Happy Valentimes!

Happy Valentimes Day, lovers.

To those who celebrate, and those who scoff!

If you were my bae,

I would take you on a romantic sunset stroll through Central Park tonight.

And we’d take pictures like this – oooh!
And I’d tell you, for the millionth time, how underrated the park is. 

Yep, underrated.

And since we have the park to ourselves,
I’d probably try to snog you quick under the Bethesda Terrace. 
I do hope you don’t mind terribly.
Happy Valentimes Day, boo! 

To you, and you, and you!


One response to “Happy Valentimes!”

  1. Happy Valentine's to you, also. I print my blog out with blog2print. It makes a nice little book of about 200 pages every 4-6 months, depending on how much I've been posting. I think it's a good thing to have and it may well indeed be my only legacy one day. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog.

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