Category: Uncategorized

  • Where’ve ya been ?!?!

    Hey! Long time, no see! But seriously… It’s September, rainy, there’s a chill in the air, it’s SPOOKY SEASON. No better time for a 🧟‍♂️ zombie story – so why not bring this old blog back from the dead, huh? Well, let’s catch you up. First off… COVID! Huh?? HUH?!!! No, I haven’t been locked…

  • I Recommend Pinterest

    I Recommend Pinterest

    I*ll admit it: my favorite hobby is scrolling.   Scrolling through my phone! Scrolling on my laptop! I am a Millennial, after all. I came of age with Social Media. I was among the first generation of teenagers who were addicted to it – of course, then we only had MySpace, message boards, and AOL…

  • Rice – a – Rona

    Rice – a – Rona

      I don*t even know how it got here, but once it arrived, there seemed to be no getting rid of it.   Last week half a bag of jasmine rice showed up in my food cupboard. And by *food cupboard* I of course am referring to the 1/2 of the shelf below the microwave…

  • Things That Ought To Be Pumpkin Spice Flavored But Somehow Aren’t Yet? Get On This, People!

    Things That Ought To Be Pumpkin Spice Flavored But Somehow Aren’t Yet? Get On This, People!

      We are now firmly in October, which puts us at the peak of Pumpkin Spice Season. In case you don’t already know, “Pumpkin Spice” is made up of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and everything left that is pure and good in this doomed and depressing world. 🙂   Naysayers will say, in addition to “nay,”…

  • Wanted: Instagram Bae

    Wanted: Instagram Bae

      Many, many months ago, my former therapist asked me to make a list of qualities that I want in a hypothetical future partner. Many, many months ago, the list looked a lot like this: “1. some ? one ? who ? won’t ? hurt ? me ???…” But it’s been many, many months since then, and I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided that…

  • Vanguard of Fashion w/ my Hair in the Clouds

    Vanguard of Fashion w/ my Hair in the Clouds

      It’s happened AGAIN!!!   Dear Readers, it is with utmost humility that I inform you that yours truly is Trendsetter Numero Uno, that’s right, I MAKE THE TRENDS. I was wearing overalls before they were cool. I’ve had bangs my WHOLE LIFE* so take that, Zooey Deschanel!! And now, I’ve resurrected that most unlikely of hair accessory: the scrunchie.  …

  • Dress For…?

    Dress For…?

      Who do you dress for?   So it’s often assumed (by men) that women dress for men. When straight men feel like they can comment on how you look or what you’re wearing, it’s just another reminder that in (Straight) Man-O-Vision, everything exists to be pleasing to them. Or, if it is not, pleasing to them that is,…

  • GOOD NEWS! I Survived Burning Man… AGAIN! But For Real, This Time

    GOOD NEWS! I Survived Burning Man… AGAIN! But For Real, This Time

      I’m Baaaaaaaaa-aaaack! And only the *teensiest* bit jetlagged. Okay, so maybe my eyes are watering and I’m falling asleep sitting up at 6:30pm, because I (as I type this) just flew in on a redeye flight, and boy are my eyes red! That’s the way the joke goes, right? Not only am I BACK,…

  • I Feel Pretty, Or Maybe Not

    I Feel Pretty, Or Maybe Not

      After cooking dinner for my grandma and sipping on rosé, we (my mother, my grandma, and I) rushed from the table to meet my aunt, uncle, and cousins at our favorite mini golf spot. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slathered on some pink lipgloss and   who knows? Maybe it was…

  • I Was Wrong About QALO Rings, And I Can Say So

    I Was Wrong About QALO Rings, And I Can Say So

    I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong, but only when I’ve convinced me that I’m wrong.   So when I first heard about these QALO rings, I did a spit-take. This commercial ran as one of my ads on Hulu and my gut reaction to it was, well, not very generous of my spirit. “What the fuck kinda bullshit crap…

  • Good News 4/20 Edition

    Good News 4/20 Edition

    Eerrrrrrrffffffff you guys. This week has been realllllly rough, in such a vague way, I can’t even explain it! You know that I spent Sunday (and a bit of Monday) throwing up and not being able to eat anything and having a terrible headache. Tuesday I tried to re-dye my hair and failed! It just…

  • My (One) One-Night Stand

    My (One) One-Night Stand

    I think one of the most amazing things about a NEW YEAR is the temptation to revisit and reflect on our pasts. As much as I still believe Time is a construct, like “virginity” and “breakfast” (feel free to quote me), I’ve done some re-reading of my own blog. It’s part nostalgia and part research: as I…

  • #GreySweatpantsChallenge Showed Me That I *Can* Still Feel Joy

    #GreySweatpantsChallenge Showed Me That I *Can* Still Feel Joy

    So I realized that, like, this whole month of posts has been angry and sad. Like, alternating: angry, sad, angry, sad. Sometimes you’d get angry, with a bonus of sad! Upon self- and blog-reflection, I became worried. Worried that I’d become a jaded, angry person who would never find the sun again. That I was…

  • Why Blog Today?

    Why Blog Today?

    Well, what the fuck do we do now? We do the best we can. Only harder. This isn’t me “returning to life as usual,” this is me refusing to be robbed of every last shred of my humanity. Oh, to be fucking sure, I have lost a lot in this election. My faith in rationality, my trust in…

  • Greetings from Burning Man, Sort Of

      Hello, Internet Friends! As you read this, I’m in Reno, Nevada, preparing for my second Burning Man! Now, I want to apologize for my blog. I recently moved from Blogger to WordPress and then all of a sudden, everything went kerflooey! I can’t upload images. So, rather than schedule a bunch of sub-standard posts…

  • Brought To You By…

    Brought To You By…

    You guys, I miss blogs.  Like, I really miss blogs. You know that awful Twitter chat question: “What made you start blogging teehee lol?”  BLOGS.  Blogs made me start blogging.  Blogs opened my eyes to something human beyond myself, something real and sympathetic and extraordinary in the everyday banal realities of life.  A voyeuristic window…

  • Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Playing Shitty Music Out Loud — look at everybody else’s ears.  What do you see?  Those are called “headphones.”  People wear them in public.  If you’re wearing headphones and I can still hear your music, then you need to re-evaluate your life.  Seriously. Spitting — yo are you brushing your teeth on the D train…

  • Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Summer:  “Which of my pretty pretty dresses should I wear today?” *five minutes later*  “Ok, I’m ready!” Fall:  “I can pull off this sundress!  I’ll just put a sweater over it.  And some jeans under it.  And a down coat.  I’m still tan from summer, so you can hardly tell that my extremities are turning…

  • I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word:  “CRAZY”

    I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word: “CRAZY”

    I won’t even say “crazy” to my therapist.  Not just because it’s an ableist slur (we’ll get to that) but because I know she’s going to ask me “What do you mean by that?”  She knows that word is bullshit.  And now you will too. When someone describes something as “crazy, for lack of a…

  • Quickies!  vol. 2

    Quickies! vol. 2

    Too long to tweet, too short for a full blog post, it’s Quickies! Happy Day of everybody watching Trump & waiting for him to peel off his ugly face & reveal that he was Joaquin Phoenix all along #AprilFools — Meghan Sara Karre (@MeghanSaraK) April 1, 2016 How to write the perfect dating app bio:…