Tag: NYC

  • Macy’s Charlie Brown Christmas Windows!

    Macy’s Charlie Brown Christmas Windows!

    Charlie Brown’s face up there pretty much sums up what it’s like to live in New York City during the Christmas tourism season.  On the one hand, everything is festive and pretty from the lights on the high street shops to the carollers down in the subway.  On the other hand, it’s annoying as fuck…

  • The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 2

    The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 2

    For the 7th Christmas Freakout My True Love Gave to Me:  The I Just Want to See the Rockefeller Tree Without Getting Trampled By Tourists Freakout “Is the entire population of New Jersey AND Connecticut here ALL at the SAME TIME?  Who’s watching Long Island?!?  Hold my damn purse, I’m going to crowd-surf to the…

  • My First Date with Lush

    My First Date with Lush

    Yes, you read that right: my first.  After I shared about my struggles with acne, I took the advice of the comments and got my butt to Lush on the Upper West Side.  It was a rainy Thursday afternoon, and I was the only shopper in the store, with three knowledgeable and enthusiastic employees.  We…

  • New York City is FULL of Surprises!

    New York City is FULL of Surprises!

    I want to believe that New York City is like a wilderness: you can mark the trees, study your paths, and still be surprised to discover new things all the time.  Brooklyn certainly feels that way!  Yesterday, though, I discovered new areas of Manhattan that showed me there is still much to explore and be…

  • The Man-Hating Feminist

    The Man-Hating Feminist

    So I was walking home from my doctor’s appointment two weeks ago, and I wasn’t even thinking about being sexually at all times for the general public’s enjoyment of my body, when HE appeared. My knight on a white horse!  Well, it was actually a man driving a white truck, BUT THE POINT IS, I…

  • The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 1

    The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 1

    For the First Christmas Freakout My True Love Gave to Me:  The Window Displays Freakout “I’m still hung over from Halloween!  I’m not ready to deal with this shit!  I don’t have plans for Thanksgiving yet, and I haven’t even accomplished one of my New Year’s Resolutions!  I rebuke thee, Santa!” For the 2nd Christmas…

  • Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    Seven Instagram Accounts You Should Be Following

    I knew I’d be suffering from 5 Fandom Friday withdrawal today, and it just didn’t feel right not to post a list of things I love on a Friday.  SO!  Inspired by so many other awesome “My Favourite Instagram Accounts To Follow” posts, I thought I’d share some Insta-love for my favourite follows! feminist_tinder  is…

  • Unprotected Love

    Unprotected Love

    You play it safe and practice Protected Sex, but do you also practice Protected Love?  I know I do. Dating is often referred to as a “game.”  It’s easy to imagine it like a back-and-forth game of catch with your heart.  You keep putting yourself out there, hoping your partner will grab your heart and…

  • What Are You Afraid Of???

    What Are You Afraid Of???

    Irrational fears:  everyone’s got ’em.  When I give ghost tours, I talk about hauntings and serial killers and people love it but heaven forbid a rat runs by, and they lose their shit!!!  Rats are just squirrels with bad haircuts!  Rats are a totally irrational fear – leave them alone, and they won’t bother you!…

  • Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    I always say, it’s summer in New York until THE SECOND it becomes winter and then it’s winter until THE SECOND it becomes summer.  When did winter happen, you ask?  Winter happened overnight on October 1st.  Which is cool!  I can appreciate you, winter, for being organized and arriving on your own schedule!  And hey,…

  • Subway Report Card

    Subway Report Card

    Every year, the NYPIRG Straphangers Campaign evaluate every line of the NYC Subway according to their criteria and rank it from BEST to WORST, publishing a “Subway Report Card” to help us know which lines to avoid.  How do they determine which subways are up to snuff and which can suck it?  By asking themselves,…

  • How to Ruin Comic Con

    How to Ruin Comic Con

    So many helpful articles on the Internet already exist to tell you how to SURVIVE a comic convention, how to GET THE MOST OUT OF a comic convention, blah blah blah.  I was going to write that article but damn, it’s already been done did-ed already!  So instead, in the interest of humor, let’s take…

  • Currently… in October 2015

    Currently… in October 2015

    FEELING:  Compared to last month?  Soooo much better.  Oh, I’m going out and doing things, taking on projects, I feel more confident in my ability to move on with my life and do things.  From little things like painting the bathroom and putting up the shelves in the office, to just touching up my roots…

  • Greenpointing II

    Greenpointing II

    Four months after moving to Greenpoint and the weather is perfect.  Just right to go kick some things off the Greenpoint bucket list!  You know, explore as far as possible, eat at the restaurants you  keep saying you’re going to, and drink Bloody Marys because that’s what weekends are for. The day started after noon…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Fall-ing for Autumn

    5 Fandom Friday: Fall-ing for Autumn

    Autumn is the time when we can get really, REALLY BASIC and declare our love of the obvious – and the less obvious – 1.  Jacket weather  layering fashion is an art form, ladies and gentlemen.  Don’t believe me?  You must live in a climate where you never get cold.  Fortunately for me, I can…

  • A Gentleman’s Guide to Street Harassment

    A Gentleman’s Guide to Street Harassment

    What’s up, Ladies?  Being a woman, as statistically most of you are, you’ve been street harassed, and you probably didn’t like it.  But this is Major News to the minority 49% of the population of the world (also known as “that guy who shouted that inappropriate thing at me”), so do me a favour.  Find…

  • Spitting Distance

    Spitting Distance

    New York!  You can live here for years, and still have no idea what’s happening.  It’s been almost seven years for me, and I can’t begin to tell you why it’s so weird. Take yesterday night in SoHo, for instance.  I was all dressed up to go to a gallery (yeah!  New York life!) and…

  • Living With Roommates vs. A SigOth

    Living With Roommates vs. A SigOth

    As soon as you announce that blissful decision:  “We’re moving in together!” well-meaning advice mongerers will load your ears with fears about living with a partner.   So much has been said about the drawbacks, that I want to preach the benefits! When you live with a roommate, you are a constant thorn in their…

  • Greenpointing


    My new neighbourhood is the greatest!  I’m so excited to be a Brooklyner, especially in such a quaint, adorable part of town.  Over the past weekend, I had the chance to explore and photograph just a small handful of places around town (and dine at them).  No better way to beat the heat than with…

  • Rice to Riches

    Rice to Riches

    After hearing nothing but AMAZING things on the internetz about Rice to Riches in Soho, I finally had the chance to check it out last weekend!!  And it is everything you could dream of and more!Their signage boasted many flavours.  But I was still shocked to see so many flavours available and guess what?  All…