
I met Jennie Wood at NYCC14 and this review is so beyond late, but trust me, it’s worth it.  If you’re a fan of Sex Criminals and coming-of-age comics, Flutter is one to check out.

Navigating growing up and figuring yourself out is hard enough when you’re a teenager.  Understanding your body and desires is especially tricky when you think you might be attracted to the same sex!  Now imagine all that, and you’re a shape-shifting, self-healing teenage science experiment gone wrong who’s running from the government.  No spoilers here!  But you’ll get a kick out of this storyline.  Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of who’s who, but since the characters can change their appearance, I suppose that’s part of the deal?  Also, my main complaint is that the story ends TOO SOON!  I just want to know more about these characters!  Thanks, Jennie, for signing my copy and for chatting with me at NYCC14!  Hope to see you and more of your work next year!


One response to “Flutter”

  1. Hi Meghan Sara,

    It was so great chatting with you last fall at NYCC. And I'm so happy that you enjoyed Flutter. We're finishing Flutter, Volume 2 right now. In fact, we're doing a Kickstarter to help get enough copies printed so we can get it distributed into comic stores. Here's the Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/372761059/flutter-an-indie-comic-by-jennie-wood-and-jeff-mcc

    I'll also be at NYCC this fall with copies. Hope to see you there!

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