Tag: Fandom 5

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Con Swag

    5 Fandom Friday: Con Swag

    Speaking of Con Loot, everyone’s pictures of SDCC looked so fun and yes, I fell for the internet prank of the Firefly cast reuniting.  Quick subject change!  Showing off some of the cool swag I’ve bought myself at NYCC: 1.  Dalek shirt  which is so soft and comfortable and lovely!!!  Also hilarious because when I…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Spin Spin Spinoff

    5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff

    I’m not a fan of spinoffs, generally, since Angel was such a disappointment after Buffy.  Most of the things I love just happen to wrap up in tidy, complete packages.  I can’t imagine, for instance, continuing the story of Les Miserables, or Battlestar Galactica, or Love in the Time of Cholera.  So I struggled immensely…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Not Of This World…

    5 Fandom Friday: Not Of This World…

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday features our Five Favourite Aliens!  Kick it up to Warp Speed and join me, The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick and hashtag #5FANDOMFRIDAY and #FANDOM5 with your 5 favourite aliens – self included! 1.  THE DOCTOR  in all his various incarnations.  I think my favourite has to be Tom…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    Normally I would say “Nothing you enjoy should make you feel guilty!” but there are those things you cringe to admit like… 1.  I adore the Twilight series  and I’m glad to see it popping up on other people’s lists too!  I feel so bad because the books are a massive commercial success turned cultural…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fashion

    5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fashion

    Favourite Fictional Fashion (or: “I just want to rock a jumpsuit): 1.  Kaylee Frye from Firefly  makes a jumpsuit look pretty…pretty, actually! 2.  Batgirl of Burnside  has some admittedly hipster but fashionable looks!  I would absolutely raid her closet. 3.  Friday from Friday  normally I’d never want to dress (or is undress the word) like…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fathers

    5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fathers

    In honor of Father’s Day, much as for Mother’s Day, we are listing out favourite fiction fathers this weekend! 1.  Bob Belcher from Bob’s Burgers  is sort of the “straight man” to his wacky family, but that’s what they need.  Also, the burger puns. 2.  Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  isn’t so much really…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  On The BIG Screen!

    5 Fandom Friday: On The BIG Screen!

    Sooo, Hollywood is all about making movies of things.  And TV series.  And that’s terrible.  ART IS ART!  Okay?  Comics are a medium unto themselves.  Who ever suggested making a pilot of the Mona Lisa, or turning Starry Night into a blockbuster?  I can’t even wrap my head around how terribly stupid it would be…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I'm Cool Like…

    This week’s prompt is to list fictional characters that you identify with.  As much as I wish I was totall awesome like Buffy Summers and Donna Noble, I’m probably just lame like these guys: 1.  Batgirl of Burnside  probably the reason I keep reading is because despite how she makes me face palm every time…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Nerdiest Things I’ve Ever Done

    5 Fandom Friday: Nerdiest Things I’ve Ever Done

    Time to spill the beans:  the nerdiest things you’ve ever done!  I pretty much think everything I do is pretty nerdy, and I’m pretty sure I’d get a lot of backup on that one as well.  1.  Work for a walking tour company  unlike some items on this list, I’m really proud of this!  I…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Binge-worthy

    5 Fandom Friday: Binge-worthy

    This week’s prompt is your most binge-worthy TV shows!  I have so many that when I start, I just can’t stop.  I don’t have “normal” TV, so all I ever do is stream, stream, stream on my Hulu!  Here’s my most guilty binge-pleasures: 1.  Battlestar Galactica  is like Pringles – you can’t have just one! …

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  GAMES GAMES GAMES!!!

    5 Fandom Friday: GAMES GAMES GAMES!!!

    I lurve lurve lurve games.  I was taught card games at an early age by my family, later to share them with friends and become an obsession.  My Odyssey of the Mind team were among the first to jump on the Apples to Apples bandwagon.  There are so many “secret” rules to my version of…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  RIDES RIDES RIDES

    5 Fandom Friday: RIDES RIDES RIDES

    I LOVE RIDES.  I LOVE RIDES.  I LOVE RIDES.  I love getting in line all cocky, totally sure of yourself, trying to show off for your friends how cool and brave you are and then feeling, as the coaster goes up, that you are certainly going to die and this was a horrible mistake and…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Black Magic Woman

    5 Fandom Friday: Black Magic Woman

    This week’s prompt is “5 Magical Items I Would Love to Own.”  I’m not actually sure what that even means.  Are these items that contain magic?  Is this asking about Magic: The Gathering?  I’m not sure.  So here’s me answering the prompt to the best of my ability: 1.  Salt Lamp  someone – okay, it…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Comfort Films

    5 Fandom Friday: Comfort Films

    I am so excited for this week because as soon as I saw the prompt, I knew exactly which films I was going to write about.  So does this mean “comfort films” are a thing?  Because I definitely have some movies I’ve watched over and over again to the point of madness: 1.  Earth Girls…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  FBFF’s

    5 Fandom Friday: FBFF’s

    Like, if these people actually existed, we’d totally be best friends in real life because how could we not? 1. & 2.  Willow & Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  are the coolest people in the whole of the world forever and ever amen.  If you don’t get along with these two, you’re probably deficient…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Blog Snax

    5 Fandom Friday: Blog Snax

    Yes!  A food prompt!  I love these!  And this one is super specific, so I can’t wait to find out what everyone else munches on while blogging be honest everyone!!!  1.  Peanut M&Ms  went from being my least favourite M&M flavour to the one I crave all the time.  Oh!  How can I but sing…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I Shall Name You…

    5 Fandom Friday: I Shall Name You…

    This was a fun prompt to think about!  There are so many awesome names out there that I had a hard time culling the list down to just five!  I can’t wait to see everyone else’s answers!  I got a little fancy and picked two people-names, an animal name, a wireless network name (the most…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I’m Getting Around To It!

    5 Fandom Friday: I’m Getting Around To It!

    Everybody does it:  we bite off more than we can chew.  We buy books that look enticing, read the first few pages or chapters and then…life gets in the way.  I know I’m so guilty of this.  Here’s the short list of books on my shelf that I keep meaning to read – hey!  I’m…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I Heart U & U

    5 Fandom Friday: I Heart U & U

    Ah, swooning over fictional couples, a time-honoured fandom tradition!  Nothing like the perfect romance that can only exist in stories to make your actual life seem like crap.  And that’s why we love it!  1.  Lazarus Long and Adorable Dora, Time Enough For Love by Robert A. Heinlein  tl:dr version: LL rescues a baby from…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Funko POP!

    5 Fandom Friday: Funko POP!

    I can only imagine collecting Funko POP! figures would be a very, very slippery slope for me.  For one thing, I have very limited storage-display space in my home.  For another thing, they’re all so cute!  This year, they’re rolling out figures of some of my favourite fandoms and I just can’t take the plunge…