Where Have All The (Gay) (Space) Cowboys Gone?

I wanna do an experiment.

Raise your hands if you love science fiction and identify as LGBTQ+

OH DAMN that’s a lot of hands!  Put ’em down, you’re makin me slap-nervous.  Okay, hands down, we can all agree that LGBTQ+ people exist, and that we definitely enjoy all manner of things, including sci-fi, so then…


Look, I’ve been around the universe of Sci-Fi (or SyFy, as they’re calling it now), and I’m calling BULLSHIT, Science Fiction! 

I’m calling BULLSHIT because you expect us to believe in Reavers, Cylons, Time Lords, and Sharknadoes…but you don’t believe in gay people?   

If there is a gay character, the fans have to make it so: either in slash fiction or by pestering the creators.  J.K. Rowling, looking at you!

But what really pisses me off are the “No Homo” Faux-Lesbians.  Ladies, you know exactly who I mean.  The female characters drawn as tough and butch and just when you start to identify with them, WHAM!  That character sleeps with a man.  Starbuck, can you hear me?!  Usually many men, to prove She Is Not Gay.  Look, I’m not suggesting all space lesbians need to fit into that short-haired, tough-as-nails Tasha Yar stereotype, but is it too much to ask that they could exist at all?

Okay, now everybody, RAISE YOUR HANDS AGAIN!  Writers, producers, idea-people!  This is your audience.  We’re tired of searching the farthest reaches of the galaxy for characters just like us.  It’s 2016.  Stretch your ample imaginations and put some LGBTQ+ characters in your shows!  I mean really.  Isn’t it time to boldly go where no man in science fiction has gone before? …on a date with another man.


4 responses to “Where Have All The (Gay) (Space) Cowboys Gone?”

  1. lol I love this, there is no reason to not have LGBTQ representation in sci fi. The only one that comes to mind as far as shows is Cosima, and that is not nearly enough.

    1. I hear that Sense8 is very open-minded and approaches LGBT characters under a lens of absolute normalcy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Wachowski sisters are at the helm of that project, which HELL YES! It saddens me whenever I hear that diverse stories can't be told because they can't be sold. Strides are being made, but SO SLOWLY.

  2. I ship it! I'd be super happy with the ladies/fellas/strange space creatures at least being bi, I just wish they had a chance. THIS is why I love Futurama. I feel like in future space people will/would be a lot more open about such things. I completely agree that there needs to be more representation. Sci-fi geeks come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, abilities, etc. When I think of the possibilities I think how boring some of these shows seem in comparison.

    1. Oh my gosh. Thank you! Everything is so heteronormative! Futurama really is quite advanced when it comes to this! One thing I love about the show is that it actually is quite future-minded: thinking about robots and religion, for instance. I love the lens that Futurama puts on our culture, that said, no gay characters there either!!! ARGH!

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