5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart

Five Fandom Friday
has been going on for over a month now thanks to The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick.  This week we’re talking about our top five smartphone apps…I expect to see some good recommendations here!

1.  Instagram  I think the first app I downloaded when I got my phone as a Christmas present like three years ago was Instagram!  It was cool then, it’s still cool today!  And when there are millions of apps and new ones being made all the time, that kind of staying power means you’re a classic.  I love the idea of sharing just a photo – it’s like the Twitter bird, only a picture is definitely worth more than 140 characters.

2.  Blogger  and I have a complicated relationship.  This app allowed me to continue to blog even while I didn’t have a working computer for over a month!  It’s also easy and wonderful to blog on-the-go, when you have ideas on the fly, and to easily insert photos into blog posts without downloading from your phone.  However, it needs A LOT OF BARS to work and sometimes coaxing to upload or save drafts.  Bad internet connections can make you lose a post!  Ack!

3.  Pandora  is the reason I sleep at all.  I love music.  All kinds.  And I love being surprised.  So I love my many radio stations on Pandora!  During the colder months, the “holiday season,” I prefer my big band/swing/jazz standards station because it just seems to fit New York City in the wintertime…twinkling lights, chilly breezes and Ella Fitzgerald to welcome you home.

4.  Pinterest  this is one instance where I think the app is better than the mobile site!  It feels so easy to scroll and repin from the app – much easier than IRL (er, on a computer).  DON’T EVEN LIE and act like you don’t sometimes pull out your Pinterest when your date goes to the bathroom and start looking at scarves and cupcakes and blankets and shit DON’T EVEN LIE.  Because it’s everything we love about Pandora but with pictures.  Ahh.  Gratifying.

5.  DC Comics  I feel bad mentioning this one – a friend of mine downloaded his account onto my phone and now I have access to everything he reads…which includes EVERY BACK ISSUE of Secret Six!!!  My go-to on the train, if I can’t grab a seat and knit, is to grab some pole and flip through the comics.  I SWEAR I’M NOT A POD-PERSON, I’m still the same girl who vowed never to get an e-reader, reading BOOKS on a screen is a) sacrilege and b) physically unpleasant.  But reading COMICS is a whole other ball of wax and ALSO, it’s so easy to grab screen shots of what you love and post to INSTAGRAM (full circle, this post) to share the comics love!

October  3rd:  Gateway Fandoms That Made Me Who I Am Today

November 14th:  Smart Phone Apps I Cannot Live Without
November 21st:  Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast

November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For


3 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Get Smart”

  1. Nice list! Yay for a comic app!

  2. That's hilarious about the DC app. Oh well, your gain! 🙂

  3. I love the Pinterest app more than the website too! So fun to look through it! 🙂


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