Tag: Trader Joe’s

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Crispy Crunchy Okra

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Crispy Crunchy Okra

      Tastes Like:  Aight, these are BOUGIE SNACKS. They taste like across between SnapPeas (bougie) and dried salted seaweed snacks (bougie) and kale chips (ugh, remember when those were EVERYWHERE? BOOOOUGIE). Great With: I think these would be good for like… giving to kids? To force them to eat vegetables? I dunno. Perfect For: Gwyneth…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Mini Brie Bites

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Mini Brie Bites

      Tastes Like:  I’m gonna try to keep this under 500 words. It’s gonna be hard. In the past, the circles of “Good Brie” and “Affordable Brie” were miles apart from each other, and in the vast crevasse between, lived many regrettable BAD BRIES which I bought in desperate need of some tangy soft cheese, yet…

  • Gluteny Foods That I Would Eat If I Could, But I Can’t, So I Don’t

    Gluteny Foods That I Would Eat If I Could, But I Can’t, So I Don’t

      So the other day, my BGFF told me that she saw gluten digestive aid for sale. Like, pills that would help me digest gluten! Do these work? Can it be true? Yours Truly is very nearly having a B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y, and when she blows out the candles, she’ll be wishing that it does work. That maybe, like a Fairy Godmother, the…

  • BACK OFF: An Unpleasant Trader Joe’s Story

    BACK OFF: An Unpleasant Trader Joe’s Story

      “Personal Space” is a funny concept in New York City. In a municipality where we think nothing of entwining our legs with a stranger’s on the subway to keep our balance on that crowded L train, there are still clearly situations where there is an accepted distance that one keeps from other people. On…

  • This Fast And Easy Huevos Rancheros Recipe Is Ideal For When You Are Too Depressed To Cook Actual Food

    This Fast And Easy Huevos Rancheros Recipe Is Ideal For When You Are Too Depressed To Cook Actual Food

      I am obsessed with A Cup of Jo’s consistently tantalizing Trader Joe’s-based content. I mean, I’ve adored Jo’s aesthetic for years (millennial pink mmmmkay), and the fact that her team of writers seem as addicted to the consistently low prices and great value of Joe’s grocery store as I am seems to validate my obsession.   You know…

  • GOOD NEWS! It’s Ordinary Time

    GOOD NEWS! It’s Ordinary Time

      I’m so happy that I’m doing this again! This guitar pick is a story.I was back at Trader Joe’s, the same place where I was gifted delicious cookies! It’s also where I shop for groceries every week, so, don’t act too surprised that I was there. I was in line down the toiletries/trail mix aisle, and…

  • Chivalry Isn’t Dead!!! — You Can Get It At Trader Joe’s

    Chivalry Isn’t Dead!!! — You Can Get It At Trader Joe’s

      If you live in New York or — heck — the EAST COAST, even, you might have gotten buried under a shit-ton of snow yesterday??? Yeah, I noticed. It snowed! I was a snow-skeptic, though, RIGHT up until the last minute. Which is why I decided it was a GREAT IDEA to go grocery…

  • The Only Things I Ever Buy At Trader Joe’s. No, Really.

    The Only Things I Ever Buy At Trader Joe’s. No, Really.

    So back like, two years ago? I lived in Manhattan and close to a train line that ran basically from Trader Joe’s TO MY HOUSE.   *pause for a moment of silence as we remember*   This was the best because I could easily lug home whatever I wanted, and thus, anything I wanted, I would just chuck…

  • Good News…Same As It Ever Was….

    Good News…Same As It Ever Was….

    Ok. I’m freaking out. You’re freaking out. I just remembered what day it was and here I am, in front of all this uplifting *CoNtEnT* trying to justify it.   I started doing this when I felt overwhelmed by the news. I guess keeping it up is most important when it’s hard. When you’re like,…

  • I Love You, You’re Perfect, But…

    I Love You, You’re Perfect, But…

    Around Valentine’s Day, you see lots of sappy posts cropping up from coupled bloggers about how much they love their significant other, how they’re the greatest in the world, blah blah blah.  This isn’t one of those. Well, obviously, all those other posts neglect to mention the fact that my boyfriend is clearly the best…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Girls Just Wanna Have Pumpkin!

