#tbt The Traditional Thanksgiving Butter Turkey

Ah, 2012 – spending Thanksgiving with my mother’s family.  As the only gluten-free vegetarian in the family, Thanksgiving is kind of a lame holiday for me.  I am reminded of the Mean Girls quote, “Is butter a carb?”  No.  No it is not…

…which means that I (fortunately!) am able to enjoy the family traditional BUTTER TURKEY.  Yes, it’s not a holiday unless you carve something out of butter and no, I am not related in any way to Paula Deen.  here you see the start – the “marble” from whence the turkey shall emerge – and in the background, a model upon which the eventual Butter Turkey shall be based.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who doesn’t work in retail and to those who do, please go on strike.  This “Black Thursday” thing is just ridiculous.  Call out sick.  Seriously.  Where does the greed end?  Greed greed greed.  And on Thanksgiving of all da-  oh.  Yeah.


One response to “#tbt The Traditional Thanksgiving Butter Turkey”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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