Tag: life

  • 35


      THIS.   YEAR.   Honestly, not a lot has changed, but it feels like everything has changed. I picked up an extra job, and developed abnormal changes in my routine PAP smear, and started taking Escitalopram. That alone feels like such a huge and monumental shift. And that was just in like, the last two months!   I’m…

  • Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Got My Forearm Tattoo

    Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Got My Forearm Tattoo

      In case you don’t follow me on Instagram (but seriously, why don’t you follow me on Instagram?). Two weeks ago, I got my forearm tattooed.   *wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!*   Two days before the Chrysanthemum Moon in September, I got a huge chrysanthemum surrounded by sweet forget-me-nots down my left forearm. It was a long appointment, and I…

  • So You Think You Can Bangs

    So You Think You Can Bangs

      SO YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT CUTTING SOME BANGS INTO YOUR HAIR??? YOU MIGHT THINK TWICE IF YOU KNEW WHAT BANGS ARE REALLY LIKE…   You Will Never Wear Hats! The hat band will press your bangs down, and suddenly, they will be in your eyes, down to your nose, creeping into your mouth… no matter HOW short…

  • You See I’ve Forgotten — Is It Green, or It’s Blue?

    You See I’ve Forgotten — Is It Green, or It’s Blue?

      They say that some people are born leaders, which implies that some people are born followers.   I, my friends, am a born follower.   I joked at work, while listening to a podcast about Charles Manson, that if someone told me I was pretty and asked me to join their cult (Manson’s M.O.), I totally would. I’d be like,…

  • The Day My Blog Died

    The Day My Blog Died

    Trigger warning: suicide, depression.   Notice anything NEW???   Yeah that’s right — my BLOG IS BACK!   “Meghan, I didn’t even notice it was gone!”   Well, that’s because you don’t follow me on Twitter! I cried for an entire DAY about it, and tweeted my feelings while emailing customer service here and there.…

  • The Kind Of Cold That Never Really Goes Away

    The Kind Of Cold That Never Really Goes Away

    Well, I’ve finally got it. My boyfriend had it first: sinus and cough and general misery. I got a glimpse of it last week: I hit a high fever (for me) of 98.1, when I usually run a cool 97.0 — but I felt like I was sweating and flushed. I managed to work through…

  • My Third Time At Burning Man CHANGED Me — But For The Better or the Worse???

    My Third Time At Burning Man CHANGED Me — But For The Better or the Worse???

    (Photo by Becki Heller)   It was my third time at Burning Man. I wasn’t supposed to come back this insufferable. So, you hear all the clichés about youths going to Burning Man and coming back changed. I don’t think I really changed all that much after my first burn, to be honest! Maybe I became a little more…

  • Things I Learned at Burning Man 2017

    Things I Learned at Burning Man 2017

      The opposite of “Fragile Masculinity” is probably “Secure Masculinity,” as in a cishet man who can enjoy yoga and facials and pumpkin spice latte’s without having to proclaim “NO HOMO!” But what is “Fragile Femininity,” i.e. a woman who feels compelled to protest that she is “Not Like Other Girls,” or HATES the color…

  • Poppin’ Tags: A True Story About How Storytelling Saved My Butt

    Poppin’ Tags: A True Story About How Storytelling Saved My Butt

    I have a favorite Goodwill store. I assume you all do, too. Mine is on 8th street, just East of 6th Avenue. Damn close to the Jefferson Market Library, home to my favorite clock tower. They have a really good selection of quirky items, and they’re pretty lax about enforcing their “only 3 items in the dressing…

  • Dear Woodhull Hospital: it’s NOT me…IT’S YOU

    Dear Woodhull Hospital: it’s NOT me…IT’S YOU

    Picture it: Sicily, 1922! No, just kidding, more like Brooklyn, six months ago. I’d just had an appointment with my dermatologist and it was time to schedule a six-month follow up with reception and it went a little something like THIS: Receptionist: how about March 3rd at 9:00am? Me, to myself: that’s two days after…

  • RIP, Chevron

    RIP, Chevron

    It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of Chevron. Chevron came to prevalence in October 1950, when it graced the polo shirt of Peanuts character Charlie Brown. Chevron reached worldwide fame and legendary status at the age of 60, when suddenly, Chevron was ubiquitous on maxi dresses, curtains, and in blog designs. Those of us…

  • If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Write It On The Internet

    If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Write It On The Internet

      I was raised on a couple of “Golden Rule”s. “Silence is Golden!” “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You,” and “If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Anything At All.” Today, it seems these old platitudes have modern twists. FUN! “Silence Is An Invitation To Stick Your Two Cents…

  • Cleansing


    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Maybe you noticed some changes around here? They say “a messy house is a sign of a life well-lived,” which is probably just a shade at neat freaks. Maybe the opposite is also true, “a clean house is a sign of a  life in turmoil.” The only time my childhood…

  • Face Value

    Face Value

    Dermatological treatment may be slowly changing my face, but it’s rapidly changing the way I think about it. It’s been almost six months — wow, time flies! Six months since I brought my shameful face to the dermatologist. In the sixth months I’ve been using prescription topical treatments, my face has gone through SO MANY…

  • Menstrual Cycling

    Menstrual Cycling

    “Isn’t it weird how your period transforms you into Wonder Woman?”  my friend texted as my uterine lining erupted out of me like hot magma out of Krakatoa. Wonder Woman?  Is everyone else’s menses making them super-strong and giving them invisible jets? That’s right, I’m talking about my period again!  I talk about my period…

  • Currently… in June 2016

    Currently… in June 2016

    FEELING:  A bit lost, to be honest. My internship is over, and I’m back on the hunt for a new…purpose, really.  I’m doing pretty well so far out of the gate, pitching and sending emails and applying to jobs, but I’m frustrated because I want something to happen RIGHT NOW!   WATCHING: So much reality TV.…

  • 5 Disney Movies That Ruined Your Chances Of Having A Healthy Love Life Forever

    5 Disney Movies That Ruined Your Chances Of Having A Healthy Love Life Forever

    1.  The Little Mermaid: Is there anything more tragic than first love?  If you learned anything from The Little Mermaid, it’s that your first boyfriend is worth betraying your family, leaving your home, and selling your voice to an octopus lady for.  Yep, that guy you think is so cute when you’re sixteen is definitely…



    OH my gosh y’all I have been neglecting this blog.  I think I’ve just been writing so damn much for everyone else (ha!) that I forgot to make space to write for myself.  On that note, I’m particularly proud of a couple of my pieces, and I’d love to share them with you (also as…

  • Currently… in May 2016

    Currently… in May 2016

    FEELING:  Exhausted!  I’ve been looking forward to this post for a LONG time, because I feel like so much has changed and everything has gone by so fast!  Like Holy Hell, we have a whole new room in our apartment!   WATCHING: Sadly, I discovered a whole new season of Say Yes to the Dress I…

  • I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word:  “CRAZY”

    I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word: “CRAZY”

    I won’t even say “crazy” to my therapist.  Not just because it’s an ableist slur (we’ll get to that) but because I know she’s going to ask me “What do you mean by that?”  She knows that word is bullshit.  And now you will too. When someone describes something as “crazy, for lack of a…