Tag: art

  • 5 Parts of The Met that You Can’t Miss!

    5 Parts of The Met that You Can’t Miss!

      If you’re a New Yorker, you go to The Met. It’s what you do.  I’ve been thinking about The Met and I’ve decided that The Met is like, Church for New Yorkers. If you live in New York, you should go to The Met if not every week, then at least twice a year…

  • Take My Breath Away, Dahn Vo! at The Guggenheim

    Take My Breath Away, Dahn Vo! at The Guggenheim

      COOL STORY BRO: Four years ago, during my second season giving ghost tours in Lower Manhattan, City Hall Park was overtaken by an installation by Dahn (pronounced “Yon,” I googled it) Vo, called “We The People.” Click the link! Did you click it? So basically, it was life-sized CHUNKS of the Statue of Liberty,…

  • Don’t Get Pissed, But Your “Fearless Girl” Is Bullshit

    Don’t Get Pissed, But Your “Fearless Girl” Is Bullshit

      I know I know, you’re already angry at my title — but what is being “fearless” if not standing up for what’s right, even if it’s unpopular? I love you all, I love Intersectional Feminism, and that is why I cannot stand by Fearless Girl.   I know you’re still upset, so I’m gonna…

  • Symbolism Of Objects In Selfies

    Symbolism Of Objects In Selfies

      In classical portraits, the inclusion of certain objects would give the viewers a peek at the personality of the subject. We can stroll the halls of museums and understand much about the lives of those who sat for portraits by the symbolic inclusion of personal effects. Where selfies are concerned, the props being held…

  • Background


    So, I posted here that a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to perform as “background” on a pilot that was shooting in NYC!  Here’s what I learned: CONGRATULATIONS!  You’ve been cast as WOMAN AT BAR in the exciting pilot production of UNTITLED PILOT TBA !!!  You’ve got a call time just after dawn,…

  • T-Shirt to Wall Art DIY

    T-Shirt to Wall Art DIY

    Here’s a handy trick:  check your pulse.  If you have one, chances are you also have a favourite T-shirt! When I was in middle school, and my dad would go to conferences in other cities, he would bring back T-shirts for me.  Two of the absolute prettiest were hand-painted shirts from New Orleans, Louisiana.  I’ve…

  • How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    What a ride the past nine months have been!  It felt so much longer.  I got incredibly drunk (one – ONE frozen mojito!) after school with my coworkers on Tuesday to put the year behind me and look forward to this summer.  Of course, I’m looking for a new job – but I’m also going…

  • Flutter


    I met Jennie Wood at NYCC14 and this review is so beyond late, but trust me, it’s worth it.  If you’re a fan of Sex Criminals and coming-of-age comics, Flutter is one to check out. Navigating growing up and figuring yourself out is hard enough when you’re a teenager.  Understanding your body and desires is…

  • Easter Vacation Recap

    Easter Vacation Recap

    “Nothing in moderation” is my motto.  So when I had the chance to head upstate for Easter, I made sure to visit four towns in three days.  You’ve already seen my Owego and Corning, NY photos!  The majority of the trip was spent in the ‘burbs of Buffalo, NY, visiting family all over the area.…

  • I Have A Crush…

    I Have A Crush…

    Ever since I first watched West Side Story as a young girl, I knew I wanted to live in Manhattan.  I thought that was the place for me, and in my heart, I yearned to be at the center of the Big Apple. And then, I started getting to know Brooklyn.  I feel so dirty…

  • Girls With Slingshots

    Girls With Slingshots

    Curse me now, thank me later:  Danielle Corsetto’s engaging webcomic Girls With Slingshots just wrapped up after ten years.  Ten years!  Over a thousand strips for your obsessive pleasure.  Once you get comfortable clicking your way through the archives, you’ll be addicted to your screen.  Curse me now, thank me later. It would be impossible…

  • Macy’s Flower Show 2015: Art in Bloom

    Macy’s Flower Show 2015: Art in Bloom

    On yet another grey Saturday in March, I woke up and declared to my still-uncaffeinated boyfriend, “I need to see some flowers.” Behold, the Macy’s 2015 Flower Show.  The perfect antidote for chilly, drizzly days!  Fight the crowds to feast your pupils on bright colours and awesome installations!  This year’s theme was “Art in Bloom”. …

  • Saga: Book One

    Saga: Book One

    I can’t rave enough about Saga: Book One.  Because if I do, I’m afraid I’ll ruin the surprises. Saga: Book One is about Hazel.  How Hazel came to be alive.  And how Hazel is in danger of winding up dead. We meet some complicated characters. Some not-so complicated characters. And live in a world of…

  • Sex Criminals

    Sex Criminals

    I’ve heard so much about Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky’s Sex Criminals that it had been on my radar for a while.  When I finally got my copy of the vol. 1 trade, I was not disappointed.  In fact, I was completely blown away. If you’re unfamiliar, you’re probably thinking a million things right now. …

  • Drunk Furniture

    Drunk Furniture

    Have you seen the hot trending topic “Drunk Furniture” ?  Basically, you find old furniture thrown out at the curb and give it a caption like it’s drunk. THIS IS THE FUNNEST GAME EVER. Now, whenever I see ratty old gross furniture chucked out on the sidewalk, I don’t think about the bedbugs that most…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    5 Fandom Friday: Black Friday

    First, a word:  this is my hypothetical list.  I do not condone IN ANY WAY the further abuse of retail workers around the holidays by participating in “Black Friday” or worse, “Black Thursday,” wherein not even the holiday itself is sacred.  Not that it really ever was, but try to keep in mind that there…

  • We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl #35 – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to…

  • #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    On January 19th, 2012, I took this photo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn: Pay CLOSE ATTENTION the goofy little robots in the bottom, holding up the carnation? I loved this photo and the robots and the flower SO MUCH that I made that photo my lock screen photo for the past, like, two and a half YEARS.…

  • One Hundred Demons

    One Hundred Demons

    Fear not!  One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry is not entirely scary!  It is sweet, insightful, revealing…and because of that, it is completely terrifying. Lynda Barry’s demons take the form of all of our fears and hopes gone awry.  I don’t want to spoil a single moment of this beautiful memoir-esque collection of tales, but…

  • Charles James:  Beyond Fashion at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Charles James: Beyond Fashion at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    I am not lying when I say that I was nearly moved to tears at the Charles James:  Beyond Fashion exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  When people say they are “stunned” by grandeur, this is precisely what they must be talking about.  The exhibit does not allow photos (which is okay because it’s…