Chain Mail

I love questionnaires!
I found this one courtesy, once again, of Angie from Lariats and Lavender,
which is a blog I’ve been a fan of for a long time!,
who found it from Kyla at Kyla is Inspired,
which is a blog I just discovered and is really lovely!!!

1.  Song you can’t get out of your head?

I’ve been listening to a lot of big band music lately, but I’ve been really into “Hand in Glove” by The Smiths!

2.  Favorite ice cream flavor?
I love coffee flavoured ice cream!  Ever since I had a hot fudge coffee sundae at Ghiradelli in San Francisco when I was sixteen years old, I’ve held coffee dear to my heart.  But I’ll try anything!

3.  Are you a polka dots, stripes or sequins kind of girl?
I love stripes!  I wear an inordinate amount of horizontal stripes, which is supposedly the number one fashion “don’t”, but who cares?  Also glitter > sequins, in my estimation.  Sequins are for special occasions, but glitter stays with you FOREVER!

4.  Your favorite beauty product or secret?
I swear by Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion!  The website even lists it as a “Blogger Fave”.  Uh, it’s amazing.  It makes any cheap eyeshadow last all day.  And believe me, I get compliments ALL DAY LONG on my eyeshadow creations!

5.  Favorite spot in the area (or state) you live in?
I will never get tired of walking through Central Park, in any season of the year!  I love every part of New York City for a different reason.  The Upper West Side is classy, Greenwich Village is a nice place to disappear, the Upper East Side is a good place to show off, Midtown is always full of things to do, the East Village makes you feel cool, and the Highline/Chelsea is full of some of my fondest memories!  But Central Park is ever-changing, and has something for you, no matter what your mood.

6.  Current app/website addiction (besides Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest)?
I’m a huge fan of the Bloglovin’ app.  It lets me stay up-to-date on my favourite blogs, even when I’m away from home!  You know me – busy busy busy.

7.  What’s at the very top of your Christmas list this year?
Okay, there’s a gift shop in my hometown that sells the most amazing flavoured coffees.  I want some Snickerdoodle coffee!!!  I can find great coffee in New York, but Snickerdoodle is one I just can’t get here!

8.  What is your favorite color?

Purple.  Always purple!  Aubergine, to be precise!

9.  What do you order when you go to a coffee shop?

If I’m not in the mood for a plain black coffee (dark roast!), I’ll get a caramel macchiato, skim milk, no whip.

10.  Favorite place to shop?

I know it’s not classy, or whatever, but I adore Target!!  I love wandering the aisles early in the morning, coffee in hand,

11.  If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Maybe it’s all these old episodes of Doctor Who I’ve been watching lately, but I’ve had such a yen to visit England again!  London, the countryside, or some random small town. 

12.  Go-to nail polish color?

I always believe you can’t go wrong with classic black.  It can be classic, chic, edgy, and badass all at once!

13.  What is your favorite outfit?

I love my sweatpants and t-shirts.  I know.  So sad.  But I’m a low-key gal at heart, and I love bein’ lazy.

14.  Do you have any body mods (tattoo, piercing, etc.)?

Yes!  Tons!  I had my ears pierced when I was younger, but I haven’t worn earrings in something like a decade.  Since then, I’ve gotten a handful of tattoos — the face on my arm, the heart, star, and apple on my wrists, and the roses across my chest!

15.  What animal would you be, based on your personality?

I always joke that Pomeranians are my spirit animal.  They’re fluffy, almost always smiling, but have quick tempers!

16. What is your favorite song?

My all-time favourite song is “Perfect Day” by Lou Reed (RIP).

17. What is one object that you use daily, that you really love?

I know it’s a cliche, but I love my iPhone!  It helps me stay on time, entertained, it’s amazing!  The case is beautiful as well.  But I have a rule – when I’m with people, the phone goes to silent, and into my purse.

I tag all y’all!  Answer the questions and let me know in the comments if you had!
In addition, I have these questions for you:

What is one non-holiday thing you’re looking forward to in the next few months?
How do you take your coffee (or tea?)
What is your current food obsession?
What do you wear to sleep in?



2 responses to “Chain Mail”

  1. 1. Karmin…Brokenhearted – once I heard it I was hooked
    2. Chocolate Peanut Butter – lately though, Trader Joe's Pumpkin (thanks!) but they're out
    3. Pass
    4. Pass
    5. I live in Downtown Troy and love simply walking and enjoying the 19th century architechture
    6. Times Union…local newspaper because I'm dropping my subscription
    7. I ask my children to make donations to charities – I don't need anything
    8. Red!
    9. I don't drink coffee
    10. Peter Harris Clothes…discount clothing
    11. Love Europe
    12. Pass…but I do enjoy red on a woman's nails
    13. Jean and T-shirt
    14. No…but I know what I'd get for a tattoo
    15. Elephant…they're docile animals, right?
    16. Favorite??? I couldn't say
    17. I'm with you…iPhone 4S – would love to upgrade but I'll wait until I have to
    Non-Holiday thing…travelling to Toronto with my daughter to visit my niece and her husband and my son's GF who will be there on business from South Korea
    Don't drink coffee. I take tea with honey when I'm sick.
    Food obsession? I love ALL foods but I've been eating a lot of sweet potatoes…specifically, Dinosaur BBQ sweet potatoes…because they're high in iron and I need to get my iron up as I'll be donating blood soon.
    Sleep in flannel PJ bottoms and a short-sleeve T-shirt

    This was fun…thanks for the assignment!

  2. 1. Song you can’t get out of your head?

    I don't often have songs stuck in my head… so at the moment none.

    2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
    vanilla! i love that you can dress it up with flavors: brown sugar, whiskey, molasses, caramel, magic shell… endless!

    3. Are you a polka dots, stripes or sequins kind of girl?
    I SAY polka dots, but as I think about it… I don't have anything with dots!

    4. Your favorite beauty product or secret?

    5. Favorite spot in the area (or state) you live in?
    I really love Santa Cruz winter or summer. It's so laid back and friendly for pedestrians.

    6. Current app/website addiction (besides Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest)?
    I'm always on fark, the commenters can be so clever!

    7. What’s at the very top of your Christmas list this year?
    More brush heads for my clarisonic.

    8. What is your favorite color?
    I'm partial to dark greens, purples, teal, and mustard

    9. What do you order when you go to a coffee shop?
    I do not go to coffee shops very often, but if I do manage to go, a caramel frappacino.

    10. Favorite place to shop?
    Amazon. I give them all my monies.

    11. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
    I'm planning a trip to Vegas which I'm very excited about. But if money and time was no thing, I would love to travel somewhere far, like New Zealand.

    12. Go-to nail polish color?
    Nude. Makes my nails look lovely, healthy and shiney.

    13. What is your favorite outfit?
    Bootcut jeans and a graphic tee with my chucks.

    14. Do you have any body mods (tattoo, piercing, etc.)?
    My ears are pierced twice, but I very rarely wear earrings. I also have my belly button done.

    15. What animal would you be, based on your personality?
    Something boring like a house cat. They are passive aggressive and show affection on their terms.

    16. What is your favorite song?
    If I base this on what I pick the most often, then it would be Peacock by Katy Perry. It is so ridiculous it makes me laugh.

    17. What is one object that you use daily, that you really love?
    Chapstick: addicted!

    18. What is one non-holiday thing you're looking forward to in the next few months?
    Looking forward to having eye insurance and getting new glasses!

    19. How do you take your coffee (or tea?)
    Cold, hot, dark, flavored, sweet, candy, icecream. LOVE COFFEE.

    20. What is your current food obsession?
    I just bought some basil and that stuff smells so amazing I want to use it in everything.

    21. What do you wear to sleep in?
    Right now for winter: flannel pj bottoms, graphic tee that isn't nice enough to wear out anymore

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