Bringing Up Baby…Cacti

One of the things I was most looking forward to in my new Brooklyn apartment was using the big windows with lots of light to raise an indoor farm of plants!  Well, maybe not a whole farm, but I have quite the lot of greenery going down on the kitchen windowsill at the moment.  My littlest babiez and the ones I’m most proud of are my cactus babies!

A million years ago, my mom bought me this tiny cactus terrarium kit at the Dollar Tree.  I finally got around to putting it together a little over a week ago and imagine my surprise when, in exactly five days, I saw these little buds poking up!

I can’t wait to see them grow and take over!  I hope they become big and strong and resist my attempts to smother them with loooooove!  A cactus, I have learned, does not enjoy the smothering so much.  Follow along on Instagram for the continuing adventures of my cactus buds!


One response to “Bringing Up Baby…Cacti”

  1. OMG I bought a cactus too!! I'm so attached to it. They're so cute!!!

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