Fall TV That Is Pulling Me Through


I love television. I just love television. It’s easy to forget every fall, caught up in the excitement for leaves and scarves and Pumpkin Spice Everything™, that FALL is also the season that television gets GOOD again! (I literally almost typed “television gets GREAT again” but then I realized that I had typed 2/4ths of “Make America Great Again” and I broke out in a cold sweat and had to go back and delete it, but it was still so awful that I had to tell you about it). I haven’t had a TV in years, so I haven’t been watching as much, but thanks to Hulu I can catch up on TV after it airs! I just have to beware of spoilers! And for once, there are some current shows I’m really excited about viewing all new episodes of this fall. And they are…*drumroll*…



Bob’s Burgers

This is such a heart-warming, gentle show. I don’t even care if it’s very good, it makes me feel good, and that’s all I really care about! It’s such an endearing show that’s also actually funny! I absolutely see myself in Tina, the Tina-centered episodes are my favorite.


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Am I gonna sit here and lie to you and say that Season 19 is as good as Seasons 1 – 9? No, it is not. It doesn’t even hold a candle to “classic” SVU… but in some ways, that’s actually awesome?? It’s gotten a lot hokier and a lot more contrived, which, actually, I’m totally okay with! Look, back in the day, we could handle a deeply unsettling SVU surprise reveal, but now, daily life is so stressful, that we need these fluffier plot lines. At least, I DO!



Brooklyn Nine-Nine

As I said in last month’s favorites post, this is probably the best show on television at present. It’s socially conscious AND goofy AND clever AND the writing is good AND the characters are perfect. Like, if you come away from this post excited about ONE new show, it should be this one. There’s FOUR SEASONS of this on Hulu, and you’re gonna want to start at the beginning, so this can be your light-hearted binge-worthy fare.


The Good Place

Yeah, I know! I’m surprised, too! I saw the posters in the subway for Season 1 last year and I thought it looked AWFUL. I hadn’t heard ANY talk about it or buzz from anyone! I don’t even remember what possessed me to binge-watch the whole Season 1 on Hulu after it had concluded on TV (it’s now on Netflix too BTW) but I’m SO GLAD I DID. And I have high hopes for Season Two, as well! Holy motherforking shirtballs, this is ACTUALLY FUNNY! It’s very dark humor, and the acting leaves a bit to be desired (sorry!), but the worldbuilding is so fleshed out and visually stunning. You could easily binge this over the weekend and be all caught up to the current season!


Saturday Night Live

Who’d have imagined that it would take the imminent destruction of our known world to make a 40-year old variety show good again??? Just when everything else started to suck, SNL started to unsuck and has been reborn…again…and it’s GOOD! Not just the political stuff but like, mainly? There’s also been some excellent work on original songs and digital shorts. I’m SO EXCITED to watch this every Sunday (cuz that’s when it posts to Hulu)!


South Park

Yesssss I know this show is problematic, and sometimes it makes me REALLY uncomfortable, and there hasn’t been an episode this season that hasn’t made me cringe, but it’s vital that someone do this kind of work. There. I said it. Disagree with me in the comments all you like, I still think it’s an important show.



Now, here’s the rub: two new-ish shows I’m dying to watch are NOT on Hulu yet. HULU! YOU HEAR ME! YOU NEED TO GET ON THIS!!!! I have no idea how it’s going to happen, but I really do want to watch:


Broad City

I don’t understand it, the previous season was on Hulu and everything!!! What’s going on??? Why am I being tortured like this??? I have to figure something out, before this entire season gets methodically spoiled for me on social media. Big frowny face.


Will & Grace

I have heard very, VERY mixed things about the much-anticipated reboot of this show. I am desperate for the opportunity to form my own opinion!!! I remember watching the show when I was a teenager and thinking it was so revolutionary and so clever, but I don’t know if the original show has aged well, OR if the same concept translates into modern audiences? I have to find out!!!



What TV are you excited for? If it’s any of these, tell me how you’re liking the new season!!! I’ll tell you…the day after it airs! Thanks, HULU!!!


2 responses to “Fall TV That Is Pulling Me Through”

  1. chelsea w Avatar
    chelsea w

    I’m also a fan of Hulu. (And Amazon, and Netflix… I watch way too much TV.) I was so surprised I liked The Good Place too. I thought it was going to try to be too funny and end up flat on its face. However, I really like the idea for it and I love the characters. JANET is my favorite, good golly she is THE best. Also, I thought the new Will & Grace WAS on Hulu? You might want to check again because I could have sworn I just saw it the other day. I am watching Difficult People (although I find it *difficult* to get through lately. It’s bordering on too offensive at points). I’ve been watching The Mick, but the last few episodes just kind of…how do I put this…pretty much sucked. I want to watch Ghosted because I’ve actually heard some fairly decent things about it. I have seen clips of Brooklyn Nine-Nine but I think I’ve just always been caught up watching something else, so I’ve never actually sat down and watched an entire episode! Shame on me. I’ll definitely start watching one tonight just for you. I’m sure I’ll love it.

    1. I will say it maybe took me a couple of episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine to get into it, but it only increases in genius!!!

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