Tag: rants

  • Open Letter to Cosmopolitan UK – Let Me Introduce You To A Blogger

    Open Letter to Cosmopolitan UK – Let Me Introduce You To A Blogger

    Look, CosmoUK!  A Blogger, drinking coffee!  Woah woah wait, call off the hounds, I only wanna talk to you. Okay so by now we all know what you, Cosmopolitan UK, said about bloggers, there’s no need for me to even link to the article to give it more pageviews.  Maybe there are shocking cultural differences…

  • Introducing: the Femternet!

    Introducing: the Femternet!

    Ladies, ladies, ladies!  Tired of logging on to the Internet for personal, educational or professional use only to be inundated by the following ‘minor’ annoyances?: mansplaining unwanted sexual advances targeted harassment from complete strangers death threats doxing having to move your family because of doxing losing your job over targeted online harassment sexual harassment unsolicited…

  • 2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    What the hell is this post, a shameless plug for my Instagram?  On the one hand, yes definitely.  On the other hand, I’ve felt an Instagram rant has been long overdue from me and I want to get my feelings out there and see what you think.  But first, the ‘grams: 1.  My top ‘gram…

  • Body Acceptance Road Trip

    Body Acceptance Road Trip

    Let’s go on a journey! ROAD TRIP!  We’re on our Body Acceptance journey, gurl – just you, and me, the Nagging Little Voice Inside Your Head!  And you’re in the driver’s seat – not food, not thinking about food, not wondering how many rice cakes is an ounce.  Ugh!  Whose idea was it to put…

  • How [NOT] to Get Well Soon

    How [NOT] to Get Well Soon

    Hey everybody, I’m sick!  Yes, ‘still.’  In fact, I’ve been sick for this entire year (and then some)!  I’m afraid it’s GCD – Generic Coughing Disease.  GCD first broke out as an epidemic sometime around 2001, during the peak of my obsession with Les Miserables (“Oh, Fantine…”) and the release of Moulin Rouge.  Generic Coughing…

  • Stop Hassling Couples On Their Phones!!

    Stop Hassling Couples On Their Phones!!

    It’s open season on couples who use their cell phones in each other’s presence. Admit it – in the gut of your heart, when you see a man and woman in the candlelit corner of some hip, romantic restaurant staring lovingly into their…PHONES…you probably sneer, or scoff, or joke to your table “I’d hate to…

  • Say Yes To The Dress

    Say Yes To The Dress

    I always catch a face-full of heck when I tell people that my favourite TV show is Say Yes to the Dress.  Now, before you roll your eyes and assume I’m the type of girl who wears a unicorn onesie to bed, I’ll have you know two things:  number one, my unicorn onesie is quality…

  • Words for Sale

    Words for Sale

    Every blogger’s dream is to one day get that email. “Networking opportunity brand campaign paid compensation?” they chirp, “Outstanding opportunity exposure!  Payment for Talent opportunity!” Buzzwords buzz but you zero in on that word:  PAID.  It’s as though you’ve been blogging for years on a deserted island hoping that someone would rescue you, and you…

  • OOPS! Accident Prone!

    OOPS! Accident Prone!

    ” A C C I D E N T   P R O N E “ If four syllables describe me better, I’ve yet to find them.  I’m the queen of accidental self-injury, breaking things, and ruining everything!  I’m Lucille Ball re-incarnate, down to the mournful wail of defeat.  Please refer to fig. A: A Brief…

  • 25 Pet Peeves

    25 Pet Peeves

    Oh, boy, did I unload here!  Let’s get to it:  Darling Stewie (that’s her blog name and me being jocundly affectionate) posted a list of 25 Pet Peeves as a “Doggy Bag” post!  So I drank two Frangelicos, lit some incense, and purged my 25 biggest pet peeves out into this disasterpiece.  It’s dark!  Political! …

  • The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 1

    The Twelve Freakouts of Christmas, pt. 1

    For the First Christmas Freakout My True Love Gave to Me:  The Window Displays Freakout “I’m still hung over from Halloween!  I’m not ready to deal with this shit!  I don’t have plans for Thanksgiving yet, and I haven’t even accomplished one of my New Year’s Resolutions!  I rebuke thee, Santa!” For the 2nd Christmas…

  • How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    How Do You Deal With Trolls?

    Haters, to the left!  It seems there are some people out there who never learned how to politely disagree with other human beings!  And now that the Internet has made us a Global Community, people are able to voice their opinions out loud and proud for everyone to hear! Sadly, this also means that the…

  • Are You Blogging For All The Wrong Reasons???

    Are You Blogging For All The Wrong Reasons???

    Following the bombshell reactions to Essena O’Neill leaving social media (and prompted by this blogging e-course I’m taking via The Nectar Collective), I have really started to wonder, “Am I blogging for all the wrong reasons?” Essena says she turned to social media looking for fame and approval.  She says young girls want to be…



    Loathe as I am to even grant this video more views than it already has, I watched it yesterday through my fingers, with all the lights on, covering my mouth in advance of the vomit I felt rising in my throat.  It’s less than six minutes long, but it’s the scariest horror movie you’re going…

  • Graveyard of Dead Blogger Cliches

    Graveyard of Dead Blogger Cliches

    Hang around the blogging community long enough and you will become familiar with its clichés.  Like, remember that year we were all obsessed with chevron?  EVERYTHING had to be chevron – blog banners, blog backgrounds, EXPECIALLY blog buttons!  Why, you just weren’t a serious blogger if you sported plain horizontal stripes – they had to…

  • Let’s Talk About Periods, Okay?

    Let’s Talk About Periods, Okay?

    Halloween is just around the corner, and everyone is abuzz talking about horror movies, so why not talk about my favourite horror of all time? Yes, I just equated periods to horror movies.  They are kind of the same, aren’t they?  You like the idea of them, but still get grossed out by all the…

  • Guilty Pleasure Wedding Reality Show

    Guilty Pleasure Wedding Reality Show

    VO:  This week on Guilty Pleasure Wedding Show, a natural blonde in her early-mid-twenties plans the wedding of her dreams to her 5%-less-attractive-than-her-but-inexplicably-wealthy-despite-working-for-his-father fiancee.  We’ll watch as they drama unfolds while she attempts to live out a princess fantasy for some reason and he counters her at every turn by picking a fight.  Abandon your…

  • VLOG!!!  “What’s Wrong With Telling Women To Smile?”

    VLOG!!! “What’s Wrong With Telling Women To Smile?”

    I will never stop being amazed at people who don’t understand why it’s not okay to tell women to smile.  So, I decided to take it to the video, and break it down for you!  And them!  And the world!  Ooooooh-kay, so you’re probably asking yourself, “What IS wrong with telling women to smile?”  I…

  • My Turn-Ons Include…

    My Turn-Ons Include…

    So the BIG NEWS this week is that Playboy won’t be printing images of naked women in their magazine anymore!!  I’ll give you a minute to digest that news (and to read the article behind the link) because I know that it is JUST SO SHOCKING you’ll need a second.  Are we all up to…

  • Me?  Unfriendly?

    Me? Unfriendly?

    I did something I never thought I’d do the other day.  Something I always said I’d never do*.  For the first time, I unfriended someone on Facebook because I was offended. *Let me be clear:  this is not the first time I’ve unfriended someone on Facebook, and I’m not against unfriending people who have stalked…