5 Fandom Friday: Holiday Recommendations

I’m going to be completely honest with you (like uh, when am I ever not?) and say, I have no idea what this prompt means, taken as a whole.  BUT, taken one piece at a time: “Holiday” and “Recommendations,” I gather it means “Tell People What To Do This Holiday.”  I love telling people what to do!  So let’s get to it!!

1.  “Christmas Wrapping” by The Waitresses  guys, this is the un-Christmassy-est Christmas song.  In a super cool, proto-Riot Grrl way!  Sung, or should I say, RAPPED, by a gal who finds herself single and dazed at Xmas ’81, wishing she had hooked up with the hottie from the ski lodge.  Dem horns tho.  The first time you hear it you’re gonna be like “Wait, what’d she say?  Don’t worry, I’ve gotcha. The FULL version, WITH LYRICS:

2.  Buy everyone on your list a bottle of booze  you know they’ll use it.  It’s a genius idea.  I’m doing it.  Whoops.  Surprise, family!  You’re all getting liquor!  And Gorb Blessh Us Everwaaaan.

3.  Bath & Body Works “Fresh Balsam”  is great in candle form and room spray.  It is, in my opinion, the definitive “tree-smell candle.”  If you live in the city, have an apartment, but still want that fresh-tree smell?  Case in point:  I burned this yesterday and when my boyfriend walked in the door, the first words out of his mouth were “It smells like Christmas in here.”  JACKPOT.

4.  BUCKEYES!  I know I’ve said it before but as long as I have the platform, I’ll say it again:  MAKE SOME BUCKEYES.  Betcha you already have the ingredients in your kitchen, it’ll be easier than you think which is good because you’ll immediately eat the whole first batch and need to make a second before company comes over.  Phew!

5.  John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together  have you heard this album?  Seriously, have you heard it?  It’s below, click, listen, bookmark, play it constantly.  This was the album that defined Christmas to me, growing up.  When we pull out the vinyl of The Muppets, you know it’s time for trees and tinsel and lights and all that magic means to kids.  Of course, when I was young I loved screaming FIIIIIVE GOOOOOLD RINNNNGS ba dum bum bum!!! and dancing like a maniac to the Doctor Teeth & the Electric Mayhem cover of “Little Saint Nick”, and thought the slow songs were for old people.  Now that I am an old people, the softer, gentler numbers make me blubber like the skin-sack of feelings that I am.  “The Peace Carol” and “When the River Meets the Sea” get me choked up just THINKING about them!  So my gift to you this 5 Fandom Friday is this music that will make you dance and cry and want to hug a Muppet.  (You’ll have to wait til Christmas morning for that bottle of booze I promised.)


4 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Holiday Recommendations”

  1. John Denver and the Muppets is Andrew's favorite Christmas album 🙂 I've been meaning to stop by Bath & Body works for a holiday candle haul!

  2. Thanks for the recommendations! I love that first song and, to be honest, I've never looked at the lyrics – I just made up words that sounded right ?. Thanks for the lyrics!

    1. HAHA ME TOO!!! The lyrics are actually really brilliant. I usually didn't catch much besides the general gist of ski shop counter, most interesting… and then sing along with the instrumentals instead!!!

  3. Okay, now I know you are my blogger soulmate. You love the Muppets too?! YES. They are MAGIC. 😀 Also, Fresh Balsam is my very favorite B&BW candle! I can't afford them this year, but I do have the wallflower refills all over the house and actually found a similar candle from Walmart! It's awesome!

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