New Things

So this isn’t so much all NEW things.  I would call this list “Something old, something new, something borrowed” because the something blue is ME!  Winter keeps dragging on with no end in sight and I am SICK OF IT.  So here’s what I’m using to get through:

SOMETHING OLD:  I have become re-addicted to TTR Pocket app, the mobile version of the game Ticket to Ride!  Play me in Game Center:  username MeghanSara. 

SOMETHING NEW:  After finishing The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, I am committed to the series!  I’m so happy that this book focuses more on Zaphod, he’s such a fun character to me.  I squealed out loud at the Total Perspective Vortex because if you’ve been watching Cosmos (which you SHOULD be, start watching RIGHT NOW!), you’ll know that this concept was basically episode 1!  Now GO WATCH COSMOS !!!

SOMETHING BORROWED:  I kind of stole Meklit Hadero from my boyfriend.  He sings this song all the time, and got me hooked.  DAMNIT!  It’s a totally sweet earworm.  I can’t wait for the weather to warm up and to take a book or knitting project to the park, lay in the sun, and listen to her gentle crooning!

How are you surviving the winter?  Giving in to sweatsuits and hot cocoa?  Or fighting it by underdressing and trying to convince yourself that you’re not really that cold really?


One response to “New Things”

  1. I am purchasing TTR mobile. I've always been interested in playing the actual game! I'll add you!

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