Currently…in July 2014

Dotty and dopey and dripping with dandyness!  Sunny days are here at last and I’m making the most of it, stretching my legs on the sidewalks and giving flight to my fancies.  I’m taking strolls and seeing sights so sweet it’s like my heart could burst. 

WATCHING: Monday Night is still Hulu night as those episodes of Sailor Moon continue to roll out, slowly but surely.  It’s so hard to be patient when you get only two episodes at a time!  That’s just enough to whet one’s appetite for more adorable, empowering kawaii-ness!

LISTENING TO:  Pandora Radio – every cool place uses Pandora (I’ve asked): trendy restaurants, second-hand clothing stores, hair salons, tattoo parlors!  My two main stations lately are 90’s Pop and 70’s Rock.  One makes me feel like I’m in another era, the other makes me feel like I’m in high school again.  Guess which is which.  But guess wrong and I cut you.

READING:  I’ve been on a Heinlein kick since reading Job: A Comedy of Justice.  I totally grokked Stranger in a Strange Land last month and just started in on Time Enough for Love.  Nobody – but nobody – writes sassy banter like Heinlein.  I can’t recommend it enough!

Christmas presents already!  I’m not telling, but I hope everyone likes them!  I’ve also decided that my wardrobe needs more anklets, you know, for all those skirts I’m wearing and for when I kick up my heels and paint the town red.  So I’ve been making macrame anklets…WITH BELLS ON THEM! 

THINKING ABOUT:   Trying my hand at stand-up.  Every time I talk to a stranger – at work or a cashier/waiter-type person – I get asked if I’m a comedian.  Huh, maybe it’s worth a shot, at least to try it once.  I don’t have stage fright, that’s for sure!

EATING:  I bought a box of Edy’s Outshine Fruit and Veggie Bars on a lark a few weeks ago and they have become part of my daily routine.  I can only find the variety pack near me of tangerine carrot, blueberry medley, and strawberry rhubarb (my favourite!).
LOOKING FORWARD TO:  My annual trip to Binghamton/Buffalo to see family I haven’t seen in person in 6 months to a years’ time.  I can’t wait to relax, catch up, play games, and take a little – not needed but certainly not unappreciated – breather from bustling city life.  I’m excited to sit on the porch with dad for long chats, shop around town with mom, play cards with Grandma, and dance my butt off with my cousins but there had BETTER – mom, are you reading this?  There had BETTER be ONE EVENING of mini golf at Adventure Landing followed by a chocolate-vanilla twist at Anderson’s Custard or so help me I will cancel this bus ticket.  Okay, maybe not.  But I will pout if I don’t get rainbow sprinkles on my sneakers.

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Warmer weather means finally getting to wear all the cute outfits I bought in late spring!  Pushing the boundaries of my usual explorations further uptown, downtown, and eastward…even as far as (GASP!) BROOKLYN! 


Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February
Currently…in January


Currently…in December

Currently…in November
Currently…in October

Currently…in September
Currently…in August
Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


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