Does Not Compute

well, it’s happened again.  last summer, my laptop was reduced to a useless piece of machinery by lack of a charge cord.  earlier this week, almost a year to the day later, it simply refused to turn on. I hve to wonder if the “robots” in my life just know what’s best for me and are trying to push me outside to enjoy the weather and “get some fresh air.”  well, seeing as how I have no choice, here’s what I’ve been up to:
– working 7-8 days a week
– walking in Greenwich Village
– discovering a new smoothie place!  $3 fresh fruit smoothies on the UWS?  you gotta be kidding me.
– planning outings for fall
– reading a lot of Heinlein & the Culture series by Iain M. Banks – expect lots more book reviews on Mondays!
– self-led culinary adventures…be very afraid…any good results should end up here!
so if my blog looks funny in the meantime or isn’t updated on the regular schedule, it’s because my friendly little machines have conspired against me YET AGAIN.  Frakking Cylons.


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