Tag: life

  • Quickies!  vol. 2

    Quickies! vol. 2

    Too long to tweet, too short for a full blog post, it’s Quickies! Happy Day of everybody watching Trump & waiting for him to peel off his ugly face & reveal that he was Joaquin Phoenix all along #AprilFools — Meghan Sara Karre (@MeghanSaraK) April 1, 2016 How to write the perfect dating app bio:…

  • The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    Category is: Law & Order intro realness. Yes, they’ve all happened: 1.  The pounding bass line that’s keeping you from sleeping on a weeknight has gotten so irritating that you venture, bleary-eyed and pajama-clad, into the brightly lit hallway of your apartment building only to discover that the offending apartment, the Party Animals, the horrific…

  • Millennials


    Me in 1987, full Millennial mode. Wearing a tiara like the princess I *think* I am. Typical entitled Millennial. My name is Meghan.  I was born in 1984.  I am a Millennial. I grew up reading Goosebumps books on the swing set in my suburban backyard, watching Chris Farley on Saturday Night Live on a…

  • Cummin’ Outta Nowhere

    Cummin’ Outta Nowhere

    How do you talk to women online?  I didn’t think it was so difficult, but my recent experiences suggest otherwise.  Old friends – and I mean like friends from a decade ago – have been getting back in touch with me in a bad-touch way.  What am I trying to say? This is a typical…

  • Never Read The Comments

    Never Read The Comments

    . Cheese and crackers, guys!  I thought I’d scraped the absolute bottom of the Internet, but it turns out there are even more frozen layers than I realized! Since I started my internship, I’ve been learning so much about online journalism!  Namely, to never, ever, ever read the comments!  Here are some examples of the…

  • I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

    I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

      So I was coming home from a long day at my internship wherein I got really caught up in A Thing and didn’t really eat lunch.  Well I did eat one of those KIND bars – the one I keep in my bag for an emergency – but that’s an EMERGENCY TIDE-OVER BAR, not…



    Yo, I wasn’t going to say anything about Kim Kardashian on this blog… ever, but I loooove talking about SELFIES.  When I see selfies being attacked, I gotta run to the rescue.  Oh, and slut-shaming.  That too. By now, you’ve seen Kim Kardashians “Internet-breaking” nude (and tastefully censored) selfie.  First, can I ask why this…

  • Currently… in March 2016

    Currently… in March 2016

    FEELING:  Hopeful.  I have an appointment with a therapist this week.  After a lot of soul-searching and talking things over, I decided I needed to return to therapy late last year, and finally made contact with a therapist who might be able to take me on as a patient.  I’m not expecting immediate results, but…

  • Periodical Thoughts

    Periodical Thoughts

    You know what’s awesome?  Having the kind of terrible menstrual cramps that ruin your entire day (and sometimes the next one, too).  The kind where taking Midol is a gamble: sometimes it works, sometimes you might as well swallow some Cadbury Mini Eggs and hope for the best. That was me yesterday.  I had big…

  • Patience


    Patience fuckin’ blows. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m a New Yorker.  We’re not exactly known for being patient.  Are you a New Yorker too?  Just in case, I looked up the definition of “Patience” for you: If you click for “more” synonyms, you’ll also get “sucker”Sorry, sorry, NEW YORKER! If you, out of morbid curiosity,…

  • The Princess and the Stalker

    The Princess and the Stalker

    As I shared last week on Femnasty, it’s my 2-year anniversary of taking my stalker to the cops and getting an Order Of Protection.  I shared about the situation and what happened a year ago, but I’m not done. See, the problem is, stalking like what happened to me is taught in all kinds of…

  • 10 Signs You Might Be a Confused Introvert

    10 Signs You Might Be a Confused Introvert

    Are you an Extrovert?  If so, LEAVE THIS PLACE.  This is not for you. Great, now we got all the Introverts?  Guys, woah, ease up!  I’m not going to hurt you!  I am one of you!  Well, most of the time.  See, I think I might be a “Confused” Introvert.  And you might be one,…

  • “The Fuckin’ Ugly Duckling” & Dermatology Update

    “The Fuckin’ Ugly Duckling” & Dermatology Update

    So it has been six weeks since the dermatologist.  Six weeks, remember?  She said I wouldn’t even START to see a positive change in my skin until at LEAST six weeks. Which is why I was so excited that my face had been responding to treatment since day ONE!  Yay!  And for the past five…

  • God Hates You

    God Hates You

    I don’t believe in God. I don’t think there’s any compelling evidence that God exists. I find it scientifically improbable that there is a ruling force to the chaotic universe we live in. I’d hate to believe there’s some dickface cloud-dwelling billionaire up there who gives cancer to babies to test their parents’ faith.  But…

  • Exciting Announcement!

    Exciting Announcement!

    I’m so excited to announce that I’m writing advice for Femnasty!  I’ve been a huge fan of the website ever since last fall, when the Basic Bitch article caught my eye and tbh, my heart exploded.  I was all, OMG, these girls totally get it.  I am so proud to be working alongside the team…



    New Yorkers are known for being three things: rich sexy cynical Okay, so two out of three ain’t bad (and FYI, I’m broke as hell).  So when this huuuuuuge snowstorm was predicted, I figured it was all hype.  I didn’t think it would really happen, and as such, I didn’t bother to prepare for it.…

  • Joshua Tree National Park, California

    Joshua Tree National Park, California

      You down with OPV, Other People’s Vacations?  I hope so, because you’re about to get photo-dumped!  I’ve just flown back from California and BOY are my arms tired!  We stayed in a dome that was decorated like the Brady Bunch vacation hideaway – swinging 60’s baby!  Like Austin Powers’ dome-away-from-dome.  I love the desert. …

  • The Time I Catfished Somebody I Knew IRL

    The Time I Catfished Somebody I Knew IRL

    I know we just flipped our calendars over to 2016, but tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1999!  That’s right – we’re going back to the days of dial-up internet! If you had to google either of the phrases “dial-up internet” or “party like it’s 1999,” I’m gonna bet that you weren’t even alive yet…

  • Body Acceptance Road Trip

    Body Acceptance Road Trip

    Let’s go on a journey! ROAD TRIP!  We’re on our Body Acceptance journey, gurl – just you, and me, the Nagging Little Voice Inside Your Head!  And you’re in the driver’s seat – not food, not thinking about food, not wondering how many rice cakes is an ounce.  Ugh!  Whose idea was it to put…

  • Rainy Sunday Morning Update

    Rainy Sunday Morning Update

    First off, thanks for all your kind comments, tweets, and (mom) concerned texts about my cold – can’t say I’m 100% yet, but I feel like I’m sloooooowly getting better! Aside from work and doctor’s visits, I’ve been laying pretty low at home, but I had my first social venture of the New Year last…