5 Fandom Friday: Christmas Movies

1.  A Charlie Brown Christmas  you knew I was gonna bust this one out right out of the gate.  My Snoopy love is well-known and this has all the elements:  Charlie Brown feeling bad for himself, Lucy charging five cents for Psychiatric Help, Snoopy mackin’ on the ladies…and the most quotable line of all, “It just needs a little love!”  Of course!  That’s what Christmas is all about.

2.  For Better or For Worse:  The Bestest Present  this is the movie that will make you cringe when you hear “I wan my bunnnnnyyyyy” and then wish to whine it whenever you’re just feeling upset.  Sorry for the poor video quality, but if you haven’t seen this classic, here’s your chance!

3.  A Christmas Story  is also a play…a play I was in…where I played a teacher (laugh all you like at that self-fulfilling prophesy).  We all know and love the Red Rider BB gun line and the subsequent dismissal:  “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!”  There’s a good reason this movie is seen on TV a lot leading up to the holiday, and I hope I have a chance to watch it this season, too!

4.  Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer  but mostly for Herbie, the flamboyant dentist elf.  “Why am I such a misfit?” is the eternal refrain.  And it’s good to remember “There’s always tomorrow!”  I don’t want to spoil the story (as if you haven’t seen it a million times yourself!) but I love a movie where even the villain is redeemed and everyone can be happy!

5.  A Muppet Family Christmas  Christmas is the Muppet holiday!  This movie has everything:  Muppets.  Fraggles.  Sesame Street.  Fozzie Bear takes a lead in this film, but don’t worry, everyone from Camilla to the Swedish Chef has a chance to shine! 

November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For

December 5th – My Favorite Holiday Songs To Spread Cheer

December 19th – My Must See List of Christmas Movies
December 26th – New Years Blogging Resolutions

January 2nd – New Years Fandom Resolutions
January 9th – My Favorite Things About Winter
January 16th – Conventions I’ve Been To Or Wish To Attend
January 23rd – Songs That Changed My Life

January 30th – Favorite Fandom Accessories I Own


2 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Christmas Movies”

  1. I love the Charlie Brown Christmas special! Awesome list of movies!

  2. I had no idea For Better or Worse had a Christmas special. I loved reading that comic growing up.

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