Tag: music

  • Christmas Traditions:  With Bells On

    Christmas Traditions: With Bells On

    This is me, “forcing festive” on my way to work.  Growing up, I would take the big gold bell ornaments and dangle them from my pigtails while I decorated the tree.  Jingling all the way, I’m trying to put a brave face on for this holiday. This year, I’ll be home with bells on….if only…

  • Christmas Traditions: Sing It Loud

    My last Christmas gift this year arrived just in time.  Yesterday was again marred by tragedy, and although we survived the apocalypse, sometimes losing a loved one can set your world on edge.  In the big, swirling wonder of it all, the futility of life can come into question. Music has always been a great…

  • Christmas Tradtitions: Feliz Navidad

    My family can be described unfavourably as just a wee bit competitive. Take Christmas, for example.  Because someone always tries.  With the best gift, the most outrageous cookies, the most festive holiday sweater. And then, there’s the family-wide radio contest that has made me jump inside my skin whenever I hear Jose Feliciano’s “Feliz Navidad.”…

  • Christmas Traditions:  Fakin’ It

    Christmas Traditions: Fakin’ It

    Christmas is kinda tough for me, y’all.  More lately than ever, I find myself Charlie Brown-ing my way through the season aimlessly.  The one upside of not going home to family for Christmas is knowing that I, unlike all you poor schlubs, don’t actually have to do any present shopping.  Ha ha.  But back to…

  • 30DHN:  Something That Means A Lot To Me

    30DHN: Something That Means A Lot To Me

    You know what?  I’m just going to come out and say it. My iPhone means a lot to me.Yup, you heard me.  I’m not going to apologize. In a very basic way, my iPhone keeps my life on track.  HopStop app helps me find my way home when adventures get out of hand.  The clock…

  • 30DHN:  Someone Who Inspires Me

    30DHN: Someone Who Inspires Me

    Source: greatmodernpictures.com via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: theberry.com via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: bohemianshoebox.tumblr.com via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: bradcoweb.com via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest

  • 30DHN:  Style Inspiration for the Season

    30DHN: Style Inspiration for the Season

    This fall/winter, as indeed every fall/winter, I start to get a little discontent. The cold makes me angry.  Layers upon layers of warm clothing needed to survive out in the windy streets feels like body armor.  Hunching your shoulders around your ears against the cold feels like the shrug of a malcontent.  And my fall/winter…

  • 30DHN: A Song For The Day

    30DHN: A Song For The Day

    Tori Amos makes me feel like and emotional and creative nincompoop sometimes.  Who knows how to be their own girl?  Ouch. “Girl”, Tori Amos

  • Past Life Regression: Musical Theatre Edition

    Okay, I have to come clean.  Yes, there is a new man in my life.  Well, not so new.  But he touches me like nobody else can, and has since I was 13 years old. This guy: Source: google.com via Rachael on Pinterest It’s Andrew Lloyd Webber, duh. Nothing like a sparkling ALW ballad to…

  • Imagine


    Imagine you get out of work, and the sun is still shining.  Imagine a cool breeze and hazy sunlight with the crisp chill of fall stinging your nose and cheeks.  Imagine taking a walk through Central Park past smiling faces, laughing children, and really REALLY cute upright bass players. Imagine you’re listening to Pandora radio…

  • Bad Reputation

    Bad Reputation

    I am getting somewhat of a reputation at work. For better or for worse, the month of August has been one of me coming even further out of my shell.  Having “lost” so much this month (and still not having anywhere to live next month, eek!), I have more of a devil-may-care attitude towards everything…

  • Everybody Wants to Rule the World

    Bonnie at Life of Bon is hosting a sweet link-up today!  And since my internet is working again, I have rejoined the world.  Now I get to pretend to rule it. First order of business, the internet always works!  How do you like me so far? Also, 24-hour laundromats.  Guess why they’re called “business hours”? …

  • I Kilt You Not

    I Kilt You Not

    This guy is not just a triple threat, he’s a quadruple threat – singing, dancing, harp-playing AND kilt-wearing. He played Rihanna’s “We Found Love” and I just about died. And then he danced a jubilant dance for us. Pure bliss!!

  • Sweet Seasons

    Sweet Seasons

    Happy First Day of Spring! (officially) And to all you others, a belated Happy Last Day You Can Rudely Point Out That It Isn’t Really Officially Spring Until March 20th. (that was yesterday) This winter has seen me a little blue.  I’ve had my ups and downs, but this past season I’ve been doubting my…

  • New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden in… Staten Island?!?

    New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden in… Staten Island?!?

    Would you believe these pictures were taken…. …on Staten Island??? That’s right, chickens, the Snug Harbor Cultural Center on Staten Island plays host to The New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden, a sensory overload of plants, architecture, and water features. When you visit botanic gardens in the winter, the good news is you usually get in…

  • Things I’m Digging On Lately

    Things I’m Digging On Lately

    I’m completely enamored of Sophie Blackall’s Arts for Transit project, Missed Connections on the New York subway.  I saw it on the F train on Thursday, and couldn’t decide who was my favourite!  The matchy-match suit guys, the scene kids in the left corner, or the balloon reading over someone’s shoulder! I am so in…

  • Let me take you down, cuz I’m going to…

    Let me take you down, cuz I’m going to…

    Visiting Strawberry Fields in Central Park is a religious experience. I’ve been thinking a lot about life, and how simple it all really is. I’m not a philosopher, or a psychologist – you may say, I’m a dreamer – but I have this new theory that I’ve been working on.  Here it is: Everyone wants…

  • Takin’ It To The Seats

    Takin’ It To The Seats

    There is an epidemic of rudeness on the A train whereby people – hell, MEN – take up more than one seat by deliberately spreading their legs apart. This is just NOT OKAY.  Some of them may not be aware that they are doing it, while others…well, they must relish in being enormous jerks.  Like…

  • Stuff I Just Don’t Understand The Appeal Of

    Stuff I Just Don’t Understand The Appeal Of

    Photo source Photo source Photo source Photo source Photo source Photo source