Enh, What’s Up, Diane? Ice Cream

ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION:  it has recently come to my attention that Diane Keaton, aka TheGreatestStarOfAll, likes to dip carrots in peanut butter.
Class, can we think of anyone else who does this?  OH WAIT.  ME.  That’s right.

And while I may cringe at the thought of carrots in ice cream, peanut butter on ice cream is just the ticket!

The usual suspects:

can of condensed milk
1 pint heavy cream
Hershey’s Special Dark syrup
Reese’s Peanut Butter Chips
Peanut Butter M&Ms

I start by blending together the condensed milk and heavy cream, adding Hershey’s Special Dark syrup to taste.  I think I ended up putting about 2 to 3 Tbsps in there?  This bottle, bought ON SALE, has lasted me like forever.  It has only just now begun to wheeze and need a spanking, if you know what I mean (ed. note:  you know what I mean).

I folded in the entire bag of peanut butter chips, and then ladled the mixture into a smaller container for freezing, layering the whole bag (okay, the whole bag minus several handfuls) of Peanut Butter M&Ms as I went.

I tried to make a star on top out of the M&Ms but there can be only one star in this blog entry – and that’s Diane Keaton, ladies and gentlemen.

Freeze it for a few hours then enjoy in a starched white turtleneck in your Hamptons beach house while pouring out the novel of your soul.  Or dip some carrots into it.  If you’re brave.


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