Tag: WTF

  • Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Summer:  “Which of my pretty pretty dresses should I wear today?” *five minutes later*  “Ok, I’m ready!” Fall:  “I can pull off this sundress!  I’ll just put a sweater over it.  And some jeans under it.  And a down coat.  I’m still tan from summer, so you can hardly tell that my extremities are turning…

  • I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word:  “CRAZY”

    I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word: “CRAZY”

    I won’t even say “crazy” to my therapist.  Not just because it’s an ableist slur (we’ll get to that) but because I know she’s going to ask me “What do you mean by that?”  She knows that word is bullshit.  And now you will too. When someone describes something as “crazy, for lack of a…

  • Cummin’ Outta Nowhere

    Cummin’ Outta Nowhere

    How do you talk to women online?  I didn’t think it was so difficult, but my recent experiences suggest otherwise.  Old friends – and I mean like friends from a decade ago – have been getting back in touch with me in a bad-touch way.  What am I trying to say? This is a typical…

  • Never Read The Comments

    Never Read The Comments

    . Cheese and crackers, guys!  I thought I’d scraped the absolute bottom of the Internet, but it turns out there are even more frozen layers than I realized! Since I started my internship, I’ve been learning so much about online journalism!  Namely, to never, ever, ever read the comments!  Here are some examples of the…

  • Bonne Bell Lip Smacker Horoscopes

    Bonne Bell Lip Smacker Horoscopes

    Strawberry:  This is a time of renewal for you.  This month you will order a sandwich and they will put onions on it, even though you specifically asked for no onions.  You will pick the onions off one by one, but a few will slip through and as you bite into the errant offending onion…

  • I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

    I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

      So I was coming home from a long day at my internship wherein I got really caught up in A Thing and didn’t really eat lunch.  Well I did eat one of those KIND bars – the one I keep in my bag for an emergency – but that’s an EMERGENCY TIDE-OVER BAR, not…

  • The Popsicle Zodiac

    The Popsicle Zodiac

    Pink: Total hedonist.  You enjoy only the finest things in life.  Your bed has no fewer than six pillows.  That’s four pillows more than necessary, and you know it.  Your most frequent recurring nightmare is the one where you realize your favourite designer handbag is actually a knockoff.  Blue:  You were the first kid to…

  • I Love You, You’re Perfect, But…

    I Love You, You’re Perfect, But…

    Around Valentine’s Day, you see lots of sappy posts cropping up from coupled bloggers about how much they love their significant other, how they’re the greatest in the world, blah blah blah.  This isn’t one of those. Well, obviously, all those other posts neglect to mention the fact that my boyfriend is clearly the best…

  • The First Time A Joke Blew Up In My Face

    The First Time A Joke Blew Up In My Face

    I live to tell jokes.  Always have, always will. Fact: at a party, an acquaintance pulled me aside to tell me he admired my Twitter hashtag.  That compliment meant more to me than shaking the school board president’s hand at my High School graduation.  Being laughed at – or with – is the highest compliment…

  • The Time I Catfished Somebody I Knew IRL

    The Time I Catfished Somebody I Knew IRL

    I know we just flipped our calendars over to 2016, but tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 1999!  That’s right – we’re going back to the days of dial-up internet! If you had to google either of the phrases “dial-up internet” or “party like it’s 1999,” I’m gonna bet that you weren’t even alive yet…

  • When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    Moments of bravery:  we all have them.  Do you, like me, use your personal moments of bravery in times of struggle?  In a previous post, I mentioned how much I challenged myself in 2015 and the confidence those moments of challenge gave me when faced with mundane, everyday moments of doubt.  Y’know – job interviews,…

  • 5 Christmas Traditions!

    5 Christmas Traditions!

    I’m sure all you people with nice, normal families have nice, normal Christmas traditions like “baking cookies” and “singing carols around the piano” but my family is neither nice, nor normal.  Our Christmas traditions make Clark Griswold want to hide in the attic and never come out.  But family is family, and I’d be lying…

  • Crying in Public

    Crying in Public

    I’ve never been a huge crier, but…lately…I cry all the time.  No, I don’t think I’m depressed.  I think I’m just…in touch with my emotions?  Or possibly ovulating?  That might also be it. I cried in public for hours the day after Halloween.  My boyfriend and I dragged our hung-over selves out of bed to…

  • 25 Pet Peeves

    25 Pet Peeves

    Oh, boy, did I unload here!  Let’s get to it:  Darling Stewie (that’s her blog name and me being jocundly affectionate) posted a list of 25 Pet Peeves as a “Doggy Bag” post!  So I drank two Frangelicos, lit some incense, and purged my 25 biggest pet peeves out into this disasterpiece.  It’s dark!  Political! …

  • Interview With My Liquor Cabinet

    Interview With My Liquor Cabinet

    Lotsa whiskey.  My boyfriend is a whiskey man.  Whiskey declined to be interviewed. Meghan Sara:  Hi, everybody.  This Saturday, I thought we’d try something a little different, and introduce you to the ladies in my liquor cabinet.  We’ve got White Wine, here.  White Wine, how are you doing? White Wine:  Huh?  What was the question?…

  • How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    Haters, to the left!  It seems there are some people out there who never learned how to politely disagree with other human beings!  And now that the Internet has made us a Global Community, people are able to voice their opinions out loud and proud for everyone to hear! Sadly, this also means that the…

  • What Was Your Childhood Nickname?

    What Was Your Childhood Nickname?

    Every adult who was ever a child has a story of how they got a stupid nickname.  I wanna hear yours. When I was a teenager, my baby brother (we’re nine years apart!) called me “Castle-head” because I was tall and easy to spot in a crowd.  Touchy tall teenagers do not like being called…

  • Re-Consider These Jobs for Desperate Unemployed Go-Getters!

    Re-Consider These Jobs for Desperate Unemployed Go-Getters!

    You’re driven!  You’re talented!  You’re a self-motivated, self-described “overachiever”!  You’re currently unemployed.  You’re still passionate about finding a job where you can put your skills to work, live your best life, create something you can be proud of and be rewarded for your attention to detail and zeal for perfection!  But you’re getting a little…



    Loathe as I am to even grant this video more views than it already has, I watched it yesterday through my fingers, with all the lights on, covering my mouth in advance of the vomit I felt rising in my throat.  It’s less than six minutes long, but it’s the scariest horror movie you’re going…

  • My Haunted House

    My Haunted House

    I’ve shared some info here about my Greenpoint apartment, but did you know it’s haunted??? YES!  By which I mean the previous tenants left some pretty wild stuff behind.  Like the painted skull head on the glass cabinet door.  Really, who does that, even?  How long has it even been there?  WOAH!  Open what?  Skulls?  Okay,…