Category: art

  • Sex Criminals

    Sex Criminals

    I’ve heard so much about Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky’s Sex Criminals that it had been on my radar for a while.  When I finally got my copy of the vol. 1 trade, I was not disappointed.  In fact, I was completely blown away. If you’re unfamiliar, you’re probably thinking a million things right now. …

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Funko POP!

    5 Fandom Friday: Funko POP!

    I can only imagine collecting Funko POP! figures would be a very, very slippery slope for me.  For one thing, I have very limited storage-display space in my home.  For another thing, they’re all so cute!  This year, they’re rolling out figures of some of my favourite fandoms and I just can’t take the plunge…

  • Drunk Furniture

    Drunk Furniture

    Have you seen the hot trending topic “Drunk Furniture” ?  Basically, you find old furniture thrown out at the curb and give it a caption like it’s drunk. THIS IS THE FUNNEST GAME EVER. Now, whenever I see ratty old gross furniture chucked out on the sidewalk, I don’t think about the bedbugs that most…

  • Batgirl 38: Backsliding

    Batgirl 38: Backsliding

    Don’t be fooled by the shy, demure girl on the cover who’s apparently afraid to ride the subway.  In this issue, Batgirl does a complete 180 from badass to Bad Guy. But first, let’s talk about the good things. Even if it comes seemingly out of nowhere, Barbara Gordon’s sudden flirtation with celebrity is an…

  • Wonder Woman:  Rescue Angel

    Wonder Woman: Rescue Angel

    A friend recently tipped me off that issue #19 of Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman, “Rescue Angel part 1 of 1,” was right up my alley and not to be missed.  Wonder Woman?  Really?  I was quite sceptical, but this comic completely won me over by the end.  And by that I mean I cried.…

  • What's the Secret? Secret Six is Back!

    What's the Secret? Secret Six is Back!

    Yes, fan-favourite Secret Six has been rebooted.  What does this mean?  Well, seems that it means that all those characters you knew and loved and wanted to see more of are…. Gone.  That arc is done.  No more Deadshot, no more Scandal/Lianna, no more Bane, NO MORE RAGDOLL.  Wait, what?  Why bother bringing it back…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    I’m not like, 100% sure what a “fandom resolution” is yet, so I may be wayyy off base here in my list, but I’m also really excited to see how everyone else interpreted the prompt!  On with the Five! 1.  Watch more Classic Doctor Who (2, 3, and 5)  because I loooove me some Tom…

  • Currently…in January 2015

    Currently…in January 2015

    FEELING:  I’m currently in the middle of Winter Break from school and I could absolutely get used to this!  I can’t believe I’m sleeping in until after the sun rises (SO BRIGHT!). WATCHING:  I’m still working my way through recent seasons of Law & Order: SVU!  When I have time, I’d love to watch more…

  • Batgirl #37: Gaga for Banksy

    Batgirl #37: Gaga for Banksy

    I’m gonna say it, I think Batgirl #37 was the best Burnside Batgirl issue yet!  You know that saying, don’t judge a book by its cover?  That absolutely applies here.  The first few pages are definitely…a little off-putting.  Selfie!  Kawaii!  Poker face!  Erm, yeah, maybe not…  Not at first, anyway.  Then slowly, subtly, the issue…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    There’s always room for improvement!  And while I’ve been mostly pleased with my commitment to my blog this year, I have some clear ideas of how to improve it for next year: 1.  MOAR PICTURES  I’ve been pretty lax about picture-taking in general, and I love looking at other blogs with juicy pictures of REAL…

  • Batman: Endgame

    Batman: Endgame

    Confession:  I’m getting kind of tired of the Joker. I got through Death of the Family but just barely:  those rambling romantic Batman/Joker dialogues nearly lost me forever.  But when a friend tipped me off that Batman:  Endgame was going to be epic, I had to check it out.  My first impression was…not the best.…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    First, a word:  this is my hypothetical list.  I do not condone IN ANY WAY the further abuse of retail workers around the holidays by participating in “Black Friday” or worse, “Black Thursday,” wherein not even the holiday itself is sacred.  Not that it really ever was, but try to keep in mind that there…

  • Batgirl #36: So Close…

    Batgirl #36: So Close…

    Welcome to another installment of my conflicting feelings towards the newest run of Batgirl.  My feelings continue to be all over the map.  With issue #35, I had a strange apathy towards the comic.  I wasn’t sure whether or not to like it.  When I heard buzz that issue #36 was “even better,” I knew…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fictional Friendsgiving

    5 Fandom Friday: Fictional Friendsgiving

    1.  Hagrid  seems like he knows how to bring the party, huh?  I imagine he wouldn’t be the easiest party guest to have (possibly breaking chairs and all) but I don’t stand on formality. 2.  Ralph Dibney  might otherwise spend the holiday alone, what with the whole…Identity Crisis incidents and all.  If your heart doesn’t…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart

    5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart

    Five Fandom Friday has been going on for over a month now thanks to The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick.  This week we’re talking about our top five smartphone apps…I expect to see some good recommendations here! 1.  Instagram  I think the first app I downloaded when I got my phone as a Christmas present like…

  • We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl #35 – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to…

  • Currently…in November 2014

    Currently…in November 2014

    FEELING:  Some day, I won’t be stressed anymore.  I swear.  The last two weeks in October were a MESS of constant tours and work, and that seems to have carried over.  I’m constantly jumping through hoops and completely going out of my mind but all this is so much fun and so challenging, that it…

  • Sunday at NYCC

    Sunday at NYCC

    Sunday was my longest day so far at New York Comic Con, with the least photos to show for it!  I decided to try to throw together a last-minute costume and felt really cute doing this twee, hipster, gender-bent Fourth Doctor!  Saw the talking K-9 and couldn’t resist.  We made a smashing pair, isn’t that…

  • Saturday at NYCC 2014

    Saturday at NYCC 2014

    So on Saturday at NYCC 2014 my friend dressed up as Ragdoll from Secret Six.  I spent a good part of the day taking photographs of his awesome cosplay and of getting his mask signed by Gail Simone – who confirmed NEW SECRET SIX STARTING IN DECEMBER!  At least we have something to look forward…

  • Friday at NYCC 2014

    Friday at NYCC 2014

    Friday morning I was all set to get to NYCC2014 bright and early when disaster struck! A water main broke on my subway line – where’s Aquaman when you actually NEED him? – and I wound up missing the only panel I really wanted to see that day.  It took a while for the pieces…