Currently… in August 2015

FEELING:  You know what?  Summer vacation has been everything I dreamed of.  I am so grateful for this time to relax and focus on one job at a time!  I feel like my life is not a crisis anymore.

  For the first time in months, I have the time and energy to finish an entire movie in one sitting!  It’s the greatest!  I’ve been catching up on documentaries like there’s no tomorrow, and Netflix has plenty of good offerings.  Start with Teenage, a cool romp through the history of adolescents in the early 20th Century.  Then to darken the mood, you must-watch Blackfish, even though it is depressing as hell!  Finally, lighten the mood with Tabloid, an Errol Morris (The Thin Blue Line) to make you laugh it up again!

LISTENING TO:  I’ve been really enjoying dancing while cooking to Motown, or 70’s singer-songwriter tunes.  And despite being not the biggest fan of audiobooks, I started listening to The Martian by Andy Weir on the car ride to camp and we’ve kept it up because we’re caught up in the story!!  

READING:  I have been interested in reading female essayists because I love reading that on the internet, so I picked up I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley and Night Terrors:  Sex, Dating, Puberty, and Other Alarming Things by Ashley Cardiff.  The latter had me laughing out loud on the train up to visit my grandmother!!!  I loved reading these books felt like having a great chat with a new friend.

WORKING ON:  Learning a whole new tour!  I’m so excited to be adding a new tour with all new stories to my route.  And even though Midtown is kind of awful, truth be told, I have kind of missed Times Square a little bit…but I adore my job and I’m so excited to be able to smash a new debut out of the park.  I already figured out the joke I’m going to say at the end after it goes brilliantly!!! 

THINKING ABOUT:  Burning Man, mostly.  It’s a lot.  What to do after the summer ends.  And trying to memorize this new tour!!!

EATING:  Tacos are my whole existence lately.  Trader Joe’s Soy Chorizo is everything, and I feel like I’m cooking when I put forth the absolute minimal effort to compose a taco.

I am simultaneously both excited and terrified of Burning Man.  Largely because it will be dirty.  Secondarily because it involves flying.  Lastly because of the massive amount of strangers.  I am stoked for parties, camping, costumes, and an adult-sized ball pit.  There had damn well better be a ball pit!  So even though I’m petrified, why am I still going?  TRUST, babies!  Boyfriend says this is a life-changing experience and is totally worth it, and he has NEVER steered me wrong in the past.  Even those bugs were pretty tasty.  Take it with a grain of salt, though, cuz he’s also the type of guy who thinks it’s fun to jump out of a helicopter to ski down a mountain with a staph infection, so….

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Halloween is coming!  I can’t wait for my busy tour season!  I’m also loving the Brooklyn life.  My apartment is so perfect and happy I pinch myself all the time because I can’t believe this is my life!

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2 responses to “Currently… in August 2015”

  1. sloane crosley is so funny! her book, "how did you get this number" is also a great choice.

    1. I think I might have to check that out! If you liked that, you should definitely read Night Terrors by Ashley Cardiff. It was mind-blowing and laugh out loud funny!

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