Done da-Done Done DONE!!!

Okay, I spent Saturday getting my tattoo finished and eating candy and napping.  Not a terrible way to spend a heat wave.

Here’s the first pic – snapped by my fantastic artist Becca Roach just minutes minutes after finishing the task!  Like, “Sit up, have a look, let’s take a picture HEY let’s go outside!”  The face I’m making is a combination of “Gee, it’s awkward to be posing on E 7th Street in front of all the world,” “Oh boy it’s hot outside,” and “AHHHH MY SKIN IS ON FIRE AHHHHH!”

Then after an hourlong train ordeal (ORDEAL, I tell you!), I made it back home and spent my lazy Saturday sitting around, eating my stockpile of candy, occasionally cleaning, reading The Scarlet Pimpernel (I’m at such an exciting part!) and taking a brief nap!

Finally I had to give the new baby its bath, and it was not as bad as it usually was!  Despite lots of bruising, it’s not as sore and painful as I was anticipating!  Oh, it’s not AWESOME, but it’s not terrible.  I’m so excited to feel complete!!!


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