Tag: photos

  • I Have A Crush…

    I Have A Crush…

    Ever since I first watched West Side Story as a young girl, I knew I wanted to live in Manhattan.  I thought that was the place for me, and in my heart, I yearned to be at the center of the Big Apple. And then, I started getting to know Brooklyn.  I feel so dirty…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fangirl Out!

    5 Fandom Friday: Fangirl Out!

    Five Times I Totally Fangirled 1.  Alan Cumming  when I was 19 years old, I worked at the Target on Reno Blvd. One afternoon Sunday shift, customers kept remarking to me offhand that a famous person was in the store.  Being a local star of the stage, I assumed they meant me.  However, it soon…

  • Macy’s Flower Show 2015: Art in Bloom

    Macy’s Flower Show 2015: Art in Bloom

    On yet another grey Saturday in March, I woke up and declared to my still-uncaffeinated boyfriend, “I need to see some flowers.” Behold, the Macy’s 2015 Flower Show.  The perfect antidote for chilly, drizzly days!  Fight the crowds to feast your pupils on bright colours and awesome installations!  This year’s theme was “Art in Bloom”. …

  • Street Harassment Selfie

    Street Harassment Selfie

    To everyone who actually buys that myth that looking “too hot” and walking alone late at night on the street is the reason women get harassed:  below is a picture I snapped of mysself less than 50 feet from where, on Sunday, March 22nd at 5:57pm, a strange man brushed himself against my arm as…

  • Here Comes The Sun

    Here Comes The Sun

    I am a July baby, that’s for sure.  I think I actually hibernate during the winters, until my true self can come out at the first sign of Light Jacket Weather.  Which is exactly what we’re starting to have up here in the frozen tundra New York City.   After the winter we’ve had, it’s…

  • Adventures in Boston!

    Adventures in Boston!

    Over my school break, my boyfriend and I drove up to BOSTON for a weekend!  I’ve never been, but often said I want to visit!  (Side note:  apparently I did visit as a child, but was too young to remember.  Gotcha on that one, Mom!) You would not believe the hotel we stayed at.  Right…

  • Sunday Stealing + MY 1500th POST!!

    Sunday Stealing + MY 1500th POST!!

    HELLO, 1500th POST!Bonjour, Sunday Stealers!  Welcome to my 1500th post!  Why, just yesterday, I had hit my 936th post and now here we are! I’m just tickled pink and red and lacy and chocolatey that I’ve made it this far and still going strong!I can’t believe I’ve actually accomplished something so big and monumental as…

  • Happy Valentimes!

    Happy Valentimes!

    Happy Valentimes Day, lovers. To those who celebrate, and those who scoff! If you were my bae, I would take you on a romantic sunset stroll through Central Park tonight. And we’d take pictures like this – oooh! Awwwwww! And I’d tell you, for the millionth time, how underrated the park is.  Yep, underrated. And…

  • #tbt Glasses

    #tbt Glasses

    Right now you’re probably asking, “Why is that dog wearing glasses?” Well, he needs them to read. Charlie had always worn glasses.  Touche, bitches. A year ago tomorrow, Charlie passed away at home.He was the smartest, best dog – best friend – one could ask for.  If a dog could read, it would be Charlie. …

  • Drunk Furniture

    Drunk Furniture

    Have you seen the hot trending topic “Drunk Furniture” ?  Basically, you find old furniture thrown out at the curb and give it a caption like it’s drunk. THIS IS THE FUNNEST GAME EVER. Now, whenever I see ratty old gross furniture chucked out on the sidewalk, I don’t think about the bedbugs that most…

  • Miss Turnstiles

    Miss Turnstiles

    There’s a rule in New York City that when you look your worst, the coolest things will happen to you.  Awww, yeah, like that.  That’s super hot.  Not winning any beauty competitions like that, I’m surely not. Anyway, on this, the morning after two great parties (clearly!), taking an F train uptown when this antique…

  • 2014 Year in Review

    2014 Year in Review

    Um it felt so weird to write “2014” because I guess I still haven’t caught up to the fact that it’s 2014 yet and it’s almost 2015 which is insane for me to even think about which only proves I need this post because where has the time gone?  Hopefully this will help me remember:…

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    There’s always room for improvement!  And while I’ve been mostly pleased with my commitment to my blog this year, I have some clear ideas of how to improve it for next year: 1.  MOAR PICTURES  I’ve been pretty lax about picture-taking in general, and I love looking at other blogs with juicy pictures of REAL…

  • Thanksgiving Recap!

    Thanksgiving Recap!

    I am way late in the game talking about my Thanksgiving adventures but here we go – I went upstate to spend the big day with my boyfriend’s parents, then dragged him down to Binghamton to meet my parents…and drink a ton of Scotch. Oh, to be fair, we didn’t just drink Scotch!  I drank…

  • #tbt The Gothic Renaissance

    #tbt The Gothic Renaissance

    Kids say the darnedest things. I’m in my second week working at the school and already I’ve heard some amazing and truly terrifying conversation happening around me.  But perhaps the funniest thing came from one of my students who, upon noticing my predilection for dressing all in black and my fondness for skulls, recently asked…

  • #tbt First Day of School

    #tbt First Day of School

    Oh man such cuteness…the last time I was adorable.  So check me out in this photo looking so fresh and professional back in my early days of schooling.  Well, big surprise – I’m going BACK to school TOMORROW!  Only this time, I’ll be on the other side of the desk…sort of.  I’m working my way…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart

    5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart

    Five Fandom Friday has been going on for over a month now thanks to The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick.  This week we’re talking about our top five smartphone apps…I expect to see some good recommendations here! 1.  Instagram  I think the first app I downloaded when I got my phone as a Christmas present like…

  • #tbt  The Closet Costume

    #tbt The Closet Costume

    Ahhh, the art of the Closet Costume – a Halloween costume pulled together last-minute out of things you already own in your closet.  This photo wasn’t taken last week, it was taken twenty (eep!)ish years ago.  I was a hippie for Halloween that year (proof that some things never change?) and my costume was essentially…

  • #tbt Happy Birthday, Old Diane

    #tbt Happy Birthday, Old Diane

    In 2006, when I was a lowly transfer student at Binghamton University, a tall handsome ginger approached me in Watters Lobby and…asked me when I knew about AIDS lesions. That handsome ginger would go on to become one of my very best friends.  Seriously though, isn’t he HOT??? Well, TOO BAD, because this guy’s got…