Currently…in January 2015

I’m currently in the middle of Winter Break from school and I could absolutely get used to this!  I can’t believe I’m sleeping in until after the sun rises (SO BRIGHT!).
WATCHING:  I’m still working my way through recent seasons of Law & Order: SVU!  When I have time, I’d love to watch more Doctor Who and Sailor Moon – the classics, though, not the new crap!  Never the new crap, yelled the old codger.

LISTENING TO:  Bright upbeat dance music.  Fall is well and good for jazz, but when the winter doldrums set in, it’s time for Kylie Minogue and Garbage!
READING:  So much.  So very, very much!  As far as comics go, I’m still hanging on with Batman: Endgame (but mainly for the last few pages of each issue!), eagerly awaiting new Secret Six, and totally head over heels for Batgirl.  I’m also learning a lot of new skills for my job from How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will TalkAnd for light reading and commutes, Glory Road by Robert Heinlein.

WORKING ON:  Getting my life in order.  That doesn’t sound daunting, does it?  That means applying for health care, getting my finances straightened out, and navigating this new career path.  I’m also trying to finish many projects that I’ve started (hello, nearly completed poncho that just needs a couple rows of ribbing and binding off).  I also want to get more use out of my sewing machine, and I was thinking of making some cool projects while I have time off work!
THINKING ABOUT:  How to be amazing at my new job without going insane doing so.  Consumes my thoughts.  Seriously.

EATING:  Lots of GF cookies over the break, but in general, I’ve been experimenting with – are you ready for this? – cooking!  Here’s me cooking:  basically I put a tiny drop of oil in the skillet, spread it around with the spatula.  Then I crowd the pan with vegetables: brussels sprouts, kale, butternut squash, mushrooms, whatever.  I make it snow garlic salt on top til it’s a blizzard.  Then I cook them until they’re charred.  I like it, but it may not be for everyone.
LOOKING FORWARD TO:  I like Winter Break so much, now I can’t wait for Summer Vacation!  Just kidding, even worse – I’m excited for next year’s Comic Con, maybe going to Burning Man this year, and pretty much all the awesome new adventures 2015 has to offer!
MAKING ME HAPPY:  My super-long winter break from school.  Don’t get me wrong!  I love school!  I also love that I have a week to make banking transactions and go to the post office.  Also, daylight?  What is this?  I’m happy to have this time also to plan to be better for my students once the daily grind kicks back up againAnd I have great photos from my winter break at home to remind me of a fun holiday I spent visiting my family AND THIS PUPPY LOVE:

That’s our goofy-face selfie while waiting for everyone else to wake up on Christmas morning so we could open presents!  Somebody CLEARLY overestimated how good he’d been this year and expected to see muchos regalos under ye olde Christmas tree:

Now THAT is overly-hopeful puppy face if there ever was one!


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