Tag: doggies

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Other People’s Puppies

    5 Fandom Friday: Other People’s Puppies

    Rules were made to be broken, nerds!  Since I missed last week because I was, you know, up at a cabin in the middle of nowhere, turning 31, I decided to backtrack this week and cover last week’s topic.  And do it a little differently.  Basically, today I’m going to tell you about my favourite…

  • Easter Vacation Recap

    Easter Vacation Recap

    “Nothing in moderation” is my motto.  So when I had the chance to head upstate for Easter, I made sure to visit four towns in three days.  You’ve already seen my Owego and Corning, NY photos!  The majority of the trip was spent in the ‘burbs of Buffalo, NY, visiting family all over the area.…

  • Just the Facts

    Just the Facts

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these memes and I picked this one up from an old classmate of mine from back before the turn of the century… Crazy Tragic Sometimes Magic Michael went to high school with me!  Isn’t it strange how paths cross again later in life thanks to the…

  • #tbt Glasses

    #tbt Glasses

    Right now you’re probably asking, “Why is that dog wearing glasses?” Well, he needs them to read. Charlie had always worn glasses.  Touche, bitches. A year ago tomorrow, Charlie passed away at home.He was the smartest, best dog – best friend – one could ask for.  If a dog could read, it would be Charlie. …

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • Currently…in August 2014

    Currently…in August 2014

    FEELING:  Stoked, excited, and sooooo happy!  My big vacation was a lot of fun, I’m glad to have gotten away, but I’m also so happy to get back!  My life lately is so surreal and wonderful. WATCHING: I’m falling behind on Sailor Moon because I’m just a bit too busy for TV these days! LISTENING…

  • Throwback Thursday – Ashton and Me

    Throwback Thursday – Ashton and Me

    Facebook kind of sucks for a lot of reasons.  It creates unnecessary drama, shows a side of people you’d rather not see, blah blah blah.  But what it’s really good for is storing photos!  And without further ado, here are some choice shots of my puppy love and me: Those crazy, pink-haired college days! I…

  • Charles the Great

    Charles the Great

    This Valentine’s Day, Cupid brought us a little heartbreak. Our sweet family pet of almost fifteen years, Charlie, passed away peacefully at home. From Christmas – he hated having his photo taken.  You have to catch him asleep! Our family just became a little smaller and a lot sadder.  There is nothing quite like losing…

  • December 2013 Photo-A-Day:  Week Four

    December 2013 Photo-A-Day: Week Four

    DAY 22.  SPRAKLY – up close of my candle holder DAY 23.  TRADITION – bus selfie.  So ready to be done with the day. DAY 24.  WRAPPED – I did mine up on gold, SEE??? DAY 25.  THE BEST BIT OF MY DAY – new carpet is pretty awesome! DAY 26.  WHERE I SLEPT –…

  • Charlie


    Our beloved family pet of fifteen, no, twenty, no, maybe forty?  years, Charlie a.k.a. Snooty Nose nee Master Charlemagne McTavish is in very poor health.  So we’re all very upset because we all love Charlie.  Everyone loves Charlie!  You love Charlie!  You just didn’t know it yet. Charlie is, without a doubt, the smartest dog. …

  • Chain Mail

    Chain Mail

    I love questionnaires! I found this one courtesy, once again, of Angie from Lariats and Lavender, which is a blog I’ve been a fan of for a long time!, who found it from Kyla at Kyla is Inspired, which is a blog I just discovered and is really lovely!!! 1.  Song you can’t get out…

  • Blogtember #11: Love Actually IS Possible

    Blogtember #11: Love Actually IS Possible

    Halloween 2004 The night before was a huge party in the apartment I shared with two friends who I met at community college.  Decorations still everywhere – orange and black and fake spiderwebs camouflaging the real spiderwebs.  When does a busy college student have time to dust cobwebs? The next day was my American history…

  • Charlie


    Are you guys ready to be shocked by something horrible? I found this old photo when I went back home to visit last month: Holy crap, who is that? Yup, it’s me.  Me and Charlie, partying like it’s 1999. I think that photograph actually was taken in 1999! Old Charlie is the family dog, and…

  • Ten Things That Make Me Happy

    Ten Things That Make Me Happy

    1. Candles 2. Walking 3. Adrenaline 4. Coffee 5. Ugly dogs 6. Putting makeup on in the morning 7. Scrubbing my makeup off at night 8. Falling asleep to music 9. Singing along 10. New York City

  • Very Superstitious

    Very Superstitious

    My ghost-tourists often ask me, “Do you believe in ghosts?”  I don’t like to answer because I encourage them to keep an open mind but I will admit to being fairly superstitious.  Is it even possible to be superstitious and an atheist at the same time?  Please keep an open mind for me. MONEY  …

  • One in a Million

    One in a Million

    On any given day, there are literally millions of people walking the streets of New York City at any given time. Probably hundreds of them are walking Pomeranians. Waiting at the light to cross Madison at 59th Street just a little past 5:00pm, I spotted one such Pomeranian.  On this given day, I felt a…

  • Vacation Recap: Duds the Stud

    Vacation Recap: Duds the Stud

    In the middle of my life falling apart, I went up to Buffalo to visit my family, as I do every year. I expected to be miserable – wallowing in sadness and loneliness the whole time. And then I met someone. My aunt was pet-sitting for the neighbor’s dog and guess what.  He is a…

  • Addicted to Pugs

    Man, today was ROUGH!  I woke up with a headache, fever, the WORKS!  I’m not entirely up to speed, but one thing that always makes me feel better and indeed, is helping turn about a swift recovery, is PUGS. Source: Uploaded by user via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest I consider the roly-poly, smoosh-faced PUG to be…