2014 Year in Review

Um it felt so weird to write “2014” because I guess I still haven’t caught up to the fact that it’s 2014 yet and it’s almost 2015 which is insane for me to even think about which only proves I need this post because where has the time gone?  Hopefully this will help me remember:


things got hairy,
things got heavy,
and things got hairy-but-in-a-different-way


was comic
and very, very tragic


I fell down a Black Hole,
came out from under covers,
and went thrifting!


my computer died
so I caught up on some reading
hit the driving range
and tried to stay out of danger


found me feeling funky
so I tried to sleepwalk it off
by lending others a helping hand


I wandered around lots of gardens
lots of museums
and got lost in some good stories


saw some old dresses
read some new books
and turned – ugh – 30.


I went wireless,
bravely braved the wild,
and my blog turned 5 years old!


I got pierced
fell in baby love
and always depended upon the kindness of strangers


I baked some bugs
I froze some ice cream
and chilled at New York Comic Con!


I made a hat
I made lots more ice cream
and made a trip upstate for Thanksgiving!


I settled into my new job,
kept up an old tradition,
and made some resolutions!

And in case you were wondering:

2013:  Year in Review

2012:  Year in Review


3 responses to “2014 Year in Review”

  1. I am in LOVE with your hair! I hope you have a great 2015!

  2. See? The blonde streak DID get bigger!! Great year overall– wishing you only the best in 2015

    1. Ya caught me! The stripe got bigger – the first time I did it I was scared and only left the dye on for twenty minutes so it was blotchy and not all the way processed. It got lighter too, because I had to re-do it to fix it and that's when it got bigger 😉

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