    5 Fandom Friday: Girls Just Wanna Have Pumpkin!

    It’s that time of year!  Time for Pumpkin Everything.  Ornamental gourds?  CHECK.  Coffee-flavoured beverages?  CHECK.  Grab your nearest infinity scarf and strap on those black leggings, it’s time to go pumpkin picking!  Not real pumpkins, hello, what do you think this is, Long Island?  Aw.  Hell.  Naw.  This is Brooklyn, not to be confused with…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Chunky Artichoke & Jalapeno Dip

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Chunky Artichoke & Jalapeno Dip

    Trader Joe’s Chunky Artichoke & Jalapeño Dip Tastes Like:  It’s not as spicy as you would imagine!  But it is EVERY bit as chunky as the name suggests.  It’s not so much a “dip” as it is a “scoop” or maybe even a “spread” – use a fancy little butter or cheese knife to put…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Biotin

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Biotin

    Trader Joe’s Biotin 5,000 mcg Tastes Like:  Don’t taste it, just swallow it.  This is a dietary supplement that I’ve been taking for over a year now, and let me tell you.  My hair used to fall out every time I washed it, there would be a whole Wookie worth of hair in the tub. …

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Cheddar and Horseradish Flavored Potato Chips

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Cheddar and Horseradish Flavored Potato Chips

    Trader Joe’s Cheddar and Horseradish Potato Chips Tastes Like:  Your new favourite potato chip.  Extremely cheesy, with a spicy aftertaste.  Look, these chips absolutely deliver on that flavor promise in a BIG way. Great With:  Cold beers, seltzer, and possibly plain sour cream as a dip, but these are delicious all by themselves! Perfect For: …

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: String Cheese

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: String Cheese

    Trader Joe’s String Cheese Tastes Like:  The perfect string cheese – strings delicately, not too much of that “processed” chemical taste, light and cheesy! Great With:  moar cheese Perfect For:  Folks who forage the fridge for a tiny, quick snack Must Know:  Not vegan. Costs:  $3.49 for twelve sticks.  Gone in a flash.

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Gluten-Free Plain Bagels

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gluten-Free Plain Bagels

    Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Plain Bagels Tastes Like:  These, you guys, are the best gluten-free bagels I have ever eaten!  The texture of bagels usually comes from extra gluten, so making bagels that hit close to the right texture without gluten is tough.  They usually taste like dry sponges.  But these, guys, are so good I…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Brown Rice Pasta Fusilli

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Brown Rice Pasta Fusilli

    Trader Joe’s Brown Rice Pasta Fusilli Tastes Like:  Pasta!  You probably would never know the difference if I snuck this to you on the sly and never tipped my hand.  The uncooked brown colour fades and the pasta looks like regular wheat pasta…if maybe a little more translucent. Great With:  Anything you normally pasta with. …

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Salt Water Taffy

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Salt Water Taffy

    Trader Joe’s Salt Water Taffy Tastes Like:  Taffy!  Very sticky, if you’re a stickler for texture.  The Red Licorice flavour is, surprisingly, my favourite!  Followed by the Watermelon, which is just a bit more unique than average watermelon flavour.  The Strawberry Banana is just this side of cloying (still good!) and the Sour Apple flavour…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Vegetable Panang Curry

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Vegetable Panang Curry

    Trader Joe’s Vegetable Panang Curry Tastes Like:  Slightly sweet (coconut?) surry with a nice medley of vegetables over AMAZING RICE.  I am not usually a rice fan, but when rice is done well, it’s excellent.  And this rice that you cook in the microwave is excellent. Great With:  A little extra-firm tofu thrown in.  Or…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Tomato & Basil Hummus Dip

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Tomato & Basil Hummus Dip

    Trader Joe’s Tomato and Basil Hummus Dip Tastes Like:  Sweet, creamy tomato sauce!  This is the THING! Great With:  Carrots, corn tortilla, maybe even crickets!  Just kidding.  Maybe. Perfect For:  Hummus ennui – when you think you’ve been around and had it all, and can’t tell the difference anymore.  This is a game-changer to shake…