Tag: lessons

  • Reaching For The Light

    Reaching For The Light

    As you know, it was recently MY BIRTHDAY* *yes, it was like, a week and a half ago, but to me, a birthday is more like a state of mind! And when I decide I want special treatment, it’s My Birthday.   So, I was still in a Birthday State of Mind when I was…

  • Things I Learned at Burning Man 2017

    Things I Learned at Burning Man 2017

      The opposite of “Fragile Masculinity” is probably “Secure Masculinity,” as in a cishet man who can enjoy yoga and facials and pumpkin spice latte’s without having to proclaim “NO HOMO!” But what is “Fragile Femininity,” i.e. a woman who feels compelled to protest that she is “Not Like Other Girls,” or HATES the color…

  • Carrie’s Side

    Carrie’s Side

    Mom: “Hi Carrie, how was school today?” Carrie:  “Fine.  We drew pictures of our families…but I’m worried about my friend Cindy.” Mom:  Oh?  Why is that? Carrie: “Well, it was Tyler’s birthday today, so his dad brought in cupcakes, but Cindy couldn’t have any.  She had to sit in the nurse’s office until after we…

  • I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word:  “CRAZY”

    I’m Breaking Up With The C-Word: “CRAZY”

    I won’t even say “crazy” to my therapist.  Not just because it’s an ableist slur (we’ll get to that) but because I know she’s going to ask me “What do you mean by that?”  She knows that word is bullshit.  And now you will too. When someone describes something as “crazy, for lack of a…

  • Never Read The Comments

    Never Read The Comments

    . Cheese and crackers, guys!  I thought I’d scraped the absolute bottom of the Internet, but it turns out there are even more frozen layers than I realized! Since I started my internship, I’ve been learning so much about online journalism!  Namely, to never, ever, ever read the comments!  Here are some examples of the…

  • What Is Makeup?

    What Is Makeup?

    Makeup is very controversial these days!  People are asking all kinds of questions such as, “Is Makeup Feminist?” and “Is Makeup False Advertising?”  The one question NOT being asked is probably the most important one of all, “WHAT IS MAKEUP?!?”  To understand, I’ve broken down the essential elements of makeup for you to understand: Contouring: …

  • “The Fuckin’ Ugly Duckling” & Dermatology Update

    “The Fuckin’ Ugly Duckling” & Dermatology Update

    So it has been six weeks since the dermatologist.  Six weeks, remember?  She said I wouldn’t even START to see a positive change in my skin until at LEAST six weeks. Which is why I was so excited that my face had been responding to treatment since day ONE!  Yay!  And for the past five…

  • Can You Be A Feminist And LOVE Reality TV?

    Can You Be A Feminist And LOVE Reality TV?

    Can you be a feminist and – YES.  Shhh.  YES YOU CAN.  You can be a feminist and do whatever you want. But. I looooooove Reality TV – especially dating shows.  My favourite dating shows are of the “_____ of Love” oeuvre.  The challenges are over-the-top ridiculous (Mud Bowl!), the glitz and glamour is outrageous…

  • Be the Nerd AND Date the Nerd: Why Nerds Do It Better

    Be the Nerd AND Date the Nerd: Why Nerds Do It Better

    If you logged onto OkCupid in 2013 and searched for ‘women’ in their late 20’s in the New York area, you’ve probably seen this baby’s face: All T no shade, I pulled a lot of nerd with my sonic screwdriver photo.  Don’t hate, appreciate… Nerd.  Geek.  Dork.  Whatever your vernacular for that Comic Book Guy,…

  • #WomenNotObjects ALMOST Gets It Right

    #WomenNotObjects ALMOST Gets It Right

    Participation ribbon time:  You had me until the 2:08 mark, #WomenNotObjects. This video appealing (to men, ostensibly) to treat women as more than objects means well and almost gets it right – until it (HERE WE GO AGAIN) reminds the viewer (men, ostensibly) that “I am your…“ in order to get their message across. This…



    New Yorkers are known for being three things: rich sexy cynical Okay, so two out of three ain’t bad (and FYI, I’m broke as hell).  So when this huuuuuuge snowstorm was predicted, I figured it was all hype.  I didn’t think it would really happen, and as such, I didn’t bother to prepare for it.…

  • 5 Things I Learned in 2015

    5 Things I Learned in 2015

    I went through so many changes in 2015 that I had a hard time narrowing down just five things I learned.  Instead of joking (whaaaa?! me, not joking?) about silly things like “I learned how to pencil in my eyebrows,” I took the high road by listing the serious lessons I learned in 2015.  And…

  • 5 Blogging Tips I Begrudgingly Like (Just Don’t Make A Big Thing Out Of It)

    5 Blogging Tips I Begrudgingly Like (Just Don’t Make A Big Thing Out Of It)

    If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking “guh! Not another pedantic blog about blogging!”  But come on, would I play you like that?  That’s how I feel every time someone tells me to “advertise my posts on Twitter and Instagram!” like, I know I’m old but I do know what a Twitter is.  Amidst the…

  • How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    Haters, to the left!  It seems there are some people out there who never learned how to politely disagree with other human beings!  And now that the Internet has made us a Global Community, people are able to voice their opinions out loud and proud for everyone to hear! Sadly, this also means that the…

  • QUIZ!  What Social Media Are You?

    QUIZ! What Social Media Are You?

    These five simple questions will help you determine your Social Media SOULMATE!!! 1.  You meet three of your best friends for brunch!  Yay!  What do you spend the meal doing? a.  Filling everyone in on which of your friends are pregnant or engaged b.  Cracking witty observational quips about the specials with the waitress –…

  • Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    Five Clothing Items to Survive Winter in NYC

    I always say, it’s summer in New York until THE SECOND it becomes winter and then it’s winter until THE SECOND it becomes summer.  When did winter happen, you ask?  Winter happened overnight on October 1st.  Which is cool!  I can appreciate you, winter, for being organized and arriving on your own schedule!  And hey,…

  • Background


    So, I posted here that a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to perform as “background” on a pilot that was shooting in NYC!  Here’s what I learned: CONGRATULATIONS!  You’ve been cast as WOMAN AT BAR in the exciting pilot production of UNTITLED PILOT TBA !!!  You’ve got a call time just after dawn,…

  • How to Ruin Comic Con

    How to Ruin Comic Con

    So many helpful articles on the Internet already exist to tell you how to SURVIVE a comic convention, how to GET THE MOST OUT OF a comic convention, blah blah blah.  I was going to write that article but damn, it’s already been done did-ed already!  So instead, in the interest of humor, let’s take…

  • The Hyde Amendment

    The Hyde Amendment

    The Year is 2015, and the House of Representatives has just voted to defund Planned Parenthood. “We don’t want our tax dollars to pay for abortions!”  they wail. And that’s where I come in. To the concerned parties:  Don’t worry.  We will have/already had your back. In the year 2136, a group of Highly Talented…

  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dust Storms

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dust Storms

    Dust storms at Burning Man.  Apparently, this year was rife with ’em.  Pesky, unscheduled, seemingly never-ending dust storms.  Don’t we look thrilled.  I alluded to some dust storms in the previous posts COCONUT + RUM + POLAROID and Tutu Tuesday, but those were minor, rapidly dissipating storms.  No, the one I’m about to tell you…