Tag: lists

  • Aspects of Burning Man That Terrify Me But Oops, Too Late Now

    Aspects of Burning Man That Terrify Me But Oops, Too Late Now

    ATTENTION PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE.  By the time you read this, I will have been living out of a tent for five days, caked in alkaline dust, and peeing in Port-A-Potties exclusively (if I’m lucky): FEAR NOT!  I’m not writing this missive from a past alternate dimension to prevent the apocalypse from happening (though if…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Not Of This World…

    5 Fandom Friday: Not Of This World…

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday features our Five Favourite Aliens!  Kick it up to Warp Speed and join me, The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick and hashtag #5FANDOMFRIDAY and #FANDOM5 with your 5 favourite aliens – self included! 1.  THE DOCTOR  in all his various incarnations.  I think my favourite has to be Tom…

  • Five Times I Was The Coolest Teacher

    Five Times I Was The Coolest Teacher

    Now that the school year is coming to an end, I feel like a soldier surrendering.  Well, I tried.  Well, it’s over.  I feel like a failure, but there are students who brightened my outlook by sharing the times they enjoyed in my yearbook.  You know, there were times when I actually kind of nailed…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  RIDES RIDES RIDES

    5 Fandom Friday: RIDES RIDES RIDES

    I LOVE RIDES.  I LOVE RIDES.  I LOVE RIDES.  I love getting in line all cocky, totally sure of yourself, trying to show off for your friends how cool and brave you are and then feeling, as the coaster goes up, that you are certainly going to die and this was a horrible mistake and…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Black Magic Woman

    5 Fandom Friday: Black Magic Woman

    This week’s prompt is “5 Magical Items I Would Love to Own.”  I’m not actually sure what that even means.  Are these items that contain magic?  Is this asking about Magic: The Gathering?  I’m not sure.  So here’s me answering the prompt to the best of my ability: 1.  Salt Lamp  someone – okay, it…

  • Sunday Stealing:  The ” I ” Meme

    Sunday Stealing: The ” I ” Meme

    This Sunday Stealing is all about ME!!  So here’s a picture of me, in case I forget what I look like: Nice.  Anyway!  On with the stealing! I am… ready. I want… chocolate pretty much all the time. I have… coffee in the morning and tea at night. I wish…  I knew the ending of…

  • Sunday Stealing: That One Thing…

    Sunday Stealing: That One Thing…

    That one thing… That makes you smile: Puppies falling down.  I’m sorry.  It’s the truth. That makes you cry: I cry at reality television.  I am that pathetic.  Extreme Makeover:  Home Edition always got me in the feels. That you love to do on the weekends: It’s my only chance to sleep.  I love staying…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I LOVE WINTER!

    5 Fandom Friday: I LOVE WINTER!

    Okay so I can’t say anything about the weather this winter so far in NYC because if I say something, I’ll jinx it.  Suffice to say, it’s been an pretty decent winter up in here and I ain’t exactly complaining about it.  So I might as well throw NYC some props for being cool during…

  • 2014 Year in Review

    2014 Year in Review

    Um it felt so weird to write “2014” because I guess I still haven’t caught up to the fact that it’s 2014 yet and it’s almost 2015 which is insane for me to even think about which only proves I need this post because where has the time gone?  Hopefully this will help me remember:…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    There’s always room for improvement!  And while I’ve been mostly pleased with my commitment to my blog this year, I have some clear ideas of how to improve it for next year: 1.  MOAR PICTURES  I’ve been pretty lax about picture-taking in general, and I love looking at other blogs with juicy pictures of REAL…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Dear Santa…

    5 Fandom Friday: Dear Santa…

    Dear Internet Santa: (or the intern elf in charge of responding to internet wishlists) Because you know I live in an apartment, and have no way of storing fun gifts, please just bring me gift cards this year.  I take full responsibility for seeing that I don’t accidentally try to swipe them like a MetroCard. …

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    First, a word:  this is my hypothetical list.  I do not condone IN ANY WAY the further abuse of retail workers around the holidays by participating in “Black Friday” or worse, “Black Thursday,” wherein not even the holiday itself is sacred.  Not that it really ever was, but try to keep in mind that there…

  • Things I Love Thursday – Fall Edition

    Things I Love Thursday – Fall Edition

    Autumn is my favourite season and I’m feeling especially amorous towards many things lately… 1.  the color Orange:  I have been seen wearing a Bumper Bowling Buddies t-shirt around town that I got as participation for a bowling league I was in…when I was six.  it still fits!  orange is also the colour of pumpkins,…

  • New Things

    New Things

    So this isn’t so much all NEW things.  I would call this list “Something old, something new, something borrowed” because the something blue is ME!  Winter keeps dragging on with no end in sight and I am SICK OF IT.  So here’s what I’m using to get through: SOMETHING OLD:  I have become re-addicted to…

  • Get Lucky

    Get Lucky

    During my second tattoo session last summer, I was starting to go loopy from the pain.  I looked up at a statue of the lucky waving cats hovering over me like a watchful angel and mused: “I wonder what they’re called…” “It’s a maneki-neko.” my artist replied.  “Maneki-neko?” I repeated.  Over and over.  Trust me…

  • We Need To Have A Conversation

    We Need To Have A Conversation

    HAPPY VALENTIMES DAY!  I love Valentine’s Day SO MUCH.  It might be my favourite holiday, after Halloween, of course!  Both holidays having strong associations to candy…hmm… And speaking of CANDY, it just wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without those chalky little hearts with tacky sayings on them!  Oh, everyone loves to hate on Conversation Hearts, just…

  • “Net” Your Average Love Story

    “Net” Your Average Love Story

    Has anyone noticed that Netflix seems…a little different these days?  That all of our standby romantic comedies of the Meg Ryan ouevre are suddenly missing?  With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, what are we supposed to watch, swaddled in flannel and spooning Ben & Jerry’s listlessly into our kissless lips? Here are some suggestions…

  • 2013:  Year In Review

    2013: Year In Review

    Last year, I did a 2012 Year in Review post that I thought was so nice, that I’m doing it twice.  I thought 2013 would be a big year for me and BOY WAS I RIGHT.  Bear with me on my trip down memory lane… JANUARY In January I got creative, got superstitious, and got…

  • Mug Shots!!!

    Mug Shots!!!

    It occurred to me while sick that I do not currently own nearly enough mugs.  You use the most mugs while sick because most sick foods are consumed from mugs.  Come to think, all the best foods are consumed in mugs:  coffee & tea, soup, ice cream, I’ve even put fruit slices into mugs!  There…

  • I Am 29 Going On 80

    I Am 29 Going On 80

    So apparently I am an old fogey now.  I was exhausted all day at work after a late night.  What was I doing?  I drank too much tea, got all hopped up on caffeine, and was embroidering listening to Glenn Miller and his orchestra. I’m totally fine with this.  I’ll be thirty in half a…