We Have To Talk About Batgirl

I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to say I’m with the latter camp, even though I have some strong feelings…

Friend who hated it couldn’t get over Babs in her undies in this scene.  I can see both sides:  yes, it’s gratuitous underwear shots, she could just as easily have been wearing ratty sweatpants when she awoke from her slumber!  On the other hand, this is pretty much the reality of roommates.

This scene totally captured my heart.  The way Babs is drawn, the detail on the barista (plugs and moustache and neck tattoo?  sooooo Brooklyn), even SAILOR MOON on her laptop in the background!  This might be my favourite panel of the issue.

Ugh.  And this was my least favourite.  I know she’s going undercover to catch a bad guy, but OUCH.  I’m hoping that’s the intention:  to make the reader cringe.  Barbara Gordon, you have sunk so low. 

Overall, I thought the art was charming, the story was interesting, the way the issue was laid out was clever and speedy and fun and I’m excited to read more.  What does everybody else think?


5 responses to “We Have To Talk About Batgirl”

  1. I think with the 1st panel, it's pretty normal. Everyone sleeps in different clothing, or hey, no clothing. Would it be any different if she tossed on a robe? Not really. I do love the art though, I just haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. The new style is what actually even put it on my radar.

  2. I fell in love with this Batgirl. It seem so realistic on how life is for twenty-something year olds,except for being a superhero at night. I understand why Barbara wrote that silly intro about, if you want to catch a guy that stole your electronics; you got to grab his attention with what he would like.
    I wish I had enough to get the one coming out on Wednesday…man…..

  3. I loved the art and the new Batgirl suit, but there were some moments that annoyed me. She is 21 right now though, so I have to remember that is the youth experience.

  4. I love the new Batgirl suit, and I was certainly captivated by this new Batgirl. She seemed very relatable and normal. I definitely think the dating profile was meant to make the reader cringe–at least that's how I read it–but I think I'm gonna have to read a few more issues before I can officially decide if I'm a fan or not.

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