Currently…in September 2013

New bang trim…what do we think???

Feeling:  EXCITED!  Fall is my favourite season!  I adore Halloween.  New York Comic Con is just around the corner.  And I count the days until my first Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks!

WatchingClassic Doctor Who.  I keep returning to it because it has such heart and so much charm.  Yeah, the effects are laughable, but that’s part of the fun!  It’s campy good fun and it has subtle sweetness.  I like that it doesn’t hit you over the head with a lot of CGI or complicated plot twists.  It has red herrings, drama, and clever writing.  What’s more, I keep falling in love with the characters for their complex subtext!

Reading:  As per tradition, the September issue of Vogue magazine.  It’s the only magazine I look forward to reading every year, and boy, do I ever.  It makes me feel cosmopolitan and very New York.  I love fashion as a form of expression, and yeah, Fashion Week is coming up too!

Thinking about:  Some kind of plant I can keep.  All of my attempts at cactus-rearing have proved disastrous.  There just isn’t enough light in my apartment.  Or maybe I’m over-watering them?  I have started a love affair with flowers.  Gladiolus and Spider Mums, to be precise.  I’d love a really easy-to-care-for flower that likes a lot of shade and is forgiving about watering.

Eating:  Soon, very soon, you will see the rise of the Mellowcreme Pumpkin.  You know what I’m talking about.  I’ll have to do a whole post about these lovely darlings.  I found some in the back room at work, ready to hit the shelves for Halloween, and it’s all I can think about.  Biting the green tops off, then squishing their sweet, soft, saccharine squash-shape between my teeth.  Everything about Mellowcreme Pumpkins is perfection.  THEY ARE ADORABLE.  THEY SMELL AMAZING.  And they taste like childhood, innocence, and hope.  YES I LOVE MELLOWCREME PUMPKINS.  Deal with it.  GET YOUR OWN BAG.

Looking forward to:  participating in Blogtember with Jenni at Story of my Life!  Jenni is the evil genius behind Blog Every Day in May.  Her prompts were interesting and different, and she has a link-up so you can share.  She’s just awesome.  I’ve already started!  Thanks, Jenni!

And, of course, as we all know, New York Comic Con is just a month away!  My 3-Day Pass arrived just the other night and I’m getting butterflies!

Making me happy:  Halloween decorations going up at work!  Halloween shit in stores!  Halloween candy!  Orange and black and spooky and costumes everywhere!  Halloween is my favourite holiday.  It’s fun and macabre and everything I adore!  It’s edgy and crazy and wild!  Do those adjectives remind you of anyone???  It’s also a great excuse to watch bad horror movies and eat candy.  Halloween was made for me!  And I was made for Halloween!

Blast from the past:

Currently…in August
Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


4 responses to “Currently…in September 2013”

  1. I LOVE AUTUMN THE MOST TOO!! I can't WAIT for October, with its Halloween, and my birthday 🙂

    And we are heading to Idaho in 2 days, you'd better believe we'll be eating those candy pumpkins!!


    1. Enjoy your vacation AND the pumpkins, ladies!

  2. Are you in costume for ComicCon?

    1. I'm doing kind of a silly play on Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor Who. I'm going as Sexy TOm Baker, like how girls do "Sexy Nurse"? "Sexy Doctor Who." I have already made a replica of his infamous scarf, it's only ten feet long, though. And I found a store in Greenwich Village that stocks Jelly Babies! I'll do costume one day, and probably just dress for comfort the other two.

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