Tag: TV

  • Quite The SUR-prise

    Quite The SUR-prise

      Okay, the first time I heard about the reality show Vanderpump Rules, I thought it was a joke.   It’s a soap opera surrounding the bed-hopping staff of a restaurant owned by a Real Housewife.   I, a connoisSUR of reality TV of the lowest order, refused to lower myself to watch it.   So I’m halfway…

  • ER is on Hulu, and I’ve Never Been Happier

    ER is on Hulu, and I’ve Never Been Happier

      Let me tell you a little story about Teenage Meghan.   She was SOOOO OBSESSED with the television show ER, that she dressed up as one of the characters for Halloween in senior year. Every Friday lunch period, she would perform an elaborate one-woman recap of the previous night’s episode of ER — including musical parodies — because she was…

  • Fall TV That Is Pulling Me Through

    Fall TV That Is Pulling Me Through

      I love television. I just love television. It’s easy to forget every fall, caught up in the excitement for leaves and scarves and Pumpkin Spice Everything™, that FALL is also the season that television gets GOOD again! (I literally almost typed “television gets GREAT again” but then I realized that I had typed 2/4ths of “Make…

  • The Bachelorette Week 5 Recap Pie Chart

    The Bachelorette Week 5 Recap Pie Chart

      # of men who leave: 2 # of men remaining: 6 # of times Derek looked directly into a camera: 2

  • 5 Things You Need To Get Over Already

    5 Things You Need To Get Over Already

    I get it, I get it, we like to yak. We like to gripe, we like to complain, and we LOVE to air our grievances. Sure, most of the time, there’s stuff to be pissed about: global warming, homophobes, dress codes, TRUMP. But henceforth, I declare an absolute kibosh on complaining about the following 5…

  • Millennials


    Me in 1987, full Millennial mode. Wearing a tiara like the princess I *think* I am. Typical entitled Millennial. My name is Meghan.  I was born in 1984.  I am a Millennial. I grew up reading Goosebumps books on the swing set in my suburban backyard, watching Chris Farley on Saturday Night Live on a…

  • Love Letter to Law & Order: SVU

    Love Letter to Law & Order: SVU

    Law & Order: SVU has been on television for 17 Seasons – the age of legal consent in New York State!  What?  Don’t act like you’re not in love with SVU, and don’t act shocked!  It’s been 17 seasons of twisted plotlines, tense standoffs, mistaken identity, snatched babies and jaw-dropping twists.  SVU is the longest-lasting…

  • Currently… in February 2016

    Currently… in February 2016

    FEELING:  The never-ending cold has passed!  But not before I “passed” it to my boyfriend!  Aww, shucks.  Well, now we’re both feeling better and it is glorious not to be sick anymore! WATCHING:  Alternating between Flavor of Love and Law and Order: SVU because they inspire me – no really!  I wrote about reality TV…

  • Can You Be A Feminist And LOVE Reality TV?

    Can You Be A Feminist And LOVE Reality TV?

    Can you be a feminist and – YES.  Shhh.  YES YOU CAN.  You can be a feminist and do whatever you want. But. I looooooove Reality TV – especially dating shows.  My favourite dating shows are of the “_____ of Love” oeuvre.  The challenges are over-the-top ridiculous (Mud Bowl!), the glitz and glamour is outrageous…

  • Say Yes To The Dress

    Say Yes To The Dress

    I always catch a face-full of heck when I tell people that my favourite TV show is Say Yes to the Dress.  Now, before you roll your eyes and assume I’m the type of girl who wears a unicorn onesie to bed, I’ll have you know two things:  number one, my unicorn onesie is quality…

  • QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    QUIZ! Which #Squad Should You Hang With?

    1.  What types of activities do your #squad typically enjoy doing? A.  We get into all sorts of trouble.  Like, literal trouble. B.  Dishing about our sex lives! C.  Something courageous and selfless, aww. D.  Dishing about our sex lives…or should I say, lack thereof. 2.  What food do you serve your #squad besties? A. …

  • Currently… in November 2015

    Currently… in November 2015

    FEELING:  A little bit under the weather, but I may just be hungover as I write this!  Halloween was such a blast, and I went out for a drink after my tour with my boyfriend and friend and may have overdone it…ughhh… I do have a clean bill of health from my doctor though! WATCHING: …

  • What Are You Afraid Of???

    What Are You Afraid Of???

    Irrational fears:  everyone’s got ’em.  When I give ghost tours, I talk about hauntings and serial killers and people love it but heaven forbid a rat runs by, and they lose their shit!!!  Rats are just squirrels with bad haircuts!  Rats are a totally irrational fear – leave them alone, and they won’t bother you!…

  • Guilty Pleasure Wedding Reality Show

    Guilty Pleasure Wedding Reality Show

    VO:  This week on Guilty Pleasure Wedding Show, a natural blonde in her early-mid-twenties plans the wedding of her dreams to her 5%-less-attractive-than-her-but-inexplicably-wealthy-despite-working-for-his-father fiancee.  We’ll watch as they drama unfolds while she attempts to live out a princess fantasy for some reason and he counters her at every turn by picking a fight.  Abandon your…

  • Background


    So, I posted here that a couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to perform as “background” on a pilot that was shooting in NYC!  Here’s what I learned: CONGRATULATIONS!  You’ve been cast as WOMAN AT BAR in the exciting pilot production of UNTITLED PILOT TBA !!!  You’ve got a call time just after dawn,…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Hey Teacher…

    5 Fandom Friday: Hey Teacher…

    This topic is near and dear to my heart, since I worked in a school for a year and definitely had delusions of wanting to be a teacher (!!!) for a while, and though that didn’t really pan out, I do have massive respect for these fictional teachers for actually doing it! 1.  Miss Mason,…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Apocalypse NO

    5 Fandom Friday: Apocalypse NO

    The apocalypse is no fun, people.  Shit goes down, you gotta have a seriously good crew.  This week, we have the opportunity to assemble our apocalypse-proof posse to help us through these trying times. 1.  Buffy Summers  has survived how many apocalypses now?  She’s basically a pro at this.  I would have Buffy as my…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I can’t even.  This week we’re talking about fandom a deaths we still can’t even.  Oh, the feels.  Dare we?  Truly, dare we? 1.  Hoban Washburne from Firefly  sorry if you didn’t see the movie, but this happens, and it’s DREADFUL.  Funny story:  after seeing the movie, I had pizza at John’s of Bleecker, and…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  You Said It

    5 Fandom Friday: You Said It

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday is inspired by la langue de geek, it’s those geeky phrases by which we all identify each other and converse by droppin catchphrases yo! 1.  “It’s in the frackin’ ship!”  oh man, this more than probably any is my favourite to whip out during parties.  Squint one eye shut, grasp…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Spin Spin Spinoff

    5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff

    I’m not a fan of spinoffs, generally, since Angel was such a disappointment after Buffy.  Most of the things I love just happen to wrap up in tidy, complete packages.  I can’t imagine, for instance, continuing the story of Les Miserables, or Battlestar Galactica, or Love in the Time of Cholera.  So I struggled immensely…