jersey Shore

    Get Me Outta This Dystopia…Take Me Back To Jersey Shore

      If you ever wondered whether “my generation” would someday look back on the Jersey Shore days with fondness and nostalgia, then I can answer, YES.   Jersey Shore premiered on December 3rd, 2009. Like, feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it? That’s just the illusion caused by the nonstop onslaught of horrifying news that leaves us feeling hopeless about…

  • Good News! I’m back from California, and I brought the sunshine with me (as well as some rocks)!

    Good News! I’m back from California, and I brought the sunshine with me (as well as some rocks)!

    Wow. So, yeah. I was in California and it was so nice, we stayed an extra day! No, actually, we missed our flight home, but that’s another blog/story. Point is, we made it back to NYC in time to see The Skin of our Teeth at Theatre For A New Audience, because I helped work on the…

  • GOOD NEWS! Snowflakes for the WIN!

    GOOD NEWS! Snowflakes for the WIN!

    Hey hey hey as I write this for tomorrow I have just found out that the 9th Circuit court D-nied that fuckin’ stupid immigration ban! Suuuuuuuck it, LIBERALS WIN! Speaking of SNOWFLAKES, we got a shit-ton of snow on Thursday (as in TODAY, as we’ve already established that I am writing this the night beforehand),…

  • When The Bachelor 21.5 Stops Being Escapist Fun And Starts Becoming A Metaphor For America’s Almost-Certain Doom

    When The Bachelor 21.5 Stops Being Escapist Fun And Starts Becoming A Metaphor For America’s Almost-Certain Doom

    The Bachelor used to be my escapism. Used to be. Maybe it’s just the greige-colored glasses I’ve been wearing since Jan. 20th, but this week’s episode just reminded me constantly that we — America — are totally, royally, hopelessly fucked. Let’s look at this season of The Bachelor so far as a parable for America:   America, like The…

  • The Official February 2017 “What Will Trump Fuck Up Next?” BINGO Card

    The Official February 2017 “What Will Trump Fuck Up Next?” BINGO Card

    Twelve days. TWELVE DAYS! It’s been twelve fucking days and while we can’t say that the world is literally on fire, we can’t assume that it won’t start burning tomorrow. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like every waking second is like a slap in the face of all that I hold dear! It’s like I’ve…

  • Post-Debate Hangover

    Post-Debate Hangover

    DID YOU WATCH THE DEBATE LAST NIGHT???   I am so glad that I did.   I was planning to watch it even though I was afraid, like I used to be of Nip/Tuck. I knew I was going to be disgusted, but I couldn’t miss the surreal drama. Except this isn’t DRAMA, it’s like, America’s future?…

  • 5 Things You Need To Get Over Already

    5 Things You Need To Get Over Already

    I get it, I get it, we like to yak. We like to gripe, we like to complain, and we LOVE to air our grievances. Sure, most of the time, there’s stuff to be pissed about: global warming, homophobes, dress codes, TRUMP. But henceforth, I declare an absolute kibosh on complaining about the following 5…

  • Carrie’s Side

    Carrie’s Side

    Mom: “Hi Carrie, how was school today?” Carrie:  “Fine.  We drew pictures of our families…but I’m worried about my friend Cindy.” Mom:  Oh?  Why is that? Carrie: “Well, it was Tyler’s birthday today, so his dad brought in cupcakes, but Cindy couldn’t have any.  She had to sit in the nurse’s office until after we…

  • Millennials


    Me in 1987, full Millennial mode. Wearing a tiara like the princess I *think* I am. Typical entitled Millennial. My name is Meghan.  I was born in 1984.  I am a Millennial. I grew up reading Goosebumps books on the swing set in my suburban backyard, watching Chris Farley on Saturday Night Live on a…

  • Where Have All The (Gay) (Space) Cowboys Gone?

    Where Have All The (Gay) (Space) Cowboys Gone?

    I wanna do an experiment. Raise your hands if you love science fiction and identify as LGBTQ+ OH DAMN that’s a lot of hands!  Put ’em down, you’re makin me slap-nervous.  Okay, hands down, we can all agree that LGBTQ+ people exist, and that we definitely enjoy all manner of things, including sci-fi, so then……

  • #WomenNotObjects ALMOST Gets It Right

    #WomenNotObjects ALMOST Gets It Right

    Participation ribbon time:  You had me until the 2:08 mark, #WomenNotObjects. This video appealing (to men, ostensibly) to treat women as more than objects means well and almost gets it right – until it (HERE WE GO AGAIN) reminds the viewer (men, ostensibly) that “I am your…“ in order to get their message across. This…

  • Introducing: the Femternet!

    Introducing: the Femternet!

    Ladies, ladies, ladies!  Tired of logging on to the Internet for personal, educational or professional use only to be inundated by the following ‘minor’ annoyances?: mansplaining unwanted sexual advances targeted harassment from complete strangers death threats doxing having to move your family because of doxing losing your job over targeted online harassment sexual harassment unsolicited…

  • No Mo’ “Hoes”

    No Mo’ “Hoes”

    Source: lesmis.com Whore, Prostitute, Skank, Ho’Bag, Tramp, Hooker, Lady of the Evening, Hussy, Ho. Can we seriously just stop?When I was 13, I thought being a prostitute would be the coolest job ever.  I had just learned what a prostitute was by listening to the soundtrack for Les Miserables (Fantiiiine! Lovely Ladies!) and I thought…

  • 2015 in Review: Third Quarter

    2015 in Review: Third Quarter

      JULY Living With Roommates vs. A SigOth (7/9/15): “When you live with a roommate, you are a constant thorn in their side.  Your dishes.  Your dirty tennis shoes.  Your noisy breathing!  To your roommate, you are a necessary evil they literally must  live with because they can’t afford the rent on their own.” If…

  • 25 Pet Peeves

    25 Pet Peeves

    Oh, boy, did I unload here!  Let’s get to it:  Darling Stewie (that’s her blog name and me being jocundly affectionate) posted a list of 25 Pet Peeves as a “Doggy Bag” post!  So I drank two Frangelicos, lit some incense, and purged my 25 biggest pet peeves out into this disasterpiece.  It’s dark!  Political! …

  • Guys and Dolls: Feminism and the Moschino Barbie Ad

    Guys and Dolls: Feminism and the Moschino Barbie Ad

    Remember this Barbie commercial, which came out in October?  You know, the totally inspirational one with the feminist message?: No, not the one where grown adults laughed at little girls acting as though they could be anything they wanted to be. I’m talking about this one!: Why?  Because the first Barbie ad focuses on girls. …



    Loathe as I am to even grant this video more views than it already has, I watched it yesterday through my fingers, with all the lights on, covering my mouth in advance of the vomit I felt rising in my throat.  It’s less than six minutes long, but it’s the scariest horror movie you’re going…

  • VLOG!!!  “What’s Wrong With Telling Women To Smile?”

    VLOG!!! “What’s Wrong With Telling Women To Smile?”

    I will never stop being amazed at people who don’t understand why it’s not okay to tell women to smile.  So, I decided to take it to the video, and break it down for you!  And them!  And the world!  Ooooooh-kay, so you’re probably asking yourself, “What IS wrong with telling women to smile?”  I…

  • My Turn-Ons Include…

    My Turn-Ons Include…

    So the BIG NEWS this week is that Playboy won’t be printing images of naked women in their magazine anymore!!  I’ll give you a minute to digest that news (and to read the article behind the link) because I know that it is JUST SO SHOCKING you’ll need a second.  Are we all up to…