Tag: movies

  • My Little Problem With The Big Sick

    My Little Problem With The Big Sick

      So the other day, I watched the romantic comedy The Big Sick! I’d been wanting to see this movie for a long time, basically since it first came out and was immediately heralded by critics. Now, if you know anything about the movie, you know that it’s the true story of the early days of comedian Kumail Nanjiani…

  • GOOD NEWS! Life Is Back To Abnormal!

    GOOD NEWS! Life Is Back To Abnormal!

    This was taken at DragCon last weekend (or the weekend before that? Gosh, time is flying) which is why there’s a pink carpet behind me. Duh!   So like I said, this week is flying by! I’ve been helping out at the studio, despite catching a milder version of my boyfriend’s cold. This weekend is…

  • Carrie’s Side

    Carrie’s Side

    Mom: “Hi Carrie, how was school today?” Carrie:  “Fine.  We drew pictures of our families…but I’m worried about my friend Cindy.” Mom:  Oh?  Why is that? Carrie: “Well, it was Tyler’s birthday today, so his dad brought in cupcakes, but Cindy couldn’t have any.  She had to sit in the nurse’s office until after we…

  • Field Guide to Female Friendships

    Field Guide to Female Friendships

      Women!  Who can begin to understand them?  Male philosophers, psychoanalysts and stand-up comedians have tried to comprehend and explain the way the female brain works.  If these men of science have such difficulty understanding women, what hope is there for mere women?  The resulting paradox is that many women have difficulty making friends with…

  • Dear Santa…

    Dear Santa…

    Dear Santa: I don’t ask for much in the way of gifts and presents, because what I really want can’t sit under the tree with a shiny red bow on top.  Santa, if you think (as I do) that I’ve been good this year, I will be even better next year if you bring me…

  • QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    1.  What types of activities do your #squad typically enjoy doing? A.  We get into all sorts of trouble.  Like, literal trouble. B.  Dishing about our sex lives! C.  Something courageous and selfless, aww. D.  Dishing about our sex lives…or should I say, lack thereof. 2.  What food do you serve your #squad besties? A. …

  • Background


    So, I posted here that a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to perform as “background” on a pilot that was shooting in NYC!  Here’s what I learned: CONGRATULATIONS!  You’ve been cast as WOMAN AT BAR in the exciting pilot production of UNTITLED PILOT TBA !!!  You’ve got a call time just after dawn,…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Apocalypse NO

    5 Fandom Friday: Apocalypse NO

    The apocalypse is no fun, people.  Shit goes down, you gotta have a seriously good crew.  This week, we have the opportunity to assemble our apocalypse-proof posse to help us through these trying times. 1.  Buffy Summers  has survived how many apocalypses now?  She’s basically a pro at this.  I would have Buffy as my…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  You Said It

    5 Fandom Friday: You Said It

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday is inspired by la langue de geek, it’s those geeky phrases by which we all identify each other and converse by droppin catchphrases yo! 1.  “It’s in the frackin’ ship!”  oh man, this more than probably any is my favourite to whip out during parties.  Squint one eye shut, grasp…

  • How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    What a ride the past nine months have been!  It felt so much longer.  I got incredibly drunk (one – ONE frozen mojito!) after school with my coworkers on Tuesday to put the year behind me and look forward to this summer.  Of course, I’m looking for a new job – but I’m also going…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Not Of This World…

    5 Fandom Friday: Not Of This World…

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday features our Five Favourite Aliens!  Kick it up to Warp Speed and join me, The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick and hashtag #5FANDOMFRIDAY and #FANDOM5 with your 5 favourite aliens – self included! 1.  THE DOCTOR  in all his various incarnations.  I think my favourite has to be Tom…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  On The BIG Screen!

    5 Fandom Friday: On The BIG Screen!

    Sooo, Hollywood is all about making movies of things.  And TV series.  And that’s terrible.  ART IS ART!  Okay?  Comics are a medium unto themselves.  Who ever suggested making a pilot of the Mona Lisa, or turning Starry Night into a blockbuster?  I can’t even wrap my head around how terribly stupid it would be…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  OH MAMA!

    5 Fandom Friday: OH MAMA!

    In honor of Mother’s Day (probably?) let’s dish on favourite moms!  Kinda weird, but okay… 1.  Joyce Summers  was the coolest of the cool teenage vampire slayers’ moms.  Sure, Buffy and her’s relationship wasn’t always perfect, but she stuck up for her daughter and was pretty badass in her own right – esp. with Giles…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Comfort Films

    5 Fandom Friday: Comfort Films

    I am so excited for this week because as soon as I saw the prompt, I knew exactly which films I was going to write about.  So does this mean “comfort films” are a thing?  Because I definitely have some movies I’ve watched over and over again to the point of madness: 1.  Earth Girls…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  FBFF’s

    5 Fandom Friday: FBFF’s

    Like, if these people actually existed, we’d totally be best friends in real life because how could we not? 1. & 2.  Willow & Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  are the coolest people in the whole of the world forever and ever amen.  If you don’t get along with these two, you’re probably deficient…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I Shall Name You…

    5 Fandom Friday: I Shall Name You…

    This was a fun prompt to think about!  There are so many awesome names out there that I had a hard time culling the list down to just five!  I can’t wait to see everyone else’s answers!  I got a little fancy and picked two people-names, an animal name, a wireless network name (the most…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Funko POP!

    5 Fandom Friday: Funko POP!

    I can only imagine collecting Funko POP! figures would be a very, very slippery slope for me.  For one thing, I have very limited storage-display space in my home.  For another thing, they’re all so cute!  This year, they’re rolling out figures of some of my favourite fandoms and I just can’t take the plunge…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Christmas Movies

    5 Fandom Friday: Christmas Movies

    1.  A Charlie Brown Christmas  you knew I was gonna bust this one out right out of the gate.  My Snoopy love is well-known and this has all the elements:  Charlie Brown feeling bad for himself, Lucy charging five cents for Psychiatric Help, Snoopy mackin’ on the ladies…and the most quotable line of all, “It…

  • Enh, What’s Up, Diane? Ice Cream

    Enh, What’s Up, Diane? Ice Cream

    ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION:  it has recently come to my attention that Diane Keaton, aka TheGreatestStarOfAll, likes to dip carrots in peanut butter.Class, can we think of anyone else who does this?  OH WAIT.  ME.  That’s right. And while I may cringe at the thought of carrots in ice cream, peanut butter on ice cream is…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Halloween Movies

    5 Fandom Friday: Halloween Movies

    Time again for more 5 Fandom Friday with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick!  This week’s topic is Halloween movies you must see – which is hard because I don’t really have many!  I could only think of three that I *MUST* see every year: 1.  It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!  OH MY GOD, I…