Tag: lessons

  • Don’t Let Them See You Wash Your Face

    Don’t Let Them See You Wash Your Face

    Everyone, everywhere has an opinion about what you should not do in the presence of your SigOth (that’s SIGnificant OTHer, for the uninitiated).  Most people agree it’s best not to pick your nose in front of your partner, and “pooping” seems to be there across the board as well, but there’s one horrific sight that…

  • A Mile in Grown-Up Shoes

    A Mile in Grown-Up Shoes

    Let’s face it:  being an adult is hard, from your head down to your toes.  You not only have to think and act like an adult, you also have to dress like one!  I have been mostly successful at avoiding this until yesterday, when special circumstances warranted that I wear…grown-up shoes.  I picked a pair…

  • Better Loving Through Science

    Better Loving Through Science

    This New York Times Modern Love article made the internet rounds a couple of weeks ago, but with Valentine’s Day coming up (and you know how much I love Valentine’s Day!), I thought this was a perfect time to share it.  In the article, Mandy Len Catron talks about using a series of 36 Questions…

  • To Cap It Off

    To Cap It Off

    When the weather gets colder, it’s time for hats!  Looking good in hats is a special talent of mine (don’t scoff – it takes a lot of work to pull off a good hat!) and on top of that (heh, hat pun?) hats serve the secondary purpose of disguising the fact that you’ve been too…

  • Balsamic Berry Brownie Bonanza

    Balsamic Berry Brownie Bonanza

    You guys you guys you guys.  My life has been changed forever. I have learned how to make my own ice cream. Now, you know how I hate to cook, but trust me, this is so easy, even I don’t hate it.  And I’m barely competent enough to boil water.  And that’s only so I…

  • To The Infant I Couldn't Stop Staring At In The Laundromat

    To The Infant I Couldn't Stop Staring At In The Laundromat

    hi, little guy.  I hope I didn’t creep you out by staring at you in your impossibly tiny sweatsuit.  I doubt if you even noticed – your eyes wide and flicking all over the room, pausing on each new amazing sight to process and file it away.  everything is new and nothing is taken for…

  • As Though You Have Never Been Hurt Before

    As Though You Have Never Been Hurt Before

    I’m sure you’ve all seen this quote before: I know I’ve seen this quote a bunch and I always dismissed it as being a little bit insipid.  Oh yeah, live life with abandon, blah blah blah.  Of course, now I appreciate the last line a little more as an Atheist.  It’s the second line that’s…

  • Reality Check

    Reality Check

    What really sucks about death is that it shows us how much we take for granted. My own dear father recently lamented that he’d always imagined growing old surrounded by the ones he loved, when a scare showed him that such a future might not be possible.  Death is that reality check.  We don’t know…

  • Love Is Like Bubble Gum

    Love Is Like Bubble Gum

    I.  Love is Like Bubble Gum Love is like Bubble Gum. At first, it’s really hard. Then it’s SO SWEET. For like, a minute. And then it starts to break apart. But you keep chewing it because you don’t want to believe that it’s already over. And when you finally spit it out, you can…

  • What We Learned This Christmas

    What We Learned This Christmas

    Last year, I never got to see my family for Christmas.  And I was miserable. This time around, it had been six months since I had seen any member of my family.   Oh, the old story:  working too hard, not enough time, costs too much to travel… But I realized something. I missed my…

  • I’m A Little Teapot, Apparently

    I’m A Little Teapot, Apparently

    I’ve sworn up and down that I’m a coffee person.  Don’t worry!  I still am!  But I have a confession:  I’ve been cheating on coffee…with tea. I know!  I want to kick my own ass.  Trust.  But I’ve been trying different teas and not just because I’ve had the sniffles!  Tea can be good!  Sometimes! …

  • Blogtember #8:  Be True to You, Whoever You Are

    Blogtember #8: Be True to You, Whoever You Are

    When I started blogging, it was in the hopes of making more friends like myself. Through blogging, Twitter, and online publications, I became fascinated with all these awesome women and their lives – such as Nat the Fat Rat, Rachele the Nearsighted Owl, and Emily McCombs of xoJane. Each of these women, and so many…

  • Blogtember #4:  Nothing to Fear

    Blogtember #4: Nothing to Fear

    When I sat down to, as today’s Blogtember prompts, write a story about a time I was afraid, I could think of none in recent history. Going back further, however, I remembered there was a time when I was always afraid. I was afraid of losing the people I loved, of getting hurt, or embarrassing…

  • Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…

    Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…

    There is, at my parents’ house, a trivet sitting on the stove, belonging to my father and bearing this Elbert Hubbard quote: Source:  mywordstuffs.blogspot.com As a kid, I thought it was funny.   Redundant. “Well, of course you don’t make it out alive… That’s the point!” As an adult, the saying has become a frightening warning.…

  • How To Meet an Internet Date

    How To Meet an Internet Date

    1.  Be first to arrive.  That way your date has to pick you out of the crowd, not the other way around.  You don’t want to be the asshole trying to peer behind every individual’s sunglasses to divine if that is the stranger you are meeting.  2.  Don’t pull any punches on your appearance.  No…

  • Close Encounters of the Chance Kind

    Close Encounters of the Chance Kind

    Me and my Big Brother in a Chance Encounter, seven years ago! They say, when you go looking for a connection, you will never find it.  Specifically when you go looking for love, it will elude you.  You have to let it come to you. Readers, I have tried to make friends through blogging so…

  • Always Find A Reason

    Always Find A Reason

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s a quote floating around out there somewhere that goes a little something like: “Unhappy people will always find a reason to be unhappy.Happy people will always find a way to be happy.” If not, well, you heard it here first.  I’ll happily be the one who said it,…

  • Non, Je Ne Regrette Much…

    Non, Je Ne Regrette Much…

    “No Regrets” is kind of a funny motto.  If hindsight is 20/20, how do you know you’re not doing things you’re going to regret all the time?  I try to live with as few regrets as possible, and yet there are always things nagging at my brain that I wish I has done differently.  But…

  • …Love and Tenderness

    I am very impatient by nature.  I like to solve problems.  It’s what I do!  Having participated in Odyssey of the Mind (“a creative problem-solving competition”) for seven years, I always believe that there is an elegant and swift solution to any problem.  And that I can find it.  And solve it. What frustrates me…

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    Letting go is terrifying in trapeze and in life. I like to plan, obsess, mull, and muse.  I keep my “Rolodex of Shame” well stocked and handy at all times.  I need to know what I’m doing.  I plan what salad dressing I’ll use for dinner before I leave work!  And between this blog and…