Tag: cute

  • GOOD NEWS it’s Friday the 13th in the Year of the Apocalypse so nothing else worse can happen, right?

    GOOD NEWS it’s Friday the 13th in the Year of the Apocalypse so nothing else worse can happen, right?

      Ah yes it’s true, as Jenelle Evans once eloquently stated, “Nothing else worse can happen, mom.” Which is, I guess, kind of a good way to go through the first Friday the 13th of 2017? Like, we survived 2016, which was the year we thought was gonna be fine but then we realized we were…

  • The Remorseful Dog Models of Amazon

    The Remorseful Dog Models of Amazon

    This is Chester’s face when the photographer suggests they can “slim him down in post.” Asshole. Snookums has done some rough shit to get her career off the ground. She can’t even look you in the eye. Baby’s momager told him they were going out for ice cream. No, it’s another damn photoshoot. Christ, mom.…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Other People’s Puppies

    5 Fandom Friday: Other People’s Puppies

    Rules were made to be broken, nerds!  Since I missed last week because I was, you know, up at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, turning 31, I decided to backtrack this week and cover last week’s topic.  And do it a little differently.  Basically, today I’m going to tell you about my favourite…

  • Rice to Riches

    Rice to Riches

    After hearing nothing but AMAZING things on the internetz about Rice to Riches in Soho, I finally had the chance to check it out last weekend!!  And it is everything you could dream of and more!Their signage boasted many flavours.  But I was still shocked to see so many flavours available and guess what?  All…

  • Bringing Up Baby…Cacti

    Bringing Up Baby…Cacti

    One of the things I was most looking forward to in my new Brooklyn apartment was using the big windows with lots of light to raise an indoor farm of plants!  Well, maybe not a whole farm, but I have quite the lot of greenery going down on the kitchen windowsill at the moment.  My…

  • Easter Vacation Recap

    Easter Vacation Recap

    “Nothing in moderation” is my motto.  So when I had the chance to head upstate for Easter, I made sure to visit four towns in three days.  You’ve already seen my Owego and Corning, NY photos!  The majority of the trip was spent in the ‘burbs of Buffalo, NY, visiting family all over the area.…

  • Girls With Slingshots

    Girls With Slingshots

    Curse me now, thank me later:  Danielle Corsetto’s engaging webcomic Girls With Slingshots just wrapped up after ten years.  Ten years!  Over a thousand strips for your obsessive pleasure.  Once you get comfortable clicking your way through the archives, you’ll be addicted to your screen.  Curse me now, thank me later. It would be impossible…

  • Update On The Teacher Life

    Update On The Teacher Life

    For when you realize that not only is this job paying you a pittance, but it’s actually costing you more money to work than not. So I’m still teaching and I’m still toughing out 55-hour work weeks at the rate of, depending on overtime, less than $5 an hour and thanks to a tax screw-up,…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: GIANT Peruvian Inca Corn

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: GIANT Peruvian Inca Corn

    Trader Joe’s GIANT Peruvian Inca Corn Tastes Like:  trying to put a name to this flavor was a real head-scratcher.  My roommate said they taste like corn Pops, only salty instead of sweet.  They have a kernally crunch to them, though, that’s hard to describe.  They’re hard at the inside, flaky on the outside, and…

  • We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl #35 – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to…

  • The Time I Wore A Snake

    The Time I Wore A Snake

    Like, I’m always bragging about how New York City is magical and any given night can turn into an amazing adventure and blah blah blah and I think sometimes people roll their eyes and assume that “New York City is a constant adventure!” is just something we tell ourselves to justify paying more on rent…

  • Currently…in July 2014

    Currently…in July 2014

    FEELING:  Dotty and dopey and dripping with dandyness!  Sunny days are here at last and I’m making the most of it, stretching my legs on the sidewalks and giving flight to my fancies.  I’m taking strolls and seeing sights so sweet it’s like my heart could burst.  WATCHING: Monday Night is still Hulu night as…

  • Charlie


    Our beloved family pet of fifteen, no, twenty, no, maybe forty?  years, Charlie a.k.a. Snooty Nose nee Master Charlemagne McTavish is in very poor health.  So we’re all very upset because we all love Charlie.  Everyone loves Charlie!  You love Charlie!  You just didn’t know it yet. Charlie is, without a doubt, the smartest dog. …

  • Currently…in September 2013

    Currently…in September 2013

    New bang trim…what do we think??? Feeling:  EXCITED!  Fall is my favourite season!  I adore Halloween.  New York Comic Con is just around the corner.  And I count the days until my first Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks! Watching:  Classic Doctor Who.  I keep returning to it because it has such heart and so much…

  • Charlie


    Are you guys ready to be shocked by something horrible? I found this old photo when I went back home to visit last month: Holy crap, who is that? Yup, it’s me.  Me and Charlie, partying like it’s 1999. I think that photograph actually was taken in 1999! Old Charlie is the family dog, and…

  • Done da-Done Done DONE!!!

    Done da-Done Done DONE!!!

    Okay, I spent Saturday getting my tattoo finished and eating candy and napping.  Not a terrible way to spend a heat wave. Here’s the first pic – snapped by my fantastic artist Becca Roach just minutes minutes after finishing the task!  Like, “Sit up, have a look, let’s take a picture HEY let’s go outside!” …

  • A Star Is Born – or The Thing I’ll Keep Forever

    A Star Is Born – or The Thing I’ll Keep Forever

    One of the topics that came up in therapy for me was my fear of making decisions.  It’s easier to back down to a safe place and go with the flow than it is to strike out and take a chance, if that chance holds unknown circumstances.  The story of my little star is that…

  • Think Pink

    Think Pink

    I have already come out of the My Little Pony closet, but today I reach a little further in to bring out something a bit embarassing – the love I have for Pinkie Pie. Look at them crazy eyes.  That there’s True Love. If you’re familiar with the show, you’ll understand when I say that…

  • My Little Confession

    My Little Confession

    I’m just going to come right out and say it:  I love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Some of you already know of this phenomenon.  I myself once scoffed.  It’s been a while since I’ve watched any cartoons that weren’t as trippy and terrifying as Akira.  But anything is worth a try, right?  And…

  • A Peek At… Target in East Harlem

    A Peek At… Target in East Harlem

    Target here in New York City is not like Target in the rest of the country.  Suburban Target is well-stocked, classy, and clean.  From past experiences in Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, I can tell you that this is not the case here. Then I heard a rumour about a Target in East Harlem that…