What Was Your Favourite Book As A Child?

My very first book obsession was Go, Dog, Go!  Apparently, I made my parents read it to me so many times that I memorized it and would “read” it back to them!  They figured out my “secret” when they put a random other book in my hands, and I proceeded to read Go, Dog, Go! to them, turning the pages of the other book at the proper times and everything!

I read like a fish (?) when I was a kid.  Both of my parents worked in libraries, meaning I could get my hands on any book I wanted easily as pie.  I loved the stories and illustrations in Birds Fly, Bears Don’t.  I also read every single book in both The Babysitters’ Club and Goosebumps series!  Man, those were the days!

What were your favourite books growing up?  What was the first book you remember reading?  Do you remember the American Girls books?  Which was your favourite American Girl?  (I’m torn between Felicity and Molly, myself).  How about Daddy Makes the Best Spaghetti?  If you have kids, what do you like to read to them?  What are their favourite books?



12 responses to “What Was Your Favourite Book As A Child?”

  1. I'm not sure I had one favorite book but I loved Goosebumps but I loved my unicorn books too! I was kind of all over the place. OH! can't forget the Scary Story books either!

    1. Scary Stories and Goosebumps both! I was afraid to read them at night! I remember reading three Goosebumps book in one day sitting on he swing in my backyard – I would always SLAY my summer reading goals!!! Thanks, Goosebumps!!

  2. I was big into Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys as a child a million years ago. Also loved Judy Blume as a tween. Don't really remember early childhood books though I always had my nose stuck into one.

    1. Oh Judy Blume! I remember borrowing those books from the school library! Thanks for the reminde!!

  3. Norton Juster's The Phantom Tollbooth & Ray Bradbury's R is for Rocket. Among many. & my Mom was a librarian.

    1. I remember having read Phantom Tollbooth! One of my former students told me it was his favorite, too! I do enjoy Bradbury, so I want to read R is for Rocket for myself, now! Mom librarians can get you the hookup!

  4. I loved Frog and Toad when I was little. My parents read their books to me every night. I remember getting into the Hardy Boys and Ann of Green Gables when I was a kid. Our librarian in school read us The Hobbit and all of the Chronicles of Narnia books, too!

    1. Wow I've heard of all of these books, but I don't think I've read any – except MAAYBE Frog & Toad, courtesy of MY school librarian!

  5. My favorites were Ferdinand the Bull, Where's My Blankie?, and PJ Funny Bunny: The Very Bad Bunny.

    1. Wow! I've never heard of these titles! Now I'm going to look them up! All these fond book memories…I should make a list for a gift guide to buying books for kids on your Christmas list! I've never met a kid who didn't love to be read to!!!

  6. This is such a well timed post! I'm reading an autobiography of my favourite childhood author at the moment Dick King-Smith. I love his Foxbusters story still to this day (I'm 26 now). It's a classic and will always have a place on my bookshelf.


  7. A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett! I re-read it the moment I finished it! I swear I read it four times in a row that first time m, and have re-read it a even more over the years.
    One of my weird pet peeves is that in a majority of the movie adaptations they keep her father alive, but in his death it's what shows her strength as a person.

    Also I LOVE Samantha and Josefina from The American Girls! Samantha was Victorian and I was obsessed with that time period as a kid! I even have the doll lol!

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