Tag: photos



    New Yorkers are known for being three things: rich sexy cynical Okay, so two out of three ain’t bad (and FYI, I’m broke as hell).  So when this huuuuuuge snowstorm was predicted, I figured it was all hype.  I didn’t think it would really happen, and as such, I didn’t bother to prepare for it.…

  • Joshua Tree National Park, California

    Joshua Tree National Park, California

      You down with OPV, Other People’s Vacations?  I hope so, because you’re about to get photo-dumped!  I’ve just flown back from California and BOY are my arms tired!  We stayed in a dome that was decorated like the Brady Bunch vacation hideaway – swinging 60’s baby!  Like Austin Powers’ dome-away-from-dome.  I love the desert. …

  • 2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    What the hell is this post, a shameless plug for my Instagram?  On the one hand, yes definitely.  On the other hand, I’ve felt an Instagram rant has been long overdue from me and I want to get my feelings out there and see what you think.  But first, the ‘grams: 1.  My top ‘gram…

  • Rainy Sunday Morning Update

    Rainy Sunday Morning Update

    First off, thanks for all your kind comments, tweets, and (mom) concerned texts about my cold – can’t say I’m 100% yet, but I feel like I’m sloooooowly getting better! Aside from work and doctor’s visits, I’ve been laying pretty low at home, but I had my first social venture of the New Year last…

  • New York City is FULL of Surprises!

    New York City is FULL of Surprises!

    I want to believe that New York City is like a wilderness: you can mark the trees, study your paths, and still be surprised to discover new things all the time.  Brooklyn certainly feels that way!  Yesterday, though, I discovered new areas of Manhattan that showed me there is still much to explore and be…

  • What Was Your First Drink?

    What Was Your First Drink?

    When you were a toddler, your parents might have slipped you sips of beer, or let you taste the champagne at a wedding, but I want to know:  what was your first “real” alcoholic beverage like?  How old were you?  Did you like it? I was a few months shy of my 21st birthday (therefore…

  • Staged Photos on Social Media

    Staged Photos on Social Media

    Dear Blogging Community, It has come to my attention that several members of our social media circle have been accused of staging photos.  I, for one, am shocked.  As you can see from my unstaged, unfiltered reaction photo above.  That’s real life, people!  Excuse me, I’m so rattled, I need to go for a walk…

  • What’s Your Go-To Pose?

    What’s Your Go-To Pose?

    When someone aims a camera at you, you have to ACT FAST!  What do you do when the shutter’s on YOU?  Peace sign?  Duckface?  Maybe Duck-and-run-for-cover?  Put your hand in your hair and look down at the ground? Looking back at photos from my college years, it’s clear that I thought my best look was…

  • Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    I knew I’d be suffering from 5 Fandom Friday withdrawal today, and it just didn’t feel right not to post a list of things I love on a Friday.  SO!  Inspired by so many other awesome “My Favourite Instagram Accounts To Follow” posts, I thought I’d share some Insta-love for my favourite follows! feminist_tinder  is…

  • My Haunted House

    My Haunted House

    I’ve shared some info here about my Greenpoint apartment, but did you know it’s haunted??? YES!  By which I mean the previous tenants left some pretty wild stuff behind.  Like the painted skull head on the glass cabinet door.  Really, who does that, even?  How long has it even been there?  WOAH!  Open what?  Skulls?  Okay,…

  • Immobile Bar

    Immobile Bar

    The group I camped with at Burning Man has – get ready – a mobile bar!!  Yeah, it’s a small bar, on wheels, that can roll up to parties and supplement the existing bar with more drinks.  Don’t you know that Burning Man is basically a week-long 24/7 open bar party?  Oh boy do I…

  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dust Storms

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dust Storms

    Dust storms at Burning Man.  Apparently, this year was rife with ’em.  Pesky, unscheduled, seemingly never-ending dust storms.  Don’t we look thrilled.  I alluded to some dust storms in the previous posts COCONUT + RUM + POLAROID and Tutu Tuesday, but those were minor, rapidly dissipating storms.  No, the one I’m about to tell you…

  • Tutu Tuesday

    Tutu Tuesday

    Don’t look so shocked, darling!  Why, EVERYONE knows that Tuesday at Burning Man is TUTU TUESDAY!  Don’t know how it started, don’t know why, don’t care.  Just know that I stuffed a massive tulle skirt into my suitcase strapped down with rubber bands, puffed it out, and pranced around the playa all day on Tutu…

  • Greenpointing


    My new neighbourhood is the greatest!  I’m so excited to be a Brooklyner, especially in such a quaint, adorable part of town.  Over the past weekend, I had the chance to explore and photograph just a small handful of places around town (and dine at them).  No better way to beat the heat than with…

  • Bringing Up Baby…Cacti

    Bringing Up Baby…Cacti

    One of the things I was most looking forward to in my new Brooklyn apartment was using the big windows with lots of light to raise an indoor farm of plants!  Well, maybe not a whole farm, but I have quite the lot of greenery going down on the kitchen windowsill at the moment.  My…

  • New York Transit Museum

    New York Transit Museum

    This post is SO belated but a million years ago, my boyfriend and I and his friends from work went to the New York Transit Museum!  Which is conveniently located betwixt our respective workplaces, in “downtown Brooklyn,” whatever that means (NOTE:  I seriously do not know what that means. If you’re an “old stuff” junkie…

  • Jiminy Crickets!!

    Jiminy Crickets!!

    To most of us in the 20’s-30’s age range, weekends are a time to do stupid stuff.  Stupid, weird, bonkers, ill-advised stuff.  We go wild!  Like, really wild!  Like, eating bugs wild! Well, don’t you? It all started with a conversation between my boyfriend and his roommate about eating bugs.  No stranger to bug-eating, my…

  • Buffalo Botanic Garden

    Buffalo Botanic Garden

    I took so many pictures in Buffalo for Easter that I’m still dumping them out, can you believe it?  The weather is still crappy as hell out here so I’m living for flower shows and Botanic Gardens.  We had a little time to go sightseeing in Buffalo and since the wind was out-of-control freezing, I…

  • Easter Vacation Recap

    Easter Vacation Recap

    “Nothing in moderation” is my motto.  So when I had the chance to head upstate for Easter, I made sure to visit four towns in three days.  You’ve already seen my Owego and Corning, NY photos!  The majority of the trip was spent in the ‘burbs of Buffalo, NY, visiting family all over the area.…

  • Small Town Charm:  Owego & Corning, NY

    Small Town Charm: Owego & Corning, NY

    When you live in The Biggest City On Earth (well, at least The Most Important Big City On Earth), sometimes it’s nice to get away from it all.  That’s why Brooklyn exists!  J/K Brooklyn, you know I love ya, betch.  So when I go upstate to visit family, I always insist on stopping in my…