Tag: NYC

  • On The (Greenpoint) Waterfront

    On The (Greenpoint) Waterfront

      I. Love. Being on the NYC coastline.   I like beaches??? Idk. There’s something about being on the EDGE of land. Where land meets water. It feels RISKY and DANGEROUS, like when I went through that weird phase of putting bowls and coffee cups close to the edge of countertops and tables absentmindedly, RIP…

  • This Is Why It Takes Forever To Walk Anywhere In The City In The Rain

    This Is Why It Takes Forever To Walk Anywhere In The City In The Rain

      UMBRELLAS. It’s because everyone is carrying umbrellas.   A normal sidewalk is like a stream, and its pedestrians like fish. Foot traffic hinges on the ability of walkers to blithely slither past each other, faster fish weaving and bobbing through schools of slower fish.   Umbrellas, though.   A cumbersome umbrella can double, even…

  • Springtime in New York Is A Lie: Know Ye The Signs

    Springtime in New York Is A Lie: Know Ye The Signs

    There are some who will tell you that the weather in New York City is unpredictable.  They are full of bullshit.   It’s actually very easy to predict the change of seasons in New York City after you’ve experienced it a few times. For years, I promoted the idea that In New York, It Is Winter Until…

  • Inside the SOLD OUT Museum of Ice Cream!

    Inside the SOLD OUT Museum of Ice Cream!

    When we heard through the grapevine — okay, Facebook — that there was going to be a limited-run, popup Museum of Ice Cream in New York this summer, we immediately bought tickets. Turns out, that was a good move, because by the time we got around to going, the event was SOLD OUT. That’s right, y’all, if…

  • Five Albums: Double Fantasy

    Five Albums: Double Fantasy

    Three chimes.   Double Fantasy is a meditative experience. It plays like a story of a relationship which begins in the middle — a genius move that lends itself brilliantly to playing it over and over, to “start over” again and again. Lennon’s gift for songwriting is undoubtedly enhanced by his relationship with Ono. I’ve always regarded them…

  • New York Holidays

    New York Holidays

    Last Friday was National Donut Day. Aren’t there like, five of those every year? Nation, what the fuck are you doing? As a New Yorker, I feel less and less in touch with the rest of “the nation.” I mean, y’all made Trump a thing. Thanks, Nation! I think it’s time for New York to…

  • Wedding Presents for New York Couples

    Wedding Presents for New York Couples

    It’s wedding season!  Which means not only are you going to have to figure out what to wear to an “elegant laid-back formal BBQ” reception, you’re also going to have to bring A GIFT.  New York City couples are notoriously hard to shop for because they have everything they need already, and no room for…

  • Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Things Guys Do On The Subway That We HATE

    Playing Shitty Music Out Loud — look at everybody else’s ears.  What do you see?  Those are called “headphones.”  People wear them in public.  If you’re wearing headphones and I can still hear your music, then you need to re-evaluate your life.  Seriously. Spitting — yo are you brushing your teeth on the D train…

  • Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Dressing For The Weather: New York City Edition

    Summer:  “Which of my pretty pretty dresses should I wear today?” *five minutes later*  “Ok, I’m ready!” Fall:  “I can pull off this sundress!  I’ll just put a sweater over it.  And some jeans under it.  And a down coat.  I’m still tan from summer, so you can hardly tell that my extremities are turning…

  • Quickies!  vol. 2

    Quickies! vol. 2

    Too long to tweet, too short for a full blog post, it’s Quickies! Happy Day of everybody watching Trump & waiting for him to peel off his ugly face & reveal that he was Joaquin Phoenix all along #AprilFools — Meghan Sara Karre (@MeghanSaraK) April 1, 2016 How to write the perfect dating app bio:…

  • The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    The Seven Worst Moments In The Life of a New Yorker

    Category is: Law & Order intro realness. Yes, they’ve all happened: 1.  The pounding bass line that’s keeping you from sleeping on a weeknight has gotten so irritating that you venture, bleary-eyed and pajama-clad, into the brightly lit hallway of your apartment building only to discover that the offending apartment, the Party Animals, the horrific…

  • I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

    I’m Sorry, But You’re Wrong

      So I was coming home from a long day at my internship wherein I got really caught up in A Thing and didn’t really eat lunch.  Well I did eat one of those KIND bars – the one I keep in my bag for an emergency – but that’s an EMERGENCY TIDE-OVER BAR, not…

  • Love Letter to Law & Order: SVU

    Love Letter to Law & Order: SVU

    Law & Order: SVU has been on television for 17 Seasons – the age of legal consent in New York State!  What?  Don’t act like you’re not in love with SVU, and don’t act shocked!  It’s been 17 seasons of twisted plotlines, tense standoffs, mistaken identity, snatched babies and jaw-dropping twists.  SVU is the longest-lasting…

  • Currently… in February 2016

    Currently… in February 2016

    FEELING:  The never-ending cold has passed!  But not before I “passed” it to my boyfriend!  Aww, shucks.  Well, now we’re both feeling better and it is glorious not to be sick anymore! WATCHING:  Alternating between Flavor of Love and Law and Order: SVU because they inspire me – no really!  I wrote about reality TV…



    New Yorkers are known for being three things: rich sexy cynical Okay, so two out of three ain’t bad (and FYI, I’m broke as hell).  So when this huuuuuuge snowstorm was predicted, I figured it was all hype.  I didn’t think it would really happen, and as such, I didn’t bother to prepare for it.…

  • When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    Moments of bravery:  we all have them.  Do you, like me, use your personal moments of bravery in times of struggle?  In a previous post, I mentioned how much I challenged myself in 2015 and the confidence those moments of challenge gave me when faced with mundane, everyday moments of doubt.  Y’know – job interviews,…

  • 2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    What the hell is this post, a shameless plug for my Instagram?  On the one hand, yes definitely.  On the other hand, I’ve felt an Instagram rant has been long overdue from me and I want to get my feelings out there and see what you think.  But first, the ‘grams: 1.  My top ‘gram…

  • I’m Sick of Being Sick!

    I’m Sick of Being Sick!

    What did you get for Christmas?  I got the longest-lasting cold!!  I brought it back to New York City with me and maybe I didn’t treat it right: On the first day of sickness, I went to the hospital (for my dermatology appointment, more on that later!) and sat for hours in a waiting room…

  • 2015 in Review: Second Quarter

    2015 in Review: Second Quarter

    APRIL I Have A Crush (4/4/15): “Brooklyn’s humble, eclectic charm was calling to me.  While my old haunts were burning down, moving out, or turning into 7-11’s, I turned to Brooklyn’s vintage shops and offbeat museums for respite.  When Manhattan rushed me, I’d spend carefree weekends winding down windy streets.” Jiminy Crickets! (4/23/15):  “No stranger…

  • 2015 in Review: First Quarter

    2015 in Review: First Quarter

    JANUARY Adjusting to the New Job (1/22/15):  “Most days I go home tired.  Some days, I go home feeling like a total failure.  I feel so defeated it’s hard to breathe as I walk to the subway.  And some other days, things go so well that I feel like dancing all the way home.  But…