Tag: lists

  • Menstrual Cycling

    Menstrual Cycling

    “Isn’t it weird how your period transforms you into Wonder Woman?”  my friend texted as my uterine lining erupted out of me like hot magma out of Krakatoa. Wonder Woman?  Is everyone else’s menses making them super-strong and giving them invisible jets? That’s right, I’m talking about my period again!  I talk about my period…

  • Wedding Presents for New York Couples

    Wedding Presents for New York Couples

    It’s wedding season!  Which means not only are you going to have to figure out what to wear to an “elegant laid-back formal BBQ” reception, you’re also going to have to bring A GIFT.  New York City couples are notoriously hard to shop for because they have everything they need already, and no room for…

  • Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Playing Shitty Music Out Loud — look at everybody else’s ears.  What do you see?  Those are called “headphones.”  People wear them in public.  If you’re wearing headphones and I can still hear your music, then you need to re-evaluate your life.  Seriously. Spitting — yo are you brushing your teeth on the D train…

  • The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    Category is: Law & Order intro realness. Yes, they’ve all happened: 1.  The pounding bass line that’s keeping you from sleeping on a weeknight has gotten so irritating that you venture, bleary-eyed and pajama-clad, into the brightly lit hallway of your apartment building only to discover that the offending apartment, the Party Animals, the horrific…

  • 10 Signs You Might Be a Confused Introvert

    10 Signs You Might Be a Confused Introvert

    Are you an Extrovert?  If so, LEAVE THIS PLACE.  This is not for you. Great, now we got all the Introverts?  Guys, woah, ease up!  I’m not going to hurt you!  I am one of you!  Well, most of the time.  See, I think I might be a “Confused” Introvert.  And you might be one,…

  • What The Hell Are You Doing For Valentine’s Day?

    What The Hell Are You Doing For Valentine’s Day?

    Oh Shit, it’s not only SUNDAY, it’s also Valentine’s Day?  There is no fucking way you’re going to get a table at Five Leaves*, dude, not even if you sit at the bar.  Kiss your endive and salmon mousse-filled dreams goodbye (RIP endive salmon mousse, you were the stuff of my dreams). Okay so now…

  • Dear Santa…

    Dear Santa…

    Dear Santa: I don’t ask for much in the way of gifts and presents, because what I really want can’t sit under the tree with a shiny red bow on top.  Santa, if you think (as I do) that I’ve been good this year, I will be even better next year if you bring me…

  • 5 Best Holiday Gifts For The Man In Your Life

    5 Best Holiday Gifts For The Man In Your Life

    Sure, you could buy that special lad in your life a shiny expensive watch, but that’s so predictable.  A good gift is one they’ll use every day, that will remind him of you, and how he should never cheat with any of the way hotter girls from the gym because you’re “difficult”.  Your so-called “emotional…

  • OOPS! Accident Prone!

    OOPS! Accident Prone!

    ” A C C I D E N T   P R O N E “ If four syllables describe me better, I’ve yet to find them.  I’m the queen of accidental self-injury, breaking things, and ruining everything!  I’m Lucille Ball re-incarnate, down to the mournful wail of defeat.  Please refer to fig. A: A Brief…

  • The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 2

    The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 2

    For the 7th Christmas Freakout My True Love Gave to Me:  The I Just Want to See the Rockefeller Tree Without Getting Trampled By Tourists Freakout “Is the entire population of New Jersey AND Connecticut here ALL at the SAME TIME?  Who’s watching Long Island?!?  Hold my damn purse, I’m going to crowd-surf to the…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Holiday Recommendations

    5 Fandom Friday: Holiday Recommendations

    I’m going to be completely honest with you (like uh, when am I ever not?) and say, I have no idea what this prompt means, taken as a whole.  BUT, taken one piece at a time: “Holiday” and “Recommendations,” I gather it means “Tell People What To Do This Holiday.”  I love telling people what…

  • 5 Blogging Tips I Begrudgingly Like (Just Don’t Make A Big Thing Out Of It)

    5 Blogging Tips I Begrudgingly Like (Just Don’t Make A Big Thing Out Of It)

    If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking “guh! Not another pedantic blog about blogging!”  But come on, would I play you like that?  That’s how I feel every time someone tells me to “advertise my posts on Twitter and Instagram!” like, I know I’m old but I do know what a Twitter is.  Amidst the…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: 5 Reasons I’m Thankful for Blogging

    5 Fandom Friday: 5 Reasons I’m Thankful for Blogging

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday topic is “Fandoms You’re Thankful For” but the only fandom community I could think of was this one:  The Blogging Community.  We have our inside jokes, our struggles, our cliches, and our unique culture.  I knew I wanted to write a Thanksgiving post about the wonderful love and support this…

  • How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    Haters, to the left!  It seems there are some people out there who never learned how to politely disagree with other human beings!  And now that the Internet has made us a Global Community, people are able to voice their opinions out loud and proud for everyone to hear! Sadly, this also means that the…

  • Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    I knew I’d be suffering from 5 Fandom Friday withdrawal today, and it just didn’t feel right not to post a list of things I love on a Friday.  SO!  Inspired by so many other awesome “My Favourite Instagram Accounts To Follow” posts, I thought I’d share some Insta-love for my favourite follows! feminist_tinder  is…

  • Graveyard of Dead Blogger Cliches

    Graveyard of Dead Blogger Cliches

    Hang around the blogging community long enough and you will become familiar with its clichés.  Like, remember that year we were all obsessed with chevron?  EVERYTHING had to be chevron – blog banners, blog backgrounds, EXPECIALLY blog buttons!  Why, you just weren’t a serious blogger if you sported plain horizontal stripes – they had to…

  • Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    I always say, it’s summer in New York until THE SECOND it becomes winter and then it’s winter until THE SECOND it becomes summer.  When did winter happen, you ask?  Winter happened overnight on October 1st.  Which is cool!  I can appreciate you, winter, for being organized and arriving on your own schedule!  And hey,…

  • How to Ruin Comic Con

    How to Ruin Comic Con

    So many helpful articles on the Internet already exist to tell you how to SURVIVE a comic convention, how to GET THE MOST OUT OF a comic convention, blah blah blah.  I was going to write that article but damn, it’s already been done did-ed already!  So instead, in the interest of humor, let’s take…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Girls Just Wanna Have Pumpkin!

    5 Fandom Friday: Girls Just Wanna Have Pumpkin!

    It’s that time of year!  Time for Pumpkin Everything.  Ornamental gourds?  CHECK.  Coffee-flavoured beverages?  CHECK.  Grab your nearest infinity scarf and strap on those black leggings, it’s time to go pumpkin picking!  Not real pumpkins, hello, what do you think this is, Long Island?  Aw.  Hell.  Naw.  This is Brooklyn, not to be confused with…

  • Brooklyn’s Best Bloody Marys

    Brooklyn’s Best Bloody Marys

    If your 20’s are all about mimosas, then your 30’s are the decade you finally appreciate the boldness of the Bloody Mary.  Clearly the more sophisticated of the brunch cocktails, the best ones come with a kick and so much garnish you can’t even find your straw.  If you’re brunching down Brooklyn-way, consider these spots…