Tag: WTF

  • Had A Dream About You, Baby

    Had A Dream About You, Baby

    Yeah, this post steals it’s title from a Bob Dylan song, but no, it’s not about Bob Dylan, but it is about something that makes my skin crawl. The other night I had a dream that I had a baby. Don’t worry, I’m not about to describe some horrible gory nightmare birth, this isn’t the…

  • My Turn-Ons Include…

    My Turn-Ons Include…

    So the BIG NEWS this week is that Playboy won’t be printing images of naked women in their magazine anymore!!  I’ll give you a minute to digest that news (and to read the article behind the link) because I know that it is JUST SO SHOCKING you’ll need a second.  Are we all up to…

  • 15 Minutes of Fame and Frappuccino

    15 Minutes of Fame and Frappuccino

    It’s finally happened, guys. When I started this blog over six years ago, I wanted to be a serious blogger.  With hundreds of followers, daily comments, and a community of readers following my every word and it. has. finally. happened. WOW!  This is what it feels like!  THE BIG TIME!  I never dreamed of getting…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Cross My Heart

    5 Fandom Friday: Cross My Heart

    Oh my clever title…this week’s topic is “Crossovers that would cause my heart to explode” (get it?)  and while I’ve never been one for the crossovers (Why does Angel gotta come back to Buffy?  LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE NOW), I can think of a couple that might be fun to watch… 1.  Sailor Moon / Buffy…

  • A Gentleman’s Guide to Street Harassment

    A Gentleman’s Guide to Street Harassment

    What’s up, Ladies?  Being a woman, as statistically most of you are, you’ve been street harassed, and you probably didn’t like it.  But this is Major News to the minority 49% of the population of the world (also known as “that guy who shouted that inappropriate thing at me”), so do me a favour.  Find…

  • Spitting Distance

    Spitting Distance

    New York!  You can live here for years, and still have no idea what’s happening.  It’s been almost seven years for me, and I can’t begin to tell you why it’s so weird. Take yesterday night in SoHo, for instance.  I was all dressed up to go to a gallery (yeah!  New York life!) and…

  • If I Dated Fozzie Bear…

    If I Dated Fozzie Bear…

    Today we discuss what would happen if I, hypothetically, dated Fozzie Bear. Why date Fozzie Bear, you ask?  Well, Kermit is unavailable, Gonzo is too desperate, Rowlf is clearly married to his career.  And Doctor Teeth & Electric Mayhem?  I’ve dated enough “musicians” (read: one) to know that’s a bad idea. PROS: He’s a bear! …

  • Jiminy Crickets!!

    Jiminy Crickets!!

    To most of us in the 20’s-30’s age range, weekends are a time to do stupid stuff.  Stupid, weird, bonkers, ill-advised stuff.  We go wild!  Like, really wild!  Like, eating bugs wild! Well, don’t you? It all started with a conversation between my boyfriend and his roommate about eating bugs.  No stranger to bug-eating, my…

  • Easter Vacation Recap

    Easter Vacation Recap

    “Nothing in moderation” is my motto.  So when I had the chance to head upstate for Easter, I made sure to visit four towns in three days.  You’ve already seen my Owego and Corning, NY photos!  The majority of the trip was spent in the ‘burbs of Buffalo, NY, visiting family all over the area.…

  • Street Harassment Selfie

    Street Harassment Selfie

    To everyone who actually buys that myth that looking “too hot” and walking alone late at night on the street is the reason women get harassed:  below is a picture I snapped of mysself less than 50 feet from where, on Sunday, March 22nd at 5:57pm, a strange man brushed himself against my arm as…

  • Kill the Poor

    Kill the Poor

    When I quit my dead-end retail job to pursue the goal of becoming a teacher, I knew it would be hard.  That’s why I didn’t leap at the dream the first time around.  This year, I was offered a job that would put my foot in the door to achieving my dream.  And as predicted,…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I Shall Name You…

    5 Fandom Friday: I Shall Name You…

    This was a fun prompt to think about!  There are so many awesome names out there that I had a hard time culling the list down to just five!  I can’t wait to see everyone else’s answers!  I got a little fancy and picked two people-names, an animal name, a wireless network name (the most…

  • Skin Sack and Poop Factory

    Skin Sack and Poop Factory

    What a title.  Bear with me. In a conversation with my boyfriend some weeks back, the idea of self-image came up.  I divulged that when I think of myself as a physical being, the first thing that comes to mind is a misshapen skin sack.  The skin of my body: scars, tattoos, fat, hair, rashes,…

  • Drunk Furniture

    Drunk Furniture

    Have you seen the hot trending topic “Drunk Furniture” ?  Basically, you find old furniture thrown out at the curb and give it a caption like it’s drunk. THIS IS THE FUNNEST GAME EVER. Now, whenever I see ratty old gross furniture chucked out on the sidewalk, I don’t think about the bedbugs that most…

  • Miss Turnstiles

    Miss Turnstiles

    There’s a rule in New York City that when you look your worst, the coolest things will happen to you.  Awww, yeah, like that.  That’s super hot.  Not winning any beauty competitions like that, I’m surely not. Anyway, on this, the morning after two great parties (clearly!), taking an F train uptown when this antique…

  • #tbt The Traditional Thanksgiving Butter Turkey

    #tbt The Traditional Thanksgiving Butter Turkey

    Ah, 2012 – spending Thanksgiving with my mother’s family.  As the only gluten-free vegetarian in the family, Thanksgiving is kind of a lame holiday for me.  I am reminded of the Mean Girls quote, “Is butter a carb?”  No.  No it is not… …which means that I (fortunately!) am able to enjoy the family traditional…

  • Escargot All Out

    Escargot All Out

    When you’re dashing to a lunch date with your feller and he texts you this picture: …you know your lazy Sunday is about to get a whole lot more interesting. The plan was to meet at The Lobster Place in Chelsea Market (home of The Food Network.  No, really).  We had intended to park at…

  • Does Not Compute

    Does Not Compute

    well, it’s happened again.  last summer, my laptop was reduced to a useless piece of machinery by lack of a charge cord.  earlier this week, almost a year to the day later, it simply refused to turn on. I hve to wonder if the “robots” in my life just know what’s best for me and…

  • The Time I Wore A Snake

    The Time I Wore A Snake

    Like, I’m always bragging about how New York City is magical and any given night can turn into an amazing adventure and blah blah blah and I think sometimes people roll their eyes and assume that “New York City is a constant adventure!” is just something we tell ourselves to justify paying more on rent…

  • Currently…in August 2014

    Currently…in August 2014

    FEELING:  Stoked, excited, and sooooo happy!  My big vacation was a lot of fun, I’m glad to have gotten away, but I’m also so happy to get back!  My life lately is so surreal and wonderful. WATCHING: I’m falling behind on Sailor Moon because I’m just a bit too busy for TV these days! LISTENING…