Currently…in November 2014

FEELING:  Some day, I won’t be stressed anymore.  I swear.  The last two weeks in October were a MESS of constant tours and work, and that seems to have carried over.  I’m constantly jumping through hoops and completely going out of my mind but all this is so much fun and so challenging, that it makes me feel alive!
WATCHING:  I’m pleased to announce that I am all caught up with Sailor Moon now, despite suffering a whole week of broken heart before Sailor Moon R debuted on Hulu.  Now the girls are back to fighting evil by moonlight, and I’m waiting for them to start winning love by daylight!  I’ve also been watching lots of Bob’s Burgers and can’t wait for some good downtime to catch up on Doctor Who!  I’m making my way through the classics slowly but surely and I love Sarah Jane.  Her outfits, her faces, her temper!  I love it!
LISTENING TO:  When the weather turns chilly in NYC but before it’s acceptable for Christmas music (AFTER THANKSGIVING AT THE EARLIEST) I’m all about the Big Band.  Classic standards like Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong, peppered with Sinatra and good instrumentals.  WhenI’m feeling more cynical, I switch it over to my 90’s ladies – Fiona Apple, Liz Phair, and Garbage!
READING:  My friend hooked my phone up to his comiXology account and I’ve been re-reading Secret Six before it comes back next month!  I have a pile of books to catch up on as well – phew!

WORKING ON:  Preparing for an “audition” of sorts (which will be – phew! – over by the time this post publishes!) that could change the course of my life so NO BIG DEAL THERE. I honestly thought (HA!) that after Halloween (“Black Friday weekend” for ghost tour guides, trust me) my life would settle down – this excitement is all good, though!!!
THINKING ABOUT:  Growing my hair out…it’s healthier than it’s ever been, and up to my collarbone, and I’m not completely hating it.  Maybe I’ll see how long it will go.
EATING:  My home-made ice creams (seriously – flavor suggestions here!) and a lot of eggs.  I am attempting to pioneer something called the “Dirty Scramble” which is like an omelet except you accidentally destroy it when you flip it.  So it’s basically a whole lotta stuff in the pan (my favourite is 1/4 of a Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo, a heaping handful of broccoli florets diced tiny, and four eggs) all cooking up at the same time.  I’m also working towards perfecting the art of the fried egg, while simultaneously trying to determine how it metaphorically represents my life right now.
LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Big changes, and the holidays.  I don’t normally enjoy the holidays but this year feels different.  Nothing has changed, but maybe I’ve changed.  Granted, it’s November, and I’m not quite ready to put on the jingle bells yet, but it’s not bothering me as much as years past. 
MAKING ME HAPPY:  Knitting on the subway – it makes me feel so accomplished when something that helps me zone out and relax results in something that makes someone else happy!  Everyone I know is hitting me up to make them hats and scarves now.  Sometimes it’s easy to feel lost in the big city, to feel like you have nothing to offer, to feel like you’re not special.  Just the small thing I’m able to do (that’s really easy, actually) reminds me that I’m valuable and talented when I felt like I was losing myself in the shuffle.  Alllllso, homemade ice cream.


One response to “Currently…in November 2014”

  1. Your "dirty scramble" is my garbage plate: fried potatoes, eggs scrambled in the pan, cheese and something green — spinach, or broccoli…..All stir-fried. Not great presentation, but yummy!

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