Category: art

  • Currently… in October 2014

    Currently… in October 2014

    FEELING:  Optimistic.  Lucky.  Happy.  Things are going swell and I really can’t complain!  I’m a little busy, and kind of overwhelmed by that, but I like being busy!  Or so I keep telling myself! WATCHING:  NOTHING!  And I’m not even bothered one bit.  I have loads of Sailor Moon to catch up on when I…

  • #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    On January 19th, 2012, I took this photo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn: Pay CLOSE ATTENTION the goofy little robots in the bottom, holding up the carnation? I loved this photo and the robots and the flower SO MUCH that I made that photo my lock screen photo for the past, like, two and a half YEARS.…

  • One Hundred Demons

    One Hundred Demons

    Fear not!  One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry is not entirely scary!  It is sweet, insightful, revealing…and because of that, it is completely terrifying. Lynda Barry’s demons take the form of all of our fears and hopes gone awry.  I don’t want to spoil a single moment of this beautiful memoir-esque collection of tales, but…

  • Charles James:  Beyond Fashion at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Charles James: Beyond Fashion at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    I am not lying when I say that I was nearly moved to tears at the Charles James:  Beyond Fashion exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  When people say they are “stunned” by grandeur, this is precisely what they must be talking about.  The exhibit does not allow photos (which is okay because it’s…

  • Diggin’ on Degas

    Diggin’ on Degas

    My favourite collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is unquestionably the Degas pieces.  There’s a couple of rooms of sketches, statues, and paintings by the Impressionist master Edgar Degas just close enough to the rooms housing your big names – Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso – but secluded enough that you can stand almost uncomfortably…

  • Identity Crisis

    Identity Crisis

    So much is said about Identity Crisis when really, so little can be said without revealing major spoilers.  Let me introduce you to a couple of very special ladies.  First of all, meet Sue Dibny. Adoring wife to Ralph Dibny, The Elongated Man.  I’ll let you go ahead and stare at how beautiful that panel…

  • Hangin’ Tough at MoMA

    Hangin’ Tough at MoMA

    If you wanna survive UNIQLO Free Friday Night at the Museum of Modern Art, ya gotta be REAL tough.  I mean, the line wraps all the way to the end of the block – even in the rain!  So come early, stake out a spot, and don’t let nobody nudge aheada ya in line! Admission…

  • Batman:  Hush

    Batman: Hush

    Do you have that friend?  Of course you do.  That friend who can only ever talk about their boyfriend/girlfriend to the utter and complete exclusion of absolutely everything else? In Hush, that friend is Batman. Oh don’t give me “spoiler face,” this shit happens in like the first ten pages.  Get over yourself. Which is…

  • Day at the (Metropolitan) Museum (of Art)

    Day at the (Metropolitan) Museum (of Art)

    Finding myself alone and with no plans on a rainy Friday morning, I swallowed my pride and took myself on a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  I had a couple concerns going on a solo date to the museum: Concern #1:  That I would feel awkward being alone and not know what to…

  • French Milk

    French Milk

    A long time ago, somebody (so long ago that I forgot who!) recommended to me that I read French Milk by Lucy Knisley.  When I discovered how difficult it is to find, I crossed it off my to-do list until I stumbled across her website and fell in love with her archives.  I managed to…

  • Attack on Titan

    Attack on Titan

    Fair warning:  DO NOT start watching Attack on Titan if you have anything important happening in the next 24 hours.  Because that shit is just not going to happen. Now I finally understand why NYCC ’13 was overrun by cosplayers in white leggings with electrical tape detail and brown leather jackets.  It’s because Attack on…

  • Fake Geeks on the Internet

    Fake Geeks on the Internet

    First, they came for the Fake Geek Girls. A crazy uproar on the internet about girls “pretending” to like “geeky things” “for the attention.”  So many air-quotes, I may have accidentally rerouted planes from JFK.  And that’s because I have so many ragey feelings on the matter that I can’t keep my fingers still. Then,…

  • Currently…in May 2014

    Currently…in May 2014

    FEELING:  Overwhelmed and charmless.  I’m so tired of dealing with people.  People are stupid and aggravating!  I just want to be quiet and keep to myself.  I’m also exhausted and have a great, hacking cough that I can’t seem to shake.  WATCHING: Just as RuPaul’s Drag Race is winding down, a new season of Louie…

  • Batman: The Long Halloween

    Batman: The Long Halloween

    Sometimes when I’m reading a Batman book, a collection or graphic novel, it can feel like a Very Special Episode.  Where random villains show up for no apparent reason but to guest star for three or four pages and remind you that they do, in fact, exist.  “Why is the Mad Hatter here?  Oh, for…

  • Last Word

    Last Word

    I saw a post like this on Sometimes Sweet and thought it would be a nice way to get back into the swing of blogging by way of TALKING ABOUT ME.  Yeah, I’ve been busy.  I have other friends.  So what?  Here ya go. Last thing you cooked:   I don’t know if it counts as…

  • Batman: The Black Mirror

    Batman: The Black Mirror

    You guys you guys you guys!  This has been MY FAVOURITE Batman arc yet! Several things make it very unique: SPOILERS AHEAD! 1.  Dick Grayson is Batman (not your usual Bruce Wayne) 2.  There are several narrators:  Dick, Commissioner Gordon, even Harvey Bullock (for a couple of pages) 3.  The story covers a few different…

  • Currently… in April 2014

    Currently… in April 2014

    FEELING: I am working on healing.  I’m trying to eat better, and work through some personal issues that I’ve been having.  I’m trying to let go of a lot of my control issues, enjoy just “being”, and not worrying.   WATCHING: I just discovered Breaking Amish – talk about gripping!  I’m also enjoying the animated…

  • Drinking at the Movies

    Drinking at the Movies

    In the introduction to her book Drinking at the Movies, cartoonist Julia Wertz asserts that “the last thing New York needs is yet another ‘idealistic young’un moves to the big city and really gets put through the ringer before she beats the odds and makes it big!’ story.” WRONG. Drinking at the Movies is the…

  • Batman: Death of the Family

    Batman: Death of the Family

    AAAAHHHHH the infamous Batman:  Death of the Family !!!  As you can see from the cover of this hardbound collection, this is one intense and disgusting ride.  It has a dust-cover of a mask of the Joker’s face, covering the actual cover revealing all the viscera because, in case you didn’t know, the Joker has…

  • Black Hole

    Black Hole

    Since it is currently Will Eisner Week, I thought I’d let you guys in on a graphic novel that I just read that absolutely broke my heart: Set in the ’70s in suburban Seattle, Black Hole follows a group of teenagers navigating the tricky nuances of young love and romance during an outbreak of an…