Tag: books

  • What Is Millennial Culture?

    What Is Millennial Culture?

      Bret Easton Ellis article for The Sunday Times which is conveniently hidden behind a paywall. If you’re complaining about a lack of reading and bragging about your writing abilities, I guess a good way to ensure your opponent has no leg to stand on is to hinder their ability to access your alleged “writing.” So, because we can’t read the article, we’ll…

  • Millennials


    Me in 1987, full Millennial mode. Wearing a tiara like the princess I *think* I am. Typical entitled Millennial. My name is Meghan.  I was born in 1984.  I am a Millennial. I grew up reading Goosebumps books on the swing set in my suburban backyard, watching Chris Farley on Saturday Night Live on a…

  • What Was Your Favourite Book As A Child?

    What Was Your Favourite Book As A Child?

    My very first book obsession was Go, Dog, Go!  Apparently, I made my parents read it to me so many times that I memorized it and would “read” it back to them!  They figured out my “secret” when they put a random other book in my hands, and I proceeded to read Go, Dog, Go!…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Hey Teacher…

    5 Fandom Friday: Hey Teacher…

    This topic is near and dear to my heart, since I worked in a school for a year and definitely had delusions of wanting to be a teacher (!!!) for a while, and though that didn’t really pan out, I do have massive respect for these fictional teachers for actually doing it! 1.  Miss Mason,…

  • School Shooting Curriculum

    School Shooting Curriculum

    Since school shootings are just commonplace now, with no end in sight, and “safety drills” aren’t effectively saving any lives, we must now resign ourselves to the fact that sending a child into the classroom to learn is in reality, sending them up before a firing squad.  School used to prepare kids for the future: …

  • Currently… in October 2015

    Currently… in October 2015

    FEELING:  Compared to last month?  Soooo much better.  Oh, I’m going out and doing things, taking on projects, I feel more confident in my ability to move on with my life and do things.  From little things like painting the bathroom and putting up the shelves in the office, to just touching up my roots…

  • My Hogwarts Story Tag!

    My Hogwarts Story Tag!

    OH MAY GAW you guys I’m at Burning Man right now so I’m unable to post but am using time travel scheduled posts to keep up!  Today is usually Sunday Stealing day, but since I’m not around, I’m doing something different:  The MY HOGWARTS STORY TAG created by Danielle at Underland to Wonderland, because I’d…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I can’t even.  This week we’re talking about fandom a deaths we still can’t even.  Oh, the feels.  Dare we?  Truly, dare we? 1.  Hoban Washburne from Firefly  sorry if you didn’t see the movie, but this happens, and it’s DREADFUL.  Funny story:  after seeing the movie, I had pizza at John’s of Bleecker, and…

  • Starship Troopers

    Starship Troopers

    This is arguably the most famous of Heinlein’s novels and I would venture to say it is probably the least typical Heinlein novel.  The humour is sparse, there’s almost no sexual encounters, and the female characters can be counted on one hand.  While I always enjoy The Dean’s writing, I found this one to be…

  • Night Terrors: Sex, Dating, Puberty, and Other Alarming Things by Ashley Cardiff

    Night Terrors: Sex, Dating, Puberty, and Other Alarming Things by Ashley Cardiff

    Last month, I was fortunate enough to be stuck on a train for ten hours (ten hours just read that sentence will you!) to devour this entire book in a single sitting. Ashley Cardiff’s collection of essays all revolve around the subject of sex.  Because she is openly talking about sex, her narrative voice takes…

  • I Was Told There’d Be Cake, by Sloane Crosley

    I Was Told There’d Be Cake, by Sloane Crosley

    As soon as I finished the first chapter of I Was Told There’d Be Cake, I realized something:  Sloane Crosley was the friend from Long Island I never had in college. Her humorous essays are very conversational, relateable, and then…they take a turn for the absurd.  I found myself smacking my forehead at her ditching…

  • Currently… in August 2015

    Currently… in August 2015

    FEELING:  You know what?  Summer vacation has been everything I dreamed of.  I am so grateful for this time to relax and focus on one job at a time!  I feel like my life is not a crisis anymore. WATCHING:  For the first time in months, I have the time and energy to finish an…

  • Book Challenge

    Book Challenge

    On the road to being considered “banned,” a book must first be “challenged.”  Fun fact!  When a book is “challenged,” it is debated based on its merits and themes, to be certain that it meets the same moral standards as put forth in fine, upstanding pieces of popular literature, such as the best-selling Fifty Shades…

  • Podkayne of Mars

    Podkayne of Mars

    I can’t wait to introduce you to Podkayne of Mars!!!  Told as a diary written by Poddy Fries, nine Mars years old (which is like 16 Earth years – because of the longer orbit, duh, Heinlein thinks of everything) and about to embark on the journey that will change her young life!! But then –…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Spin Spin Spinoff

    5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff

    I’m not a fan of spinoffs, generally, since Angel was such a disappointment after Buffy.  Most of the things I love just happen to wrap up in tidy, complete packages.  I can’t imagine, for instance, continuing the story of Les Miserables, or Battlestar Galactica, or Love in the Time of Cholera.  So I struggled immensely…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Not Of This World…

    5 Fandom Friday: Not Of This World…

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday features our Five Favourite Aliens!  Kick it up to Warp Speed and join me, The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick and hashtag #5FANDOMFRIDAY and #FANDOM5 with your 5 favourite aliens – self included! 1.  THE DOCTOR  in all his various incarnations.  I think my favourite has to be Tom…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    Normally I would say “Nothing you enjoy should make you feel guilty!” but there are those things you cringe to admit like… 1.  I adore the Twilight series  and I’m glad to see it popping up on other people’s lists too!  I feel so bad because the books are a massive commercial success turned cultural…

  • I Will Fear No Evil

    I Will Fear No Evil

    What do you get when you put the brain of a dying old man into the body of an impossibly hot young woman?  I Will Fear No Evil explores every possible angle of a horny old man being surgically implanted into the body of his secretary to prolong his life.  Questions like, “Where is the…

  • When the Tripods Came

    When the Tripods Came

    Full disclosure:  this is a children’s book.  Yes, friends, this is how 1988 does YA dystopian sci-fi.  No icky love triangles, no pseudo-sexual undercurrents, no preachy abstinence subtext.  Just tripods. What I love about the Tripods is that they’re unpredictable.  No little green men screeching “TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER,” in fact, I have no…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  OH MAMA!

    5 Fandom Friday: OH MAMA!

    In honor of Mother’s Day (probably?) let’s dish on favourite moms!  Kinda weird, but okay… 1.  Joyce Summers  was the coolest of the cool teenage vampire slayers’ moms.  Sure, Buffy and her’s relationship wasn’t always perfect, but she stuck up for her daughter and was pretty badass in her own right – esp. with Giles…