#tbt The Closet Costume

Ahhh, the art of the Closet Costume – a Halloween costume pulled together last-minute out of things you already own in your closet.  This photo wasn’t taken last week, it was taken twenty (eep!)ish years ago.  I was a hippie for Halloween that year (proof that some things never change?) and my costume was essentially things my mother had owned and a giant skirt made out of tie-dyed fabric which I loved.  That big rainbow skirt would be totally appropriate for daily wear these days, I swear.

Many of my childhood Halloween costumes have turned into outfits I just wear regularly.  Like the time I donned a poodle skirt to match my two best friends at the sixth-grade Halloween dance (mine had a fluffy petticoat) and essentially wear large circle skirts all the time now?  And how about this photo from the year I went as a gypsy (GYPSY?  HIPPIE?  I spent my whole childhood waiting to grow up into Stevie Nicks):

LOOK AT MY EYESHADOW.  Don’t even try to tell me that my getup in this photo didn’t have a lasting impression on the way I make my face up today.  Let’s talk about that HEAD SCARF, okay?  That is SO ON TREND.  Notice the sweatshirts taking prime focus in both photos?  Halloween in upstate New York is so cold that one must always layer their costume over the requisite Hanes basic sweatsuit OR FREEZE TO DEATH.  So it has been foretold by the crystal ball.

Not even candy is worth that fate.

Okay, but only a king-sized Reese’s.


One response to “#tbt The Closet Costume”

  1. We were just talking about the year that you trick-or-treated as a hippie, and it snowed so hard — and all the wet feathers in your hair made you look like a drowning bird!

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