Tag: music

  • Atheist Christmas Carols!

    Alternet has clearly read my mind this year:  they’ve produced a fairly good list of Atheist-friendly Christmas songs!  Songs that do not mention Jesus, God, Saints, Angels, Miracles, or Virgin Births…because while Atheists may not like those things, we do loooove music.  We need it for our baby-eating rituals!  Check out the list, it’s interesting…

  • Let Me Take You Down

    Let Me Take You Down

    Every year, on December 8th, mourners gather at the Imagine Memorial in Strawberry Fields to sing and remember John Lennon.  This year, I trudged through thick, wet snow after work to make it there.  I sang “Hello, Goodbye” and “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away.”  I tried to take a video but it was…

  • Re-Stringing the Pearls

    Re-Stringing the Pearls

    So for Thanksgiving I went with my boyfriend and his entire extended family to a fancy fancy restaurant.  Can you say nervous?  And you know me, I would LIVE in sweatpants if I could.  Getting fancy happens once in a very, very, very rare occurrence.  But I donned an all-black ensemble and topped it off…

  • Chain Mail

    Chain Mail

    I love questionnaires! I found this one courtesy, once again, of Angie from Lariats and Lavender, which is a blog I’ve been a fan of for a long time!, who found it from Kyla at Kyla is Inspired, which is a blog I just discovered and is really lovely!!! 1.  Song you can’t get out…

  • Sunday Morning

    Today, the world lost a rock and roll legend.  Lou Reed, frontman of The Velvet Underground, passed away at 71 years young. Rest in Peace.

  • A Whole New Wave

    Fall has officially hit, the temperatures are cooler and it’s time to bust out the black leather jackets!  Here’s what I’ve been plugging into my ears lately: A Whole New Wave by MeghanSara on Grooveshark

  • Headphones In

    Headphones In

    In New York City, there is an accepted decorum for addressing someone on the train when they have their headphones in:  YOU DON’T. There are exceptions, of course: 1.  If they dropped something important and haven’t noticed:  a large wad of cash, their iPhone, their baby.  Anything else, LEAVE THEM ALONE. 2.  If you are…

  • Awesome Weekend-Brag

    Awesome Weekend-Brag

    Welcome back to the other side of the weekend!  Working a non-traditional job, I have a weird concept of what a “weekend” is. Soucre:  TV Guide Nevertheless, My weekend starts on Wednesday night (like Friday night for you folks) and Saturday is my “Sunday.”  Well, this weekend I kicked off by giving an awesome private…

  • Skulls and Roses

    Skulls and Roses

    Clutch your pearls and reach for the smelling salts, I’m doing an outfit post. Everybody liked this dress so much when I posted about it on Sunday Social/Instagram, I’m afraid it’s become a runaway hit.  I try to save it for special occasions. Like my bracelet?  I made it!  I’ve been just slightly obsessed with…

  • My First Rock Concert(s)

    My First Rock Concert(s)

    I’ve alluded here before to the fact that I’m nearly 29 and have never been to a rock concert.  Pause to grasp that, moving on. Last week I attended not ONE, but TWO LIVE ROCK SHOWS in 48 hours’ time.  WHAT! First, I went to a place called The Canal Roomto see the music video…

  • Friday, I’m in Love (Songs)

    Friday, I’m in Love (Songs)

    These days, you don’t see me out and about without my headphones practically glued into my ears.  I am so into discovering new music lately and realized to my horror recently that many of them are – gulp! – love songs!  Sappy shit, who knew?  So I’m sharing today, my current playlist of pathetically adorable…

  • …Love and Tenderness

    I am very impatient by nature.  I like to solve problems.  It’s what I do!  Having participated in Odyssey of the Mind (“a creative problem-solving competition”) for seven years, I always believe that there is an elegant and swift solution to any problem.  And that I can find it.  And solve it. What frustrates me…

  • Only Music

    Only Music

    My Current Play Loop by MeghanSara on Grooveshark “I Feel Pretty” – West Side Story:  Yeah, take that, Miss America, I’m freaking GORGEOUS.  This song makes me feel light and happy and reminds me to love myself. “Sugar” – The Orion Experience:  As if I don’t hear enough candy songs during the day at work? …

  • Currently…in April 2013

    Currently…in April 2013

    Feeling:  Congested!  I’m getting over the flu!  I worked long hours during the worst of it.  Today is my day of rest and recovery.  I’m looking forward to doing a lot of nothing, sitting in a hot bath until the water turns cold around me, dragging out my orange fleece blanket, and watching trash TV…

  • Dream A Little Dream

    I was 23.  I was in love.  And I was on top of the world.  Figuratively and, it seemed, literally as well.  I would drive to the top of the highest hill in my neighborhood and look down at the sleepy town below, pulling over to the curb and putting the car into park.  Looking…

  • Currently…in February 2013

    Loving:  The “warmer” weather!  I only wore ONE pair of leggings under my pants today.  And three shirts.  But it smelled like spring! Music:  Portishead Portishead Portishead. And this: Reading:  Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion Wanting: Everything at Bath & Body Works in the Aromatherapy Orange Ginger collection.  I got this scrub and am so…

  • Valentine’s Day is Coming Up and That Means…

    …Oh don’t look at me so coyly.  Even the weekly Target ad had a two-page spread of lingerie.  Roses, candles, chocolates…and on top of that, it’s cold outside.  Need to generate heat somehow and hey, here’s an idea, turn up this playlist to block out the neighbor’s repetitive playing of the same song they’ve been…

  • A Peek At… Tom’s Restaurant

    A Peek At… Tom’s Restaurant

    “What’s the deal with Tom’s Restaurant?” I’ll tell you. First of all, you may recognize the outside of Tom’s Restaurant as being the exterior shot used for the diner oft-visited by Jerry, Kramer, Elaine, and George in a little TV show they call Seinfeld. Secondly, this little Morningside Heights gem was immortalized in song by…

  • Lou Reed on How Not To Suck

    Ladies and Gentlemen, my favourite song of all time: Are you swaying in your seat? Remember:  You’re going to reap just what you sow.

  • The 70’s on Sunday

    If I had a time machine, I might choose any period in time to travel to – but I might travel back to the time of the 70’s on Sunday. You may have misunderstood.  The 70’s on Sunday was a weekly day-long radio show on the local oldies station where all the songs played that